Democrat governor defies state legislature to continue imposing shut down

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She won't be reelected.
If you fear for your safety STAY HOME but stop imposing YOUR FEAR on everyone else.

fear has nothing to do with it dipshit -

so you dont want to do your part and do anything it takes to help other Americans get the virus under control and bring the economy back -

got it

you anti american pos

Call us what you want. Just get the fuck out of the way, commie.


She won't be reelected.
If you fear for your safety STAY HOME but stop imposing YOUR FEAR on everyone else.

fear has nothing to do with it dipshit -

so you dont want to do your part and do anything it takes to help other Americans get the virus under control and bring the economy back -

got it

you anti american pos

Ummmm, dumbass, SHE is the one acting like a little dictator. Funny how you accuse Trump of what SHE is actually doing. And you applaud her because you too are a little fascist.

And an asshat.
Ummmm, dumbass, SHE is the one acting like a little dictator. Funny how you accuse Trump of what SHE is actually doing. And you applaud her because you too are a little fascist.

And an asshat.

Maybe she's a deep cover Russian asset placed there to make sure Trump wins Michigan again. :eusa_think: Dem governor in crucial swing state pisses off voters just before 2020 election :eusa_think:
Here's the very real risk that the Governor of Michigan runs by keeping the State locked down as other States begin the process of reopening. People don't like being restrained. If they see other States getting back some semblance of normalcy and they still can't leave their homes except to go to the grocery store then at some point they ARE going to rebel against authority! Whitmer is betting on the virus surging again in the States that are reopening. If that doesn't happen? She won't be able to get elected town dog catcher! Just saying...
Ummmm, dumbass, SHE is the one acting like a little dictator. Funny how you accuse Trump of what SHE is actually doing. And you applaud her because you too are a little fascist.

And an asshat.

Maybe she's a deep cover Russian asset placed there to make sure Trump wins Michigan again. :eusa_think: Dem governor in crucial swing state pisses off voters just before 2020 election :eusa_think:
The weird part of this whole thing is how smug that bitch has been. She seems to enjoy her in-your-face abuse of power.

Flattening the curve was not the only requirement. That was just a start and that was stated from the beginning, so nothing moved. Besides the majority of the people on Michigan support her move. So she will get re elected and the republicans trying to increase infections are the ones who will be voted out.
I can see the black guys now..."Yes'm Mizz Whitmer! "We doez whatz you wantz!" IM2, it is anarchy in many communities. Are you saying you want a disciplinarian to boss you around? Or maybe admitting that you do. Because freedom is to tough. Boss Whitmer entering the "hood" being carried on a litter by several black men...... Commanding the peasants to "Lick my boots chillin"! Whitmer...the ultimate supremacist. But she has a "D" next to her name.
For all these cries of Trump being a fascist where is the condemnation of actual fascism in action?

A core tenet of radical leftist ideology is the inversion of reality. Thus, the radical leftist sees evil as wholesome good and righteous, ancient concepts of good as evil. You tell a radical leftist the sky is blue, it will ultimately threaten to destroy you unless you admit the sky is actually black.
Ummmm, dumbass, SHE is the one acting like a little dictator. Funny how you accuse Trump of what SHE is actually doing. And you applaud her because you too are a little fascist.

And an asshat.

Maybe she's a deep cover Russian asset placed there to make sure Trump wins Michigan again. :eusa_think: Dem governor in crucial swing state pisses off voters just before 2020 election :eusa_think:
The weird part of this whole thing is how smug that bitch has been. She seems to enjoy her in-your-face abuse of power.


I think she's making a case for the Vice Presidency. It doesn't matter if most of the people of Michigan can't stand her if she gets the nod from Joe Hairplugs Biden!
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