DEMOCRAT goes on verbal racial rant!!!! Will left demand resignation?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Calls Out Youths, Flash Mobs, and Parents | Video |

A Democrat mayor goes on a racial tirade, blasting black male youths for how they act, how they dress, act, talk, and called them an embarrassment to their race.

I expect the left wing, the Democrat Party, the NAACP, Jesse and Al, and the whole host of others to line up demanding his resignation!!!!

Oh....wait. He's a black Democrat. So he can spew racist comments all he wants.

Imagine....if this was a white Republican mayor of Wasilla, AK, making racist comments?

Democrats, are you gonna demand he resign? Or do some Americans have more Freedom of Speech than others? Remember to be consistent before you answer.
What became of Bill Cosby and Juan Williams, for telling it like it is?

Well.............tonight, Juan Williams, a black liberal Democrat, was HOSTING the prime time 8:00pm slot on the racist, bias, corporate GOP controlled Fox News.

Yes. You read that right.

THE FoxNews, racist, corporate greed, racist, hateful FOX NEWS.........had their 8pm prime time slot...being HOSTED by black liberal Juan Williams.

Those sneaky evil biased racists at Fox...allowing a black liberal to host their 8pm spot. It's GOT to be some kind of evil, globalist corporatist racist plot.:cool:
I'm confused. So if I'm black and I tell black kids that they're making me look bad, I'm racist?

It depends. If you are Herman Cain, or Allen West, or Connie Rice, yes, you're racist.

If a white person said the same thing about the black youth mobs, he'd be out of a job forever.

Thus, he has less freedom of speech than other Americans. Unless Democrats stick to their ideals and demand this Dem mayor resign.:confused:
An adult telling unruly children to clean up their act is not racist.

Republicans calling the President, a 50 year old man, "BOY" is definitely racists. The fucking pricks.
An adult telling unruly children to clean up their act is not racist.

Republicans calling the President, a 50 year old man, "BOY" is definitely racists. The fucking pricks.

I bet if that adult were a white Republican mayor, who said the same shit to a mass of undisciplined, criminal youths that were produced in the welfare society of Philly's ghettos, that mayor would be getting demands to resign from you.

I bet if George W. Bush told all the "unruly children" in post-Katrina New Orleans to stop the violence and looting because "You're embarrassing your race"..............well, need I even say what the reaction would be?

So, you're saying his comments were OK, for ANYONE to utter?
An adult telling unruly children to clean up their act is not racist.

Republicans calling the President, a 50 year old man, "BOY" is definitely racists. The fucking pricks.
It's "boi", asshole.

Not like anyone with any savvy has the expectation that you could make the distinction....

Or maybe you're just failing on purpose.....Per usual...:lol:
An adult telling unruly children to clean up their act is not racist.

Republicans calling the President, a 50 year old man, "BOY" is definitely racists. The fucking pricks.

Calling a boy a boy is not racist. A man accepts responsibility and doesn't blame his failures on his predecessor. A boy cries "Mommy they're picking on me and calling me names." when, in fact, people merely disagree. A man sticks to his convictions and argues his position.

barack obama is not a man.
An adult telling unruly children to clean up their act is not racist.

Republicans calling the President, a 50 year old man, "BOY" is definitely racists. The fucking pricks.

Calling a boy a boy is not racist. A man accepts responsibility and doesn't blame his failures on his predecessor. A boy cries "Mommy they're picking on me and calling me names." when, in fact, people merely disagree. A man sticks to his convictions and argues his position.

barack obama is not a man.

Yes, but it's socially like that, the term "boy" is sometimes seen as racist. SO........if you call Obama that, just make sure you're only referring to his white half:lol:
An adult telling unruly children to clean up their act is not racist.

Republicans calling the President, a 50 year old man, "BOY" is definitely racists. The fucking pricks.

Calling a boy a boy is not racist. A man accepts responsibility and doesn't blame his failures on his predecessor. A boy cries "Mommy they're picking on me and calling me names." when, in fact, people merely disagree. A man sticks to his convictions and argues his position.

barack obama is not a man.

Yes, but it's socially like that, the term "boy" is sometimes seen as racist. SO........if you call Obama that, just make sure you're only referring to his white half:lol:

Ain't the President all for equal rights? So am I. I hate both of his halves equally. If rdean wants to call me a racist, I'll wear it like a Silver Star.
I'm confused. So if I'm black and I tell black kids that they're making me look bad, I'm racist?

Im confused. So if Im American and I tell Obama, a fellow American, that he is making us look bad, Im racist?


Come on lefties..... you can do better than that cant ya?

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