Democratic Party Has No Patriotism

Democratic Party Has No Patriotism

Hilarious coming from people who admire Putin.
Democtats used to be a party of pride,patriotism, and God blessed American values. Now they hate all those things. BLM, Gay pride parades, constant attacks on white males by liberal media and professoriate. Hillary Clinton went to West Virginia and proposed those men in the coal mines should be out of a job. That’s the party of FDR? Truman? JFK? The Democrats are out of step with the American electorate. What happened. Why did generational Democrats turn toward Trump? We remember our nations history and her greatest sacrifices.

"This bot gets it!"

you post that our President is an international terrorist. I could have monitors remove this. But I am not a pussy and a crybaby like other people on the Board. Trump would say “keep the post up.” He is not thin skinned.
Democtats used to be a party of pride,patriotism, and God blessed American values. Now they hate all those things. BLM, Gay pride parades, constant attacks on white males by liberal media and professoriate. Hillary Clinton went to West Virginia and proposed those men in the coal mines should be out of a job. That’s the party of FDR? Truman? JFK? The Democrats are out of step with the American electorate. What happened. Why did generational Democrats turn toward Trump? We remember our nations history and her greatest sacrifices.

Republicans use patriotism as a political weapon. The fact is that both parties are corrupt. If Reagan were alive today, he would have no party to go with.
Democtats used to be a party of pride,patriotism, and God blessed American values. Now they hate all those things. BLM, Gay pride parades, constant attacks on white males by liberal media and professoriate. Hillary Clinton went to West Virginia and proposed those men in the coal mines should be out of a job. That’s the party of FDR? Truman? JFK? The Democrats are out of step with the American electorate. What happened. Why did generational Democrats turn toward Trump? We remember our nations history and her greatest sacrifices.

Dammit Bush

Still hoping that all those displaced buggy makers get their jobs back?

Move on man.
*destroyed on the battlefield*

You think there won't be an actual war?

You pieces of shit are mine when anarchy comes.

will you type at me with great ferocity?

call in a meme storm on my position?

nuclear tweets?

just exactly what the fuck will you do, tough guy?
Gut you like a pig and chuck your body into a landfill somewhere.

Of course, you will have to wait until I am through with the remaining members of Antifa and any Democrat official I can get my hands on.

Maybe you should pray that you are dead before then, because I know I will be alive and well when Democrats finally destroy the entirety of this country.
Slow down Braveheart, there is no civil war brewing in our lifetime. Just criminals fighting in the streets.
*destroyed on the battlefield*

You think there won't be an actual war?

You pieces of shit are mine when anarchy comes.

will you type at me with great ferocity?

call in a meme storm on my position?

nuclear tweets?

just exactly what the fuck will you do, tough guy?
Gut you like a pig and chuck your body into a landfill somewhere.

Of course, you will have to wait until I am through with the remaining members of Antifa and any Democrat official I can get my hands on.

Maybe you should pray that you are dead before then, because I know I will be alive and well when Democrats finally destroy the entirety of this country.

that's nice, honey

i bet you're a big, strong boy, aren't you?
Democtats used to be a party of pride,patriotism, and God blessed American values. Now they hate all those things. BLM, Gay pride parades, constant attacks on white males by liberal media and professoriate. Hillary Clinton went to West Virginia and proposed those men in the coal mines should be out of a job. That’s the party of FDR? Truman? JFK? The Democrats are out of step with the American electorate. What happened. Why did generational Democrats turn toward Trump? We remember our nations history and her greatest sacrifices.

"Nationalism must be distinguished from patriotism. Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one's nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. ... Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one's country is superior to somebody else's."

The right tends to be on the nationalist side.
Patriotism is putting the USA ahead of the interests of Russia, for example.

Today Trump supporters arent anything like Reagan.
Reagan supported immigration.
Reagan's son says Trump danger to America.

Sure. Reagan loved America. Democrats like to bitch about it.
Yup, the left has become nothing more than a shell of its former self. No big ideas, no grand aspirations for the nation.
Just a bunch of social justice warrior pandering.
The truly sad part is that since they control the media, entertainment & educational industries it's only a matter of time before their brainwashed public give them exactly what they want. I hope I am dead by then.
according to the worst bulshit and hate propaganda machine we've ever had in this country, Super dupe. Read something...
*destroyed on the battlefield*

You think there won't be an actual war?

You pieces of shit are mine when anarchy comes.

will you type at me with great ferocity?

call in a meme storm on my position?

nuclear tweets?

just exactly what the fuck will you do, tough guy?
Gut you like a pig and chuck your body into a landfill somewhere.

Of course, you will have to wait until I am through with the remaining members of Antifa and any Democrat official I can get my hands on.

Maybe you should pray that you are dead before then, because I know I will be alive and well when Democrats finally destroy the entirety of this country.
Slow down Braveheart, there is no civil war brewing in our lifetime. Just criminals fighting in the streets.
Not in your lifetime, but definitely in mine.
*destroyed on the battlefield*

You think there won't be an actual war?

You pieces of shit are mine when anarchy comes.

will you type at me with great ferocity?

call in a meme storm on my position?

nuclear tweets?

just exactly what the fuck will you do, tough guy?
Gut you like a pig and chuck your body into a landfill somewhere.

Of course, you will have to wait until I am through with the remaining members of Antifa and any Democrat official I can get my hands on.

Maybe you should pray that you are dead before then, because I know I will be alive and well when Democrats finally destroy the entirety of this country.

that's nice, honey

i bet you're a big, strong boy, aren't you?
I am definitely big and strong, but I am a little too old for the "boy" part.
Democratic Party Has No Patriotism Hilarious coming from people who admire Putin.
Well...while you idiots did worship Putin (and cheered Barack Insane Obama for “repairing” relations with Russia), I’m not sure this is “hilarious”. I would call your anti-American sentiments sad.

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