Democrat Teens Dressed As KKK Taser Black Kid For Halloween - LOL


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Three teenagers in Texas allegedly dressed in costumes resembling Ku Klux Klan (KKK) robes for Halloween and attacked a Black high school student with a taser gun. Matt Manning, the attorney for the victim, said his client was not seriously injured, adding there were five other victims of similar attacks. The attorney, in an earlier post wrote that he was “infuriated” because he “learned, from multiple sources, that another, even younger victim was terrorised by these depraved menaces that same night.”

The three young men were subsequently allowed to play at a Woodsboro Eagle football game against Falls City last Friday night. Following the incident, the Woodsboro school district issued a statement saying officials cannot discipline the suspects because the incident took place outside the campus. Although there were no immediate arrests or criminal charges, the local police, Refugio county deputies and Texas Rangers are conducting a probe."

First of all, none of these kids even know what the KKK they were obviously just goofing around...Basically these teens wanted to dress up like Democrats and go around and taze some black kids for some Halloween fun...what's the big deal?? Dems are just embarrassed that today's kids are learning they were the what some kids got zapped a little bit, they probably thought it was funny too...They obviously weren't too scared because I don't recall hearing reports of anyone shooting these teens in self they obviously weren't all that concerned about their safety.

The worst part of this story isn't that some thug blacks got tasered by some kids dressed up as liberals -- the worst part is the fact that at another leftist school in East Texas; a kid went to school dressed up in a KKK outfit. What did the school do? They had the audacity to confiscate this kid's costume and force him to have to take "restorative justice" classes? What kind of commie CRT crap is that?? That should be what people are mad about....But East Texas is a well-known haven for anti-white communist leftists.

"Three teenagers in Texas allegedly dressed in costumes resembling Ku Klux Klan (KKK) robes for Halloween and attacked a Black high school student with a taser gun. Matt Manning, the attorney for the victim, said his client was not seriously injured, adding there were five other victims of similar attacks. The attorney, in an earlier post wrote that he was “infuriated” because he “learned, from multiple sources, that another, even younger victim was terrorised by these depraved menaces that same night.”

The three young men were subsequently allowed to play at a Woodsboro Eagle football game against Falls City last Friday night. Following the incident, the Woodsboro school district issued a statement saying officials cannot discipline the suspects because the incident took place outside the campus. Although there were no immediate arrests or criminal charges, the local police, Refugio county deputies and Texas Rangers are conducting a probe."

First of all, none of these kids even know what the KKK they were obviously just goofing around...Basically these teens wanted to dress up like Democrats and go around and taze some black kids for some Halloween fun...what's the big deal?? Dems are just embarrassed that today's kids are learning they were the what some kids got zapped a little bit, they probably thought it was funny too...They obviously weren't too scared because I don't recall hearing reports of anyone shooting these teens in self they obviously weren't all that concerned about their safety.

The worst part of this story isn't that some thug blacks got tasered by some kids dressed up as liberals -- the worst part is the fact that at another leftist school in East Texas; a kid went to school dressed up in a KKK outfit. What did the school do? They had the audacity to confiscate this kid's costume and force him to have to take "restorative justice" classes? What kind of commie CRT crap is that?? That should be what people are mad about....But East Texas is a well-known haven for anti-white communist leftists.

They were dressed up as DemoKKKrats. Is that a problem for you? Let's ask your governor what he thinks...

Nobody knows anything about the political affiliation of these kids of if they have one unless somebody made some political remark during these attacks, which I doubt. Come on, people. Grow up.

"Three teenagers in Texas allegedly dressed in costumes resembling Ku Klux Klan (KKK) robes for Halloween and attacked a Black high school student with a taser gun. Matt Manning, the attorney for the victim, said his client was not seriously injured, adding there were five other victims of similar attacks. The attorney, in an earlier post wrote that he was “infuriated” because he “learned, from multiple sources, that another, even younger victim was terrorised by these depraved menaces that same night.”

The three young men were subsequently allowed to play at a Woodsboro Eagle football game against Falls City last Friday night. Following the incident, the Woodsboro school district issued a statement saying officials cannot discipline the suspects because the incident took place outside the campus. Although there were no immediate arrests or criminal charges, the local police, Refugio county deputies and Texas Rangers are conducting a probe."

First of all, none of these kids even know what the KKK they were obviously just goofing around...Basically these teens wanted to dress up like Democrats and go around and taze some black kids for some Halloween fun...what's the big deal?? Dems are just embarrassed that today's kids are learning they were the what some kids got zapped a little bit, they probably thought it was funny too...They obviously weren't too scared because I don't recall hearing reports of anyone shooting these teens in self they obviously weren't all that concerned about their safety.

The worst part of this story isn't that some thug blacks got tasered by some kids dressed up as liberals -- the worst part is the fact that at another leftist school in East Texas; a kid went to school dressed up in a KKK outfit. What did the school do? They had the audacity to confiscate this kid's costume and force him to have to take "restorative justice" classes? What kind of commie CRT crap is that?? That should be what people are mad about....But East Texas is a well-known haven for anti-white communist leftists.

I feel your pain

You carry the weight if 400 years of slavery and oppression on your shoulders

All you want is to be accepted by your former white masters

If shown just little love you would be inspired to get a good education, marry the mother of your children and stop dealing illegal drugs

But instead your halloween was ruined, as well as your hopes for the future, by 3 white teenagers

Its enough to make a guilt-ridden white lib cry, along with giving you a free shoe shine

Later, bro
Nobody knows anything about the political affiliation of these kids of if they have one unless somebody made some political remark during these attacks, which I doubt. Come on, people. Grow up.

I do see that they dressed as Ralph Northam for Halloween, so I must assume they're DemoKKKrats.

Honestly, though, this incident smacks of the fake hate crimes you people are notorious for perpetrating.
They were dressed up as DemoKKKrats. Is that a problem for you? Let's ask your governor what he thinks...

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Does it hurt to be this intellectually deficient??

What if you found out that governor also dressed up as a KKK member and tased some black kids - who knows, you may want him to run for the GOP presidential nominee in 2024

I feel your pain

You carry the weight if 400 years of slavery and oppression on your shoulders

All you want is to be accepted by your former white masters

If shown just little love you would be inspired to get a good education, marry the mother of your children and stop dealing illegal drugs

But instead your halloween was ruined, as well as your hopes for the future, by 3 white teenagers

Its enough to make a guilt-ridden white lib cry, along with giving you a free shoe shine

Later, bro
I would avoid addressing anything in the story too If I were a fragile minded cuck....

Meanwhile, you same dic suckers are mad at Big Bird....
I would avoid addressing anything in the story too If I were a fragile minded cuck....
What do you want me to say about three white juvenile delinquents that you and others have not already said?

Besides, this thread is really about you and your never-ending feud with whites, and I think I covered that pretty well
What do you want me to say about three white juvenile delinquents that you and others have not already said?

Besides, this thread is really about you and your never-ending feud with whites, and I think I covered that pretty well
Lol@ never ending feud with whites

The fragility continues......

Tell me how advocating for Expanded Medicare, Social Security, Voting Rights, Labor Rights is part of a never-ending feud with rights??

Meanwhile, dick suckers like you can be counted on to routinely vote against these policies because of your never-eding feud of voting against your best interests because "those darkies" may benefit from it
What do you want me to say about three white juvenile delinquents that you and others have not already said?

Besides, this thread is really about you and your never-ending feud with whites, and I think I covered that pretty well
Oh..and by the way...

I like how you minimize what these 3 did -- as if you would have no problem with folks tazing your children if they excused it as some juvenille joke

You...the same person who cheered the deaths of basically any unarmed black kid doing anything...let alone tazing white kids in a white neighborhood..
I like how you minimize what these 3 did -- as if you would have no problem with folks tazing your children if they excused it as some juvenille joke
I assume they will be punished through the juvenile court system

What more do you want?
Tell me how advocating for Expanded Medicare, Social Security, Voting Rights, Labor Rights is part of a never-ending feud with rights??
I did not see those issues mentioned on your op

Did the white kids take the black kid’s voting rights along with his candy?

If so then shame on them

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