Defunding Police


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Make no mistake about what we are witnessing. Leftists in America, from mayors to governors, to media, to movie stars, have gone completely unhinged, proving once again that there is no limit to the lunacy that these people will engage in. The latest crazieness is the call to defund police departments (at a time when they need to be strengthened), as well as to abolish the police entirely.

Don't think that just because this is totally absurd and insane, that it can't happen. It already has happened. In some cities, efforts to turn that notion into action are already underway, with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announcing on Wednesday that he would be making cuts of up to $150 million to the police budget, and reinvesting those funds in black communities. Not only a crazy and dangerous move, but a racist one, as well.

Several members of the Minneapolis City Council this week have expressed support for radical changes to how the city handles law enforcement, including a move to "dismantle" the police department and replace it with "a transformative new model for public safety." Steve Fletcher, a member of the Minneapolis City Council, condemned Bob Kroll of the police union in a long thread, in which he said the city should "declare policing as we know it a thing of the past."

Jeremiah Ellison, son of the Attorney General, Keith Ellison, tweeted "We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department, and when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together. We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response. It’s really past due."

All this is giving new meaning to the age old term, YOUNG AND STUPID.

Half of what police departments do is to generate revenue. America would be a better place without useless fines and probation for victimless crimes.
The fines wont stop, dude, they will turn to BLM to collect for them.
Half of what police departments do is to generate revenue. America would be a better place without useless fines and probation for victimless crimes.
So you are for abolishing the police ? :laugh:

Even Geraldo Rivera doesn't support this madness.
Nope, they should keep the peace and otherwise leave people alone, all people. If the many problems concerning Americans and their relationship with law enforcement had not been allowed to fester so long none of this would have happened.
Make no mistake about what we are witnessing. Leftists in America, from mayors to governors, to media, to movie stars, have gone completely unhinged, proving once again that there is no limit to the lunacy that these people will engage in. The latest crazieness is the call to defund police departments (at a time when they need to be strengthened), as well as to abolish the police entirely.

Don't think that just because this is totally absurd and insane, that it can't happen. It already has happened. In some cities, efforts to turn that notion into action are already underway, with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announcing on Wednesday that he would be making cuts of up to $150 million to the police budget, and reinvesting those funds in black communities. Not only a crazy and dangerous move, but a racist one, as well.

Several members of the Minneapolis City Council this week have expressed support for radical changes to how the city handles law enforcement, including a move to "dismantle" the police department and replace it with "a transformative new model for public safety." Steve Fletcher, a member of the Minneapolis City Council, condemned Bob Kroll of the police union in a long thread, in which he said the city should "declare policing as we know it a thing of the past."

Jeremiah Ellison, son of the Attorney General, Keith Ellison, tweeted "We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department, and when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together. We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response. It’s really past due."

All this is giving new meaning to the age old term, YOUNG AND STUPID.

Just don't forget when empowering the State, and granting special authorities to its minions; that every 4-8 years or so your opposition gets a shot at sitting in the big chair. So while busy tbemselves crafting a club to beat the plebes down with... Remember your gonna have to hand that baton over sooner or later.
Half of what police departments do is to generate revenue. America would be a better place without useless fines and probation for victimless crimes.
To say nothing of brutalizing the public and arresting minorities and poor for minor infractions. Then, helping to imprison them.
Half of what police departments do is to generate revenue. America would be a better place without useless fines and probation for victimless crimes.
So you are for abolishing the police ? :laugh:

Even Geraldo Rivera doesn't support this madness.
Nope, they should keep the peace and otherwise leave people alone, all people. If the many problems concerning Americans and their relationship with law enforcement had not been allowed to fester so long none of this would have happened.
It appears even after all that has happened of late, most of our elected leaders still don’t get it.
Half of what police departments do is to generate revenue. America would be a better place without useless fines and probation for victimless crimes.
To say nothing of brutalizing the public and arresting minorities and poor for minor infractions. Then, helping to imprison them.
That is the extreme end of policies where police have to justify their existence and fund themselves through their activities.
Half of what police departments do is to generate revenue. America would be a better place without useless fines and probation for victimless crimes.
So you are for abolishing the police ? :laugh:

Even Geraldo Rivera doesn't support this madness.
Nope, they should keep the peace and otherwise leave people alone, all people. If the many problems concerning Americans and their relationship with law enforcement had not been allowed to fester so long none of this would have happened.
It appears even after all that has happened of late, most of our elected leaders still don’t get it.
The prison industrial complex has a powerful lobby. "Getting it" is not what they are getting paid for.
Nope, they should keep the peace and otherwise leave people alone, all people. If the many problems concerning Americans and their relationship with law enforcement had not been allowed to fester so long none of this would have happened.
There ARE NO "problems concerning Americans and their relationship with law enforcement", except in the minds of duped liberals, put there by agenda-driven, sensationalist, maniacal media.

example - KTLA and their instigation of the Rodney King LA riots.
That is the extreme end of policies where police have to justify their existence and fund themselves through their activities.
Police don't have to justify a damn thing. They are a foregone conclusion to those of us with moderate or better intelligence. This is a ridiculous discussion.
Just don't forget when empowering the State, and granting special authorities to its minions; that every 4-8 years or so your opposition gets a shot at sitting in the big chair. So while busy tbemselves crafting a club to beat the plebes down with... Remember your gonna have to hand that baton over sooner or later.
There IS NO "club to beat the plebes down with.." Stop allowing yourself to be duped.
Just don't forget when empowering the State, and granting special authorities to its minions; that every 4-8 years or so your opposition gets a shot at sitting in the big chair. So while busy tbemselves crafting a club to beat the plebes down with... Remember your gonna have to hand that baton over sooner or later.
There IS NO "club to beat the plebes down with.." Stop allowing yourself to be duped.
I respectfully disagree.
Nope, they should keep the peace and otherwise leave people alone, all people. If the many problems concerning Americans and their relationship with law enforcement had not been allowed to fester so long none of this would have happened.
There ARE NO "problems concerning Americans and their relationship with law enforcement", except in the minds of duped liberals, put there by agenda-driven, sensationalist, maniacal media.

example - KTLA and their instigation of the Rodney King LA riots.
Denying there are problems is why there are protests. Maybe you have never been hassled by the cops or got a raw deal in the criminal justice system and so you think things are fine?

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