Democrat introduces bill to end competitive college football in California

So every college football player in the USA would apply to CA schools to get a share of the college football revenue.

Wonder what the NCAA would say to that?

"Under Holden’s bill, all Division I schools would be forced to pay all of their scholarship athletes their “fair market value.” What is each athlete’s fair market value, you ask? According to Holden, each student athlete is worth an equal share of half their team’s annual revenue, minus the cost of their scholarships."

Except that isn't "Fair" at all on a football team, because certain positions are more valuable than others, and certain players more valuable due to their skill level.
This is a perfect example of how just because you may be clever enough to con people into voting you into public office, it doesn't mean you are qualified in any way to make decisions affecting people's lives.

Democrats are miserable, unhappy creatures who hate life, hate fun, hate everything, who want to control everyo e else's life, and make them just as miserable.
This is a perfect example of how just because you may be clever enough to con people into voting you into public office, it doesn't mean you are qualified in any way to make decisions affecting people's lives.

Man, though nothing really surprises me from California, even this brings it all to a new level of stupidity. This gets my golden fleece vote for probably the stupidest thing to ever come out of California. They had a lot of competition to overcome to get this award so this is indeed a very high honor. Next up: their new wealth tax.
This is a perfect example of how just because you may be clever enough to con people into voting you into public office, it doesn't mean you are qualified in any way to make decisions affecting people's lives.

Wow, msn quoting washington examiner. I wonder which one is less truthful. Maybe we should ask Santos to verify it.
This is a perfect example of how just because you may be clever enough to con people into voting you into public office, it doesn't mean you are qualified in any way to make decisions affecting people's lives.

And what qualifies any of these politicians to make the choices that they make? Nothing, other than some ignorant people who get the vote decided to vote for them.
Well first of all it’s a game me at 6 and my brother at 5 invented in our back yard. You have to get the ball between two fence posts… but get this, you can’t use your hands.

Second is I could have been interested but holy shit the flopping and crying is fucking ridiculous. This is not a sport for men. Cooking may injure these so called athletes. You could actually find a soccer star terminally injured from microwaving a bowl of Top Ramen.

Fuck soccer.


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