DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for ballot drop boxes

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
In Georgia, thereā€™s an Open Records Request law that requires showing the forms that keep track of the chain of custody for ballot drop boxes.

DeKalb County is refusing to show these documents.

Iā€™m going to interpret this as proof that they cheated.

Why else would they hide the documents?

This is why Democrats love drop boxes. Anyone can put any number of ballots into them. The boxes arenā€™t supervised. Itā€™s a great way to commit fraud.

DeKalb County Cannot Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes: ā€˜It Has Not Been Determined If Responsive Records to Your Request Existā€™

December 5, 2020

DeKalb County responded to an Open Records Request from The Georgia Star News to produce the ballot transfer forms that formed the critical chain of custody link in the absentee ballots deposited in the near 300 drop boxes in the state and transported to county election offices in a letter received on Friday that said the county did not know if such records exist.

The Georgia Star News filed an open records request on Tuesday for all ā€œballot transfer formsā€ from the Nov. 3 General Election in DeKalb County. But there is no way to determine the chain of custody.

The open records request reply, received from Assistant County Attorney at DeKalb County Dexter Q. Bond, Jr., stated, ā€œit has not yet been determined if responsive records to your request exist.ā€

The ballot transfer forms that remain unknown in DeKalb are a part of Georgiaā€™s new Election Code implemented this past summer.

The DeKalb County response was unusual in several ways.

The Georgia Star News has contacted several counties in the state, and DeKalb is the only county so far to respond that it does not know if it has ballot transfer forms.

Cook County, for instance, provided copies of all the ballot transfer forms used in the 2020 general election within 24 hours.

Late Friday afternoon Cobb County provided copies of 400 ballot transfer forms used in the 2020 general election.

The Georgia Star News received responses from election officials in both Cobb County and Cook County.

In contrast, the DeKalb County response instead came from an Assistant County Attorney.

It strains credulity to suggest that the election director of DeKalb County cannot say whether or not the legally required ballot transfer forms exist in 30 seconds, not the 30 days the county says it needs to be able to answer that question.
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In Georgia, thereā€™s an Open Records Request law that requires showing the forms that keep track of the chain of custody for ballot drop boxes.

DeKalb County is refusing to show these documents.

Iā€™m going to interpret this as proof that they cheated.

Why else would they hide the documents?

This is why Democrats love drop boxes. Anyone can put any number of ballots into them. The boxes arenā€™t supervised. Itā€™s a great way to commit fraud.

DeKalb County Cannot Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes: ā€˜It Has Not Been Determined If Responsive Records to Your Request Existā€™

December 5, 2020

DeKalb County responded to an Open Records Request from The Georgia Star News to produce the ballot transfer forms that formed the critical chain of custody link in the absentee ballots deposited in the near 300 drop boxes in the state and transported to county election offices in a letter received on Friday that said the county did not know if such records exist.

The Georgia Star News filed an open records request on Tuesday for all ā€œballot transfer formsā€ from the Nov. 3 General Election in DeKalb County. But there is no way to determine the chain of custody.

The open records request reply, received from Assistant County Attorney at DeKalb County Dexter Q. Bond, Jr., stated, ā€œit has not yet been determined if responsive records to your request exist.ā€

The ballot transfer forms that remain unknown in DeKalb are a part of Georgiaā€™s new Election Code implemented this past summer.

The DeKalb County response was unusual in several ways.

The Georgia Star News has contacted several counties in the state, and DeKalb is the only county so far to respond that it does not know if it has ballot transfer forms.

Cook County, for instance, provided copies of all the ballot transfer forms used in the 2020 general election within 24 hours.

Late Friday afternoon Cobb County provided copies of 400 ballot transfer forms used in the 2020 general election.

The Georgia Star News received responses from election officials in both Cobb County and Cook County.

In contrast, the DeKalb County response instead came from an Assistant County Attorney.

It strains credulity to suggest that the election director of DeKalb County cannot say whether or not the legally required ballot transfer forms exist in 30 seconds, not the 30 days the county says it needs to be able to answer that question.

If fraud is discovered it is clear that the culpable are Republicans. In that I point out the SoS and Governor are members of the Republican Party and the buck stops at their door. BTW, the request is moot, the election is settled and Joe Biden has the necessary number of EC Votes.
If fraud is discovered it is clear that the culpable are Republicans. In that I point out the SoS and Governor are members of the Republican Party and the buck stops at their door. BTW, the request is moot, the election is settled and Joe Biden has the necessary number of EC Votes.
A) Whether the Governor and Secretary of State are registered as republicans or not is immaterial.
If they stand in the way of discovering the chain of custody for many votes in a clearly corrupted
election let them pay the price for what they've done.

Lin Wood has clearly called on those two to divulge what they received for making a huge investment in
Domain vote changing machines before the elections, which were not needed, by the way, and challenged Kemp and Raffensperger to sue him if they felt so foolishly bold.
They have declined,.

B) The issue clearly is NOT moot. You would like to believe so but you are very wrong and lying in the matter.
Biden has not yet been certified by the Electoral College and the matter is still before the courts. You wouldn't be the first supporter of criminals to anxiously wish to be in the clear to accomplish your crimes.
This goes beyond just idiotically arguing things you have no knowledge of.

You are a conscious accomplice to the biggest crime in American history. Rot in hell.
If fraud is discovered it is clear that the culpable are Republicans. In that I point out the SoS and Governor are members of the Republican Party and the buck stops at their door. BTW, the request is moot, the election is settled and Joe Biden has the necessary number of EC Votes.

We should prosecute every Republican who cheated.

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