Democratic Party Civil War? DNC Meltdown? CNN: Perez Has Gone ‘Bananas’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DNC President Perez Threatening Democrats / States With 'Extortion'?!

"CNN anchor Brianna Keilar said Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez went "bananas" in his effort to build a voter database using data from state-level Democrats.

"The DNC chair, Tom Perez, wants voter data, right, from Democrats in the states. He's trying to build this big, for-profit database. This is a big deal that he's trying to do this, but he kind of went pretty bananas on these state Democrats, threatening to cut them off from using DNC resources that are basically just from the DNC that they lend out, like organizing tools, campaign tech tools, tools that actually in the hands of state democrats would favor the party nationally," Keilar said."

Ken Martin, the president of the Association of State Democratic Committees, proposed a different plan that would integrate data within the current system. In response, Perez sent his email, arguing, "this proposal would tear down just about everything about our current data structure, reversing so much of the progress we made over the past decade." He also threatened to cut off state parties' access to campaign tech tools if they move forward with Martin's plan.

Perez's email prompted "an uproar" among state party leaders, with one state party official calling him "a bull in a china shop" and another referring to him as "petulant."

CNN: Perez Has Gone 'Bananas,' Is Threatening State-Level Democrats


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