Democrat Platform: Ban Everything

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Democrat Platform: Ban Everything - Moonbattery
Democrats have made clear what their devotion to the global warming hoax actually means in terms of policy. It is an excuse to ban everything.

To judge by this video synopsis of the recent CNN climate town hall featuring 10 Democrat presidential candidates, they will start with red meat, plastic straws, offshore drilling, incandescent light bulbs, the internal combustion engine, human reproduction, natural gas, coal, oil, the lucrative export of fossil fuels, fracking, “carbon” (i.e., CO2, which is required by plant life so that it can produce the oxygen required by animal life), nuclear power (the only reasonable alternative to fossil fuels), the coal-burning plants that provide a large percentage of our electricity (as well as millions of jobs, directly and indirectly), and “factory” (i.e., modern) farming. Anything worth having that hasn’t made the list yet soon will.

Via ‘Nox & Friends:

“There will be some pain there,” admits wannabe socialist dictator Bernie Sanders. Calling Robert Mugabe’s rule “problematic” has been topped already as the understatement of the year. Attempting to implement Democrats’ maniacal Green New Deal agenda would result in total economic collapse, followed by mass starvation and violence. With luck, we would end up occupied and administrated by the communist Chinese, who at least would keep the lights on and let some of us eat.

There is zero chance that any of the bans Democrats propose would have a perceptible effect on global temperature. But that’s okay, because global warming is not a real problem anyway.
A tip from Dragon’s Lair.

The Democratic platform destroy it all like...



Democrat Platform: Ban Everything - Moonbattery
Democrats have made clear what their devotion to the global warming hoax actually means in terms of policy. It is an excuse to ban everything.

To judge by this video synopsis of the recent CNN climate town hall featuring 10 Democrat presidential candidates, they will start with red meat, plastic straws, offshore drilling, incandescent light bulbs, the internal combustion engine, human reproduction, natural gas, coal, oil, the lucrative export of fossil fuels, fracking, “carbon” (i.e., CO2, which is required by plant life so that it can produce the oxygen required by animal life), nuclear power (the only reasonable alternative to fossil fuels), the coal-burning plants that provide a large percentage of our electricity (as well as millions of jobs, directly and indirectly), and “factory” (i.e., modern) farming. Anything worth having that hasn’t made the list yet soon will.

Via ‘Nox & Friends:

“There will be some pain there,” admits wannabe socialist dictator Bernie Sanders. Calling Robert Mugabe’s rule “problematic” has been topped already as the understatement of the year. Attempting to implement Democrats’ maniacal Green New Deal agenda would result in total economic collapse, followed by mass starvation and violence. With luck, we would end up occupied and administrated by the communist Chinese, who at least would keep the lights on and let some of us eat.

There is zero chance that any of the bans Democrats propose would have a perceptible effect on global temperature. But that’s okay, because global warming is not a real problem anyway.
A tip from Dragon’s Lair.

What are you, the Dave Chappelle of USMB?

Mods, can we ban this thread or what?
Liberals have always been so reluctant to say what they want...and how the would like to assert control over everyone and every thing...I thing it is great that they are now actually saying what they want to do...maybe they, and their sick desire to control everything can now be effectively banned at the polls...
Kamala Harris wants to ban cheeseburgers! Imagine that as part of your platform for President.:113:

Liz Warren wants to ban fracking.....that should be real popular in Pennsylvania!:2up:

Beto wants to ban gas powered cars.....go....go....go!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
a fking Rat would never say no to anything. I wonder if a candidate was asked if he or she would give a blow job, they'd stand up from the chair and say, why yes..... we have to ensure plumbing is working
Kamala Harris wants to ban cheeseburgers! Imagine that as part of your platform for President.:113:

Liz Warren wants to ban fracking.....that should be real popular in Pennsylvania!:2up:

Beto wants to ban gas powered cars.....go....go....go!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
biden wants to stop all drilling.

Democrat Platform: Ban Everything - Moonbattery
Democrats have made clear what their devotion to the global warming hoax actually means in terms of policy. It is an excuse to ban everything.

To judge by this video synopsis of the recent CNN climate town hall featuring 10 Democrat presidential candidates, they will start with red meat, plastic straws, offshore drilling, incandescent light bulbs, the internal combustion engine, human reproduction, natural gas, coal, oil, the lucrative export of fossil fuels, fracking, “carbon” (i.e., CO2, which is required by plant life so that it can produce the oxygen required by animal life), nuclear power (the only reasonable alternative to fossil fuels), the coal-burning plants that provide a large percentage of our electricity (as well as millions of jobs, directly and indirectly), and “factory” (i.e., modern) farming. Anything worth having that hasn’t made the list yet soon will.

Via ‘Nox & Friends:

“There will be some pain there,” admits wannabe socialist dictator Bernie Sanders. Calling Robert Mugabe’s rule “problematic” has been topped already as the understatement of the year. Attempting to implement Democrats’ maniacal Green New Deal agenda would result in total economic collapse, followed by mass starvation and violence. With luck, we would end up occupied and administrated by the communist Chinese, who at least would keep the lights on and let some of us eat.

There is zero chance that any of the bans Democrats propose would have a perceptible effect on global temperature. But that’s okay, because global warming is not a real problem anyway.
A tip from Dragon’s Lair.

More selfish whiny spoiled adolescent bullshit.
a fking Rat would never say no to anything. I wonder if a candidate was asked if he or she would give a blow job, they'd stand up from the chair and say, why yes..... we have to ensure plumbing is working
Your insistence on resisting action against global warming is criminal... and very soon will be so literally, and your behavior will cost you dearly, spoiled adolescent crybaby.
Liberals have always been so reluctant to say what they want...and how the would like to assert control over everyone and every thing...I thing it is great that they are now actually saying what they want to do...maybe they, and their sick desire to control everything can now be effectively banned at the polls...
In fact, liberals and progressive say exactly what we want. Listen to any of us and you'll hear it. And so, either you're dull-witted or simply another Qtip-headed fascist liar.

Control over toxicity, death, disease, yes. Too bad if that offends your Medieval sensibilities.
How else do you force the populace into abject poverty, control them, make them slaves and dependent on the state?

Democrats are EVIL!
You're confused. The Party who's trashed the middle class, enriched billionaires, eroded the country in every conceivable way, is the QOP, the Party of White Privilege, the corporate-shill extraordinaire. Vote for them and prove yourself a mindless dupe.
The Party who's trashed the middle class, enriched billionaires, eroded the country in every conceivable way, is the QOP, the Party of White Privilege, the corporate-shill extraordinaire. Vote for them and prove yourself a mindless dupe.
Demofks, all day everyday! you all hate the middle class and love you an elite.
Your insistence on resisting action against global warming is criminal... and very soon will be so literally, and your behavior will cost you dearly, spoiled adolescent crybaby.

s0n.......very, very few people concur with you. Like almost none. In fact, best buckle up your chinstrap and hold my beer. Nobody is giving a fcuk about climate change, most notably, the voters. The evidence is staggering.

In 20 years since the climate change industry bomb throwing began, wind and solar have going from providing 1% of the US electricity to about 7% now. Thats laughable. And the 2020 EIA projections to 2040 look equally hysterical. Its because nobody is believing the bomb throwers.......the greatest thing that the climate crusaders can hang their hat on in the past 20 years is light bulb legislation. :oops8: :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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