Democrat Support for Illegal Guns...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
When Democrat politicians make it so difficult for law abiding citizens to own guns legally, citizens will be forced to own them illegally..just sayin, the issue is moot.
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Nobody is trying to make it difficult for law abiding citizens to legally own guns.
Nobody is trying to make it difficult for law abiding citizens to legally own guns.

That's a joke, right? Both MD and NY passed far more restrictive laws on guns and their ownership in the last couple of years. On the national level the Dems pushed all kinds of crappy feel good policies that would exactly that.
Of course based on your sig line you are an ignorant sap. Iraq was indeed stable, having successfully staged 2 free elections (better than the US), when we left. Yeah, Obama fucked that up too.
Democrat Support for Illegal Guns...

And illegal immigrants. Millions of votes right there.
Nobody is trying to make it difficult for law abiding citizens to legally own guns.

Sure about that? California recently has passed that micro stamping law, which is going to make it very difficult for manufacturers to comply, so they can sell guns in CA. The process is expensive, which will make it more difficult for people to afford guns.

There are several states where the restrictions are so severe that it's extremely difficult to avoid breaking the law, even while being completely responsible. In Maryland, there was a man arrested a few months ago for shooting an intruder who kicked in the door to come after the man's wife. The government is saying that the act of grabbing the gun is "unusual and evil" or some crap like that.

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