Democrat Debate


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
Wasn't there a Democrat debate last night? WOW!! Hardly a word about it anywhere on the news, Nothing at all on USMB. Where's the outpouring of enthusiasm? Where's the gushing and goshing? Where's the hero worship? The Democrats put there best two our there on the world stage yet here on USMB all the chatter remains to be about Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump.

With all this enthusiasm, are you Democrats certain you will be able to awaken your voting base and motivate them to get to their polling places to vote come election day? I've never witnessed such a total lack of enthusiasm for candidates in my life. It certainly wasn't this quiet when Hillary and Obama were facing off against one another. The silence is deafening.
"The conversation was scintillating, and the cucumber sandwiches delightful"

Yeah, surprisingly not a peep from the Left as to how Hillary stole the show, won the debate hands down or destroyed her rival Grigori Rasputin. One should have thought they would be all a thither about their chronic liar. I guess Chris Matthews was totally unable to control his leg jumps when Grigori spoke?
"The conversation was scintillating, and the cucumber sandwiches delightful"

Yeah, surprisingly not a peep from the Left as to how Hillary stole the show, won the debate hands down or destroyed her rival Grigori Rasputin. One should have thought they would be all a thither about their chronic liar. I guess Chris Matthews was totally unable to control his leg jumps when Grigori spoke?
It wasn't a debate you dope. It was a single liberal commentator interviewing the three candidates individually one at a time. It did not claim or pretend to be a debate.
There was a Democratic forum. Not a debate, but one-on-one conversations with each of the three Democratic candidates.

Why you "Republics" can't figure out the adjectival form of this word is a mystery.
There was a Democratic forum. Not a debate, but one-on-one conversations with each of the three Democratic candidates.

Why you "Republics" can't figure out the adjectival form of this word is a mystery.
Most on the right are at least consistent at being wrong.

I'm waiting for the transcript to come online in order to refute the very truncated clips the Usual Suspects will be waving around for the next few days in a futile effort to distract from the Carson debacle.
I didn't watch it. I thought it was supposed to be a debate. Lakota had a debate thread on here yesterday afternoon so I assumed that it was a debate because of that thread. Tell me though, did Chris Matthews' leg get to jumping when Burn Me Sanders got to speak?
I didn't watch it. I thought it was supposed to be a debate. Lakota had a debate thread on here yesterday afternoon so I assumed that it was a debate because of that thread. Tell me though, did Chris Matthews' leg get to jumping when Burn Me Sanders got to speak?

Matthews wasn't there.
For the republican debates, 400 pages each time.

For the democrats forum, a total of 10 pages I saw. Plus one anti forum of 2 pages.

Republicans, for and against, are more interesting
For the republican debates, 400 pages each time.

For the democrats forum, a total of 10 pages I saw. Plus one anti forum of 2 pages.

Republicans, for and against, are more interesting

For the same reason people stop and gawk at motor vehicle accidents - the bloodier, the better.
Tell yourself that. Lie to yourself as often as Hillary lies to you. It will only prevent you from seeing what is happening and let the republicans win some more with the truth while you deal in fantasy
Tell yourself that. Lie to yourself as often as Hillary lies to you. It will only prevent you from seeing what is happening and let the republicans win some more with the truth while you deal in fantasy
Hillary lies:rofl:, tell me genius, what important politician OR President has never lied,? i'll give you a little clue, it starts with a zero and ends with a zero, it's a fucking requirement for the job..

The Repukes can live in a fantasy World and ride Trumps back all the way to election day, and the truth to that is an electoral college nightmare for the Repugs and, Clinton kicking his ass, all the way to your 6th out of 7th loss in the popular vote for the WH..

The Repugs did real well last year, only because no Democrats bothered to vote, and it still didn't help you, because you don't have a veto proof majority in the Senate, and if Obama dosen't like it he will wipe his ass with it and send it back to you Cons, and Baggers..

The Democrats are winning the war, gay marriage passed Nationwide, the ACA is still here, a Woman still has the right to choose, the Iran deal went thru, Marijuana has become more legalized, and the Defense bill was just shot down by another veto:rofl:, been a sweet year for Dems, kinda like a hum a fantasy...........

:piss2:Repugs, Baggers, Tea Maggots, Neo con trash..
"Debate", or at least the part I saw was painful to watch.

Not because of the softball questions. Not because of the obvious plants (and they were pretty obvious). Not because of of the pandering or the sly ways they gave Clinton time to gracefully attack Sanders without actually attacking him. It was the fact that this was a prime example of why (as in the first question) we don't trust politicians like Clinton and the younger generation is rallying behind Sanders. The overt manipulation of our feelings and thoughts. The brazen disregard of holding our politician's accountable for their actions and their beliefs. Why not ask about her e-mails? They're very relevant at the moment. Why not ask why she focuses on gun control when confronting Sanders but ignores her previous stances on the matter. Why not ask any questions that force her to pause, unless she gave them list of questions they're allowed to ask.

I remember Jon Stewart's comments on the March to Restore Sanity in regards to the media were spot on and are very relevant now. “The press can hold its magnifying glass up to our problems bringing them into focus, illuminating issues heretofore unseen or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire and then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden, unexpected dangerous, flaming ant epidemic..."

But this tripe was the same bullshit they've been shoveling down our maw for years and it was just painful to watch all over again the media using subversive tactics to play the American people like fiddles so they can subvert genuine conversation about the actual problems in our country.

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