Democrat party causes gun crime....a thread to collect their policies and list of criminals they keep releasing...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
To begin this thread...Chicago, run by the democrat party since 1931, the mayor and all 50 aldermen are currently members of the democrat party as is the state Governor, and the States Attorney, kim foxx...

Foxx is the focus of this inaugural post...

We do not have gun crime in Chicago because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense....we have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors.....keep releasing violent felons over and over again..

Can any of you anti-gun extremists explain why they do this? When they know that it is these repeat felons who are the actual criminals using illegal guns to commit crime and gun murder?

The crime spike can be attributed to a number of things, but the lack of prosecution from the office of Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx is a major contributing factor. From the Chicago Tribune:

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is dropping felony cases involving charges of murder and other serious offenses at a higher rate than her predecessor, according to a Tribune analysis that comes amid a growing debate over criminal justice reform.
During Foxx’s first three years as the county’s top prosecutor, her office dropped all charges against 29.9% of felony defendants, a dramatic increase over her predecessor, the Tribune found. For the last three years of Anita Alvarez’s tenure, the rate was 19.4%.
In all, a total of 25,183 people had their felony cases dismissed under Foxx through November 2019, up from 18,694 for a similar period under Alvarez.
The White House, where President Trump has roundly criticized Chicago politicians for their failed leadership on combatting crime, has taken notice.

More on the democrat party policies that cause gun crime in Chicago...

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown unloaded on reporters Monday, the Daily Wire reported, blasting the Cook County State’s Attorney, Kim Foxx, and others responsible for handling criminal matters for failing to ensure looters and rioters, arrested in the first round of incidents in May, faced consequences.

Despite his pleas, the first of Sunday’s looters, arraigned Tuesday, was required to post just a $500 bond, despite allegedly breaking into the windows of the Burberry boutique and reportedly assaulting a Chicago police officer with a brick, per CWB Chicago.

“At 12:52 a.m. Monday, two cops assigned to help deal with looting on the Magnificent Mile allegedly saw [suspect Demisck] Lomax holding a brick next to a window at the Burberry store, 633 North Michigan,” CWB reports. “They watched as he threw the brick into the store’s window and officers moved in…When a sergeant approached Lomax, the Joliet resident wound up and threw a brick at the cop, striking him in the hand, Murphy said. Police chased Lomax down Ontario Street and arrested him.”

Other looters threw “rocks, a clay pot, and other objects” at officers as they led Lomax away.

In Chicago bond court Tuesday, prosecutors charged Lomax, who has “three prior felony convictions for narcotics-related crimes,” “with felony aggravated battery of a police officer, criminal damage to property, resisting police, and announced their intention to also charge Lomax with looting in an afternoon,” but a Cook County judge let Lomax go on just a $5,000 bond, of which Lomax was only required to pay 10%, or $500. His family posted the bond.

This is what Rahm Emanuel, the previous democrat party mayor did to increase gun crime in Chicago..

After his election in 2011, former mayor Rahm Emanuel did three unfortunate things that hampered the Chicago police force.

The mayor:
closed down detective bureaus in Chicago’s highest crime districts, relocating them to often distant locations;

disbanded many gang task forces;

and, in cooperation with the ACLU, instituted new, voluminous forms that have to be filled out by police officers each time that they stop someone to investigate a crime. Each time a cop talks to a civilian, they have to spend about an hour filling out these forms. All this time could have been spent policing neighborhoods.

Lightfoot has continued those policies and herself introduced more politically correct curriculum into the police academy training. And the mayor’s relationship with police can only be described as frosty. Text messages to Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara had the mayor calling him a “cartoon character,” “clown” and “total fraud.” That’s after Catanzara sent a letter to President Donald Trump in July pleading for federal help with the city’s crime problems.

5 felony convictions, with several for illegal guns....and he is still walking the get arrested with another illegal gun...

under my plan, he would still be in jail, as felon in possession of an illegal gun he would have been in prison for 30 years.......

Cops: Man with 3 previous gun convictions is found with gun near Lakefront Trail

This is why we have violent gun crime in our cities controlled by the democrat party......they keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison...over and over again.

The democrat party wants gun control....which is stupid...normal Americans who own and carry guns do not use them for gun crime.

Our gun crime problem in democrat party controlled cities could be cut by 95%, if we simply stopped the democrats from releasing gun offenders over and over again....
This is why we have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities....

The police chief of west suburban Berwyn wrote a lengthy Facebook post Wednesday after Cook County prosecutors refused to file charges against one of three persons he says were involved in a shooting there last week.

Chief Michael D. Cimaglia said the juvenile that prosecutors refused to charge “is currently out on bond for two previous shooting and firearm arrests.”

“The Assistant State’s Attorney’s Office appears to be managing a catch and release program,” Cimaglia wrote.
Berwyn investigators used video footage to identify three offenders and their vehicle, according to the chief. Fernando Diaz, an 18-year-old from Chicago, a juvenile from Berwyn, and another Berwyn teen who’s on bond for shooting and firearm arrests were arrested, he said.

Prosecutors charged Diaz and the first juvenile with aggravated battery with a firearm, according to Cimaglia, and his officers petitioned the second teen into juvenile court for the same charge.

But the juvenile with pending gun and shooting charges “has been released and all criminal charges have been dismissed by the Juvenile Assistant State’s Attorney Supervisor without or before having a Probable Cause Hearing,” Cimaglia wrote.

“In doing so, a violent offender has been released by the State back onto the City Streets of Berwyn,” he continued.

This is how the democrat party increases gun crime in the cities they control...

Low cash/no cash bail is releasing violent gun criminals over and over again, and the democrat party is hiding the numbers...

More recently, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has introduced a new talking point. Here’s how she phrased it recently on Twitter: “The idea that individuals re-offend while released on bond is often used to explain violence. But, during the first half of 2020, of the 1,872 people arrested for a felony gun charge, only 1% of them (26 ppl) had been previously arrested in 2020 for an approved felony gun charge.”
Foxx’s claim is skewed because she limits the amount of time that gun defendants are given to qualify as a re-offender. Her criteria allow someone arrested on January 1 six months to get caught with another gun, while someone arrested in June would have to be charged twice within the same month to qualify. So, she drives the re-offend statistic down by creating a tight window of opportunity for someone to get caught with another gun.
A gun on CTA — then another gun on CTA

Back in May, we told you about Dante Webb, a 22-year-old man that police arrested for gun possession at the Armitage Brown Line station. Prosecutors said Webb’s backpack contained a 22-caliber revolver with a defaced serial number, nine rounds of ammunition, $4,165 worth of narcotics, two U.S. passports, two Colombian passports, two different Social Security cards, an Illinois driver’s license, a Connecticut driver’s license, and cash.

Prosecutors charged him with felony armed violence, felony possession of a defaced firearm, three felony counts of possessing a controlled substance, and five misdemeanor theft charges. Judge David Navarro allowed him to go home by posting a $1,000 deposit bond.

Less than two months later, on July 5, police arrested Webb again at the Roosevelt Red Line station after they found him with another loaded gun, according to court records. A CTA passenger approached officers who were patrolling the station and reported seeing a gun in the waistband of a man who had a Divvy bike. The cops found Webb riding a Divvy bike toward the Red Line platform, they said. Webb jumped from the platform with the Divvy bike and rode it along the tracks to get away, according to police. They found him hiding in the tunnel near an access ladder.

Prosecutors charged Webb with felony unlawful use of a weapon and misdemeanor reckless conduct.

Even though Webb was allegedly caught with guns twice in less than two months, he doesn’t qualify for Foxx’s re-offense statistic because his second gun arrest occurred after July 2.

Caught as a criminal with an illegal gun......released on 1,000 dollars bond.............he should have been held without bond and he should face 30 years in prison for the illegal gun.....that is how you reduce gun crime....
And more........gun charge......released on affordable bail, kills someone...

Felony unlawful use of a weapon, released on 500 dollars bond.....this is why we have gun crime...the democrat party is the direct cause of our gun crime rates in democrat party controlled cities.

“Not horrible” murder while free on gun case

On May 22, Matthew Berrones crashed his car, tossed a loaded handgun into a yard, and ran from police who tried to stop him for traffic violations on the West Side, according to prosecutors. Video footage allegedly shows the 21-year-old throwing an object into the yard. Police say the gun was stolen in Kane County. Berrones, a “documented and self-admitted Maniac Latin Disciple,” according to the CPD arrest report, was also convicted of unlawful gun possession as a juvenile.

Prosecutors charged him with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, and Judge Navarro allowed him to go home for $500 the next day.

Then, on August 8, Berrones was free on affordable bail when he allegedly drove the getaway car after a 20-year-old man was fatally shot on the Northwest Side.

Prosecutors said a gunman got out of Berrones’ car, shot Hugo Tecomateco in the head, and then got back into Berrones’ car, which fled from the scene. Through a series of investigative steps, police found the getaway car burned on the South Side later the same day.

Berrones, who was twice convicted of possessing a firearm as a juvenile, is now charged with murder. He’s being held without bail.

His story qualifies as “not horrible” under the chief judge’s talking point. But the crime does not count toward Foxx’s gun re-offender tally because (1) the murder did not occur before July 2 and (2) he’s not facing gun charges in the murder.
A mandatory minimum "federal" sentence of 10 years, for anyone caught with a "stolen" firearm, would seriously diminish the theft and use of stolen firearms.
A mandatory minimum "federal" sentence of 10 years, for anyone caught with a "stolen" firearm, would seriously diminish the theft and use of stolen firearms.

Bump that to 30. With time done in a Federal Pen....away from their home state.
Another gun criminal released for gun crimes shoots 5 people with another illegal gun while free on previous gun charges...this shows the joke about democrats wanting common sense gun control.....all of their gun control attacks normal gun owners who don't commit gun crime......and then the democrats release actual gun criminals who commit not only robberies and rape but murder ...using illegal guns....

A West Side man who was on electronic home monitoring for allegedly possessing a stolen firearm as a felon, shot five people Saturday, killing two of them, according to prosecutors.

He is the latest example of people being accused of committing violent crimes while free on Cook County’s affordable bail program. But proponents of the bail reform efforts insist that such cases are very rare.

Timmy Jordan, 39, shot five people who were attending a party in his back yard early Saturday, prosecutors said. One of the party-goers, a licensed concealed carry holder, returned fire before he died, according to the state. Jordan was struck and critically injured by that man’s gunfire.

Prosecutors said Jordan ordered the group to leave around 2 a.m. and then began shooting.

CPD records show Jordan was arrested in April 2019 for being a felon in possession of a firearm and possession of a stolen firearm. He went home on electronic monitoring to await trial.

“Every weekend, we can bring forth an example of a person out of jail that should be in jail,” CPD Supt. David Brown said while recapping the weekend’s violence during a press conference Monday.

Jordan has five previous felony convictions, including two for illegal gun possession.


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