Democracy winds, MAGA loses!

If we went back to going after illegal employers who hire illegals, before Bush 2 stopped, the next thing you will hear is corporations lobbying to make these refuges and immigrants legal citizens because they need the help.

Right now they hire them under the table for unAmerican wages.
They are undocumented aliens and they contribute heavily to local economies. Paying rent, gas and food contributes to the local economy.

this is what our democrats want in the name of 'democracy'. Learn the definitions.
They are undocumented aliens and they contribute heavily to local economies. Paying rent, gas and food contributes to the local economy.
THEY. DO. NOT. They are a burden to the rest of us. Democrats and rino traitors know this. It's to change the face of this nation and turn it into hell on earth. and you'll reap it too.
"Yay. We can slaughter babies more easily now!"

Some gullible women fell for the 'women's reproductive care' BS. What they don't understand is the Marxist leadership and their media which sold them this bilge couldn't care less about women. The ultimate goal is mandatory abortion like has been going in China for decades.
Holy abortion, Batman! WTF happened to our country?
They are undocumented aliens and they contribute heavily to local economies. Paying rent, gas and food contributes to the local economy.
Like I said, we need them.

This is why I want them to be legal and I want blacks to make as much as whites. I don't want them having an unfair advantage because they make less.
THEY. DO. NOT. They are a burden to the rest of us. Democrats and rino traitors know this. It's to change the face of this nation and turn it into hell on earth. and you'll reap it too.
You don't want to add a little latino heat to our nations DNA? Why not? Religious, hard working, what more do you want?

Now we all know the extent of your racism.


Why would voter turnout go down 4% in a red state where the race was close? And it wasn't Democratic turnout it was Republicans who didn't show up for this black man who has a white wife.

You don't think that bothers white Republicans in Kentucky? You're naive then.
Sorry but I know white Republicans in Kentucky. Ain't gonna vote for a black guy. They aren't evolved enough yet.

They're far more evolved than the bloodthirsty leftists who are supporting killing babies and selling body parts, and sterilizing and sexually mutilating the ones who survive in utero murder.

Thanks for trying to participate.

Sorry, no trophy for you today. Look elsewhere, loser.

Why would voter turnout go down 4% in a red state where the race was close? And it wasn't Democratic turnout it was Republicans who didn't show up for this black man who has a white wife.

You don't think that bothers white Republicans in Kentucky? You're naive then.

Thanks for letting me trigger you today. Now I have better things to do.



They're far more evolved than the bloodthirsty leftists who are supporting killing babies and selling body parts, and sterilizing and sexually mutilating the ones who survive in utero murder.

Thanks for trying to participate.

Sorry, no trophy for you today. Look elsewhere, loser.


Transphobia Lost At The Polls In Kentucky​

In two key states, Republicans’ attacks on transgender rights did little to either sway swing voters or spike GOP turnout.
Allies of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron spent $5.2 million on ads hammering Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear for vetoing the GOP state legislature’s adoption of a blanket ban on gender-affirming medical care, the teaching of gender identity in the classroom and allowing schoolkids to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity. (The legislature, which has a Republican supermajority in both chambers, overrode the veto.)
The American Principles Project PAC, a socially conservative group, aired several TV ads on the topic. “Why is Andy Beshear vetoing legislation that protects kids from permanent, harmful and sterilizing sex change drugs and procedures?” the narrator of one such ad asks as ominous music plays.
Beshear has said he does not support sex changes for minors, and his opposition to the blanket ban was ultimately moot. But his victory continues a trend of Democrats easily brushing aside GOP attacks on transgender rights, following wins in 2022’s gubernatorial races in Kansas and Michigan.

Transphobia Lost At The Polls In Kentucky​

In two key states, Republicans’ attacks on transgender rights did little to either sway swing voters or spike GOP turnout.
Allies of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron spent $5.2 million on ads hammering Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear for vetoing the GOP state legislature’s adoption of a blanket ban on gender-affirming medical care, the teaching of gender identity in the classroom and allowing schoolkids to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity. (The legislature, which has a Republican supermajority in both chambers, overrode the veto.)
The American Principles Project PAC, a socially conservative group, aired several TV ads on the topic. “Why is Andy Beshear vetoing legislation that protects kids from permanent, harmful and sterilizing sex change drugs and procedures?” the narrator of one such ad asks as ominous music plays.
Beshear has said he does not support sex changes for minors, and his opposition to the blanket ban was ultimately moot. But his victory continues a trend of Democrats easily brushing aside GOP attacks on transgender rights, following wins in 2022’s gubernatorial races in Kansas and Michigan.

Cute post.

This is fun!

Entertain me!


You’re stupid and ignorant Anyone with a 5th Grade education knows they are pouring over the borders
Like Canadians, they come here many different ways. Are you talking about people showing up at our borders asking for asylum? People who sneak in? There's also people who come here on vacation and never leave.

We need to get stricter on corporations who hire illegals. We used to go after them. We don't. If we did you'd see they'd stop. And when they get caught stop buying the lie they were given good fake id and they didn't know. They know. And they don't use the federal system sometimes. Shady. This is very unpatriotic. Treasonist. And Republicans are complacent.
I can tell you're still in shock.
You can’t even tell time.

I’m not in shock. I’m actually quite indifferent to pot laws. I don’t care who gets on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I’m not surprised that some States’ voters want to keep abortion available. And if some voters want to have Dems making their laws, the damages will fall in the residents of such states.
You can’t even tell time.

I’m not in shock. I’m actually quite indifferent to pot laws. I don’t care who gets on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I’m not surprised that some States’ voters want to keep abortion available. And if some voters want to have Dems making their laws, the damages will fall in the residents of such states.
u care. ur surprised and upset. opposite of me