Democratic fiscal plans create more than double the jobs of the GOP's

Did you know like Romney in the 2012 Presidential Loser Election, when America stayed Blue, the Good Ship Wingnut has taken hold of the economic argument that is a loser for them? Yep, they ran out of ammo and have now resorted to plastic mallets and water pistols.

Oh yeah, they have talking points now...taxing the Super Wealthy will not settle the debt (not that anyone actually says it will) and other imbecilic straw man arguments

:lol: six thread
UH ok how old are you? THE ECONOMY WAS DOING REALLY GOOD until the democrats took control in 2007
Notice what is happening now in the private sector when obama won re-election people are losing their jobs because of obama.

What did the democrats do to make the economy suddenly go into the biggest dive in US history next to the great depression?

They bitched and moaned when Bush wanted to regulate Freddy and fanny.

What did the democrats do to make the economy suddenly go into the biggest dive in US history next to the great depression?

They bitched and moaned when Bush wanted to regulate Freddy and fanny.

you're a dumb ass that thinks this is not bitching and moaning about bush trying to regulate their pet project.

[ame=]Republicans wanted regulation of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac - YouTube[/ame]
If the republicans were doing such as great job, they never would have gotten their asses handed to them when the democrats took back both houses.

UH ok how old are you? THE ECONOMY WAS DOING REALLY GOOD until the democrats took control in 2007
Notice what is happening now in the private sector when obama won re-election people are losing their jobs because of obama.

What did the democrats do to make the economy suddenly go into the biggest dive in US history next to the great depression?

Forced banks to make loans to poor people who could never hope to repay, of course, and thereby destroyed mortgage lending standards for the entire industry.

Creating the eventual implosion.

Of course, that was Clinton's fault.
What is the rate of small business growth under Obama, he, you stupid turd?

More proof again to debunk a longstanding lie that was brought up again by Boner stating that letting the bush tax cuts for the rich expire would hurt small business.

Democratic "pay your fair share" created more than double the small business jobs than the GOP's "give everything to the rich"

Democratic policies = jobs.

Since 1961...

Republican job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democrats - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

43 consecutive months of unemployment of 8% or higher

You won't explain the mechanism that doubles job growth after taxes are hiked, and you want a link?

Trolling sans accountability is folly, BL. It will catch up with you someday, and if you want to be counted, you have to be accountable for the things you say first. Otherwise, nobody will take your churlish bait.

Naughty, naughty, shame on you. :rolleyes:
43 consecutive months of unemployment of 8% or higher

You won't explain the mechanism that doubles job growth after taxes are hiked, and you want a link?

Trolling sans accountability is folly, BL. It will catch up with you someday, and if you want to be counted, you have to be accountable for the things you say first. Otherwise, nobody will take your churlish bait.

Naughty, naughty, shame on you. :rolleyes:

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