Democratic Strategist Talks About Biden’s Deteriorating Mental Health: ‘Clearly Not All There’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democratic Strategist Talks About Biden’s Deteriorating Mental Health: ‘Clearly Not All There’ (VIDEO)

Democratic Strategist Talks About Biden's Deteriorating Mental Health: 'Clearly Not All There' (VIDEO)
7 Mar 2020 ~~ By Aleister
Almost every time he speaks in public these days, he says or does something so off the wall that people talk about it.
One Democrat strategist, who happens to be a Bernie Sanders supporter addressed this on the Tucker Carlson show this week.

Breitbart has details:
Democrat Strategist Justin Horwitz: Joe Biden Is ‘Mentally Deteriorating’

Democrat strategist and backer of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Justin Horwitz said during a Thursday appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight that Joe Biden (D) is “mentally deteriorating” and that it will be a “disaster” if the Democrat establishment’s purported efforts to “shield” the former vice president prevail, leading to a head to head matchup with President Trump.
Horwitz, an outspoken Sanders supporter, spoke with Tucker Carlson Thursday night and discussed the Democrat establishment’s purported efforts to “shield” a “mentally deteriorating” Biden from the public.
“He is a candidate that is mentally deteriorating. People in the Democratic establishment say, ‘Oh don’t say that.’ They really believe that they can shield Joe Biden from public scrutiny and the reality is, they can’t,” he said.

“We all see what’s going on here and it’s going to be a disaster if we nominate Joe Biden,” he added.

At this point in the DNC presidential primaries it's quite obvious that Joey 'QPQ' Biden has serious mental problems. Is this Alzheimer's, Dementia?
Who would really be running America if Joe is elected? Certainly not him.
Will Hillary be nominated as VP?
This is not a race where mental capability matters. Remember, the opponent is Donald Trump.
"I'm Joe Biden, a candidate to the United States senate. Look me over, you're likely to see helped out if not both the other by give me a look though ok?. All men were created equal, by the ya know, the uh uh umm the thing.."

At this point in the DNC presidential primaries it's quite obvious that Joey 'QPQ' Biden has serious mental problems. Is this Alzheimer's, Dementia?
Who would really be running America if Joe is elected? Certainly not him.
Will Hillary be nominated as VP?
Like Botox Nancy said the only way to find out is to eliminate Bernie and have Old Sick Joe
announce his VP.
If it is Hillary you'd have the twin backlash from republicans and Sanders supporters so not only will Joe remain mentally diminished (25th Amendment, anyone?) but there isn't anyway at all the democrats could shield Corn Pop Joe from an electorate that doesn't want this sick man in office...especially with Killary as VP.

Is it hubris or just ignorant arrogance, perhaps the same thing, that makes the democrats want to keep backing this corrupt brain addled loser?
This is not a race where mental capability matters. Remember, the opponent is Donald Trump.
You mean that senile, incompetent old fool who kicked your ass four years ago and is even sharper, better prepared and more knowledgeable now than ever? Against a candidate with 1/8th the mental acuity of Hillary Clinton?
He doesn't have to be diagnosed with dementia to simply be slowing down mentally. I am 70, and I speak from experience.

Ironically, if he wins the presidency in an impaired condition, it probably won't make much difference. The Deep State will run everything, as they did before The Donald showed up, and no one will even notice the lack of a Commander in Chief. They will just march him out when it can't be avoided and he will be warned not to go off script.
This is not a race where mental capability matters. Remember, the opponent is Donald Trump.
Well mental capacity has never been a requirement for a progressive or a democrat. Are you not aware of liberal math that says Mike could have given everyone one in America a million dollars? U fortunately, ignorance is a virus racing through the democratic establishment.
Unless they can medically run Joe through a "Flowers for Algernon" segue, he'll burn in the fall debates.
Bernie and Biden is a disgrace. The Progs have no one to push. They let the Clintons's suppress any new blood that had a chance. If a Prog really does have one. What happens if Americans refuse to listen or obey to one of them that rules in the future? Obama did his damage. And was rewarded for it. A nice mansion on the ocean to spend the last decade of the living breathing gaia earth.
Bernie and Biden is a disgrace. The Progs have no one to push. They let the Clintons's suppress any new blood that had a chance. If a Prog really does have one. What happens if Americans refuse to listen or obey to one of them that rules in the future? Obama did his damage. And was rewarded for it. A nice mansion on the ocean to spend the last decade of the living breathing gaia earth.

What is their “new blood”? Wackos like AOC and Omar? LOL. None of those clowns have a chance in a national election. Honestly it’s surprising how Warren failed so epically. Even Dems rejected her bush it identity politics.
Democratic Strategist Talks About Biden’s Deteriorating Mental Health: ‘Clearly Not All There’ (VIDEO)

Democratic Strategist Talks About Biden's Deteriorating Mental Health: 'Clearly Not All There' (VIDEO)
7 Mar 2020 ~~ By Aleister
Almost every time he speaks in public these days, he says or does something so off the wall that people talk about it.
One Democrat strategist, who happens to be a Bernie Sanders supporter addressed this on the Tucker Carlson show this week.

Breitbart has details:
Democrat Strategist Justin Horwitz: Joe Biden Is ‘Mentally Deteriorating’

Democrat strategist and backer of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Justin Horwitz said during a Thursday appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight that Joe Biden (D) is “mentally deteriorating” and that it will be a “disaster” if the Democrat establishment’s purported efforts to “shield” the former vice president prevail, leading to a head to head matchup with President Trump.
Horwitz, an outspoken Sanders supporter, spoke with Tucker Carlson Thursday night and discussed the Democrat establishment’s purported efforts to “shield” a “mentally deteriorating” Biden from the public.
“He is a candidate that is mentally deteriorating. People in the Democratic establishment say, ‘Oh don’t say that.’ They really believe that they can shield Joe Biden from public scrutiny and the reality is, they can’t,” he said.
“We all see what’s going on here and it’s going to be a disaster if we nominate Joe Biden,” he added.

At this point in the DNC presidential primaries it's quite obvious that Joey 'QPQ' Biden has serious mental problems. Is this Alzheimer's, Dementia?
Who would really be running America if Joe is elected? Certainly not him.
Will Hillary be nominated as VP?

James Carville's gardener, mistook by Jill to be James Carville himself, would be running America.
Democratic Strategist Talks About Biden’s Deteriorating Mental Health: ‘Clearly Not All There’ (VIDEO)

Democratic Strategist Talks About Biden's Deteriorating Mental Health: 'Clearly Not All There' (VIDEO)
7 Mar 2020 ~~ By Aleister
Almost every time he speaks in public these days, he says or does something so off the wall that people talk about it.
One Democrat strategist, who happens to be a Bernie Sanders supporter addressed this on the Tucker Carlson show this week.

Breitbart has details:
Democrat Strategist Justin Horwitz: Joe Biden Is ‘Mentally Deteriorating’

Democrat strategist and backer of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Justin Horwitz said during a Thursday appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight that Joe Biden (D) is “mentally deteriorating” and that it will be a “disaster” if the Democrat establishment’s purported efforts to “shield” the former vice president prevail, leading to a head to head matchup with President Trump.
Horwitz, an outspoken Sanders supporter, spoke with Tucker Carlson Thursday night and discussed the Democrat establishment’s purported efforts to “shield” a “mentally deteriorating” Biden from the public.
“He is a candidate that is mentally deteriorating. People in the Democratic establishment say, ‘Oh don’t say that.’ They really believe that they can shield Joe Biden from public scrutiny and the reality is, they can’t,” he said.
“We all see what’s going on here and it’s going to be a disaster if we nominate Joe Biden,” he added.

At this point in the DNC presidential primaries it's quite obvious that Joey 'QPQ' Biden has serious mental problems. Is this Alzheimer's, Dementia?
Who would really be running America if Joe is elected? Certainly not him.
Will Hillary be nominated as VP?
I feel sorry for the Democrats, NOT...they are faced with two bad options, an anti American communist with highly controversial viewpoints, and a corrupt senior running on an already rejected third term of Obama, who's mental and physical health is deteriorating in front of the cameras. In other words, two defective White men that have been do-nothing lip service establishment politicians for decades. Exactly the type the public despises.

It will be easy for Trump to brand either of them, and then destroy them masterfully leading to a landslide victory in November, far greater than 2016.
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