*Dem Rep Moran's son CAUGHT on video-VOTER FRAUD!!

Parts of the video:

Undercover Reporter: Well, he was actually going to get in a van and vote for them.

Patrick Moran: Ohhhh

Undercover Reporter: I know, but –

Undercover Reporter: It’s scary, but I’m not. … I don’t want to lose, and I’m frightened.

Patrick Moran: Yeah.

Then later in the video there's talk about creating fake utility bills to serve as voter identification.

Patrick Moran: So, if they just have the utility bill or bank statement – bank statement would obviously be tough … but faking a utility bill would be easy enough.

Undercover Reporter: How would you do that?

Patrick Moran: I mean, I would just find, I don’t know, I guess. …

Undercover Reporter: Microsoft Word and type it up.

Patrick Moran: Yeah, something like that
At 8:27 in the video, THE FULL UNEDITED video is shown..

This should put this little spoiled liberal in jail..

We'll see.
This is exactly why voter rolls need to be updated. There are likely millions of registered people who are either dead, illegally in the states, moved to another state or in a nursing home with alzheimers and just don't vote anymore. Many don't register even though they could and there is nothing stopping others from stepping in to register and vote for them. If people who work in the polls and are responsible for collecting registrations and sending out ballots are dishonest, they have a wealth of opportunity to commit fraud. I find it suspicious that Holder sued states to stop them from validating voters on their rolls and purging names of unqualified voters.

I think cheating is far too easy and the administration would like to keep it that way. No doubt they will be concerned if anyone other than they are cheating, but I have little faith in the current integrity of our voting process. Cheaters are difficult to catch and it's impossible to validate each vote after it comes in. That is especially true this year because Soros' is involved due to SCYTL stepping in to count votes. Once the vote is cast, there is no chain of custody or paper trail, so no way to determine whether a vote was legal or not. No recounts!

The time to take action is prior to voting to ensure that cheating is kept to a minimum. And the penalty for those caught cheating should be severe.
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This is exactly why voter rolls need to be updated. There are likely millions of registered people who are either dead, illegally in the states, moved to another state or in a nursing home with alzheimers and just don't vote anymore. Many don't register even though they could and there is nothing stopping others from stepping in to register and vote for them. If people who work in the polls and are responsible for collecting registrations and sending out ballots are dishonest, they have a wealth of opportunity to commit fraud. I find it suspicious that Holder sued states to stop them from validating voters on their rolls and purging names of unqualified voters.

I think cheating is far too easy and the administration would like to keep it that way. No doubt they will be concerned if anyone other than they are cheating, but I have little faith in the current integrity of our voting process. Cheaters are difficult to catch and it's impossible to validate each vote after it comes in. That is especially true this year because Soros' is involved due to SCYTL stepping in to count votes. Once the vote is cast, there is no chain of custody or paper trail, so no way to determine whether a vote was legal or not.

The time to take action is prior to voting to ensure that cheating is kept to a minimum. And the penalty for those caught cheating should be severe.

You're right.. Let's just hope that the POLL Watchers, of which I am one. for the Romney team, will carefully watch everything going on.
New Undercover Video: Did Congressman's Son Commit Voter Fraud?

Thanks to James O'Keefe we see once more the CRIMINAL left and their intent to steal elections, break laws..

you're mentally ill, aren't you?

So you think it is ok for voter fraud. OK.. I think you need to look in the mirror and you will find the mentally ill person looking back at you

That's all they have.. Every liberal personally attacks any OP who posts the truth and facts if it reflects negatively on their candidates. It doesn't matter that it's the truth..
You really believe anything that O'Queef puts out there after he got his little acorn ruse debunked? You really are one of the most gullible, unintelligent posters on here... and that's saying something?
I watched the video this morning. Yes he did hesitate at first but then he explained to the guy how to best go about illegally voting for a 100 people or more. The Representative's son explained that the guy could best accomplish the desired task of casting a 100 or more illegal votes by forging documents with names and address on them that looked like official utility bills. He then went on to say that the guy might want to phone these people while impersonating a Poll Taker to find out if they planned to vote or not before he forged the required documents. These actions were deemed necessary by the Representative's son to aid in getting around the new Voter ID laws.
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You really believe anything that O'Queef puts out there after he got his little acorn ruse debunked? You really are one of the most gullible, unintelligent posters on here... and that's saying something?

The video is all the proof I need.
Patrick Moran: "I'm impressed, man."

Well, the rest of the country that actually obeys our laws is not impressed. Scumbag.

What's gullible about watching a person speaking in their own words??

The only thing gullible is your brain.. Liberals are allergic to the truth. Every single day here we catch liberals in lies.. EVERY SINGLE DAY..It shows the truth about Progressives and their real agenda. :) Don't think we aren't aware..
If voter ID or other enhancement of voter authentication is ever put in place, using fake utility bills is no longer an option. Where / How are Democrats going to pick up those extra 100 votes?

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