Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

I have no problem with that.
NASA doesnt do anything anymore.

Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

Obama had Quantitative Easing from the Fed, and couldn't manage even half decent GDP growth. Trump has had the Fed raise rates FOUR TIMES since he's been in office and the economy is still growing and doing well.

People are largely clueless about economics, finance, and business.
Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

No, none of that stuff was free. It is all added in. But none of it changes the facts. That is why you cannot respond with facts or figures.

you have nothing but name calling and stupidity.
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

I have no problem with that.
NASA doesnt do anything anymore.

Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

Obama had Quantitative Easing from the Fed, and couldn't manage even half decent GDP growth. Trump has had the Fed raise rates FOUR TIMES since he's been in office and the economy is still growing and doing well.

People are largely clueless about economics, finance, and business.

The best that Trump has managed so far is to match what Obama did in 2015...2.9% growth. And to get that he added 1.48 trillion dollars to the national debt and pushed a tax cut that reduced revenue year to year for only the 14th time since 1935.

Obama sucked, 2nd worst POTUS ever...but Trump is only slightly better.
What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

It's not easy fixing Republican fuck ups.
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

I have no problem with that.
NASA doesnt do anything anymore.

Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

Obama had Quantitative Easing from the Fed, and couldn't manage even half decent GDP growth. Trump has had the Fed raise rates FOUR TIMES since he's been in office and the economy is still growing and doing well.

People are largely clueless about economics, finance, and business.

Coulda been all that resistance from Republicans.

Ya know...keeping the Stimulus as low as possible...shutting down the government...the Sequester...

i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

I have no problem with that.
NASA doesnt do anything anymore.

Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

Obama had Quantitative Easing from the Fed, and couldn't manage even half decent GDP growth. Trump has had the Fed raise rates FOUR TIMES since he's been in office and the economy is still growing and doing well.

People are largely clueless about economics, finance, and business.

Coulda been all that resistance from Republicans.

Ya know...keeping the Stimulus as low as possible...shutting down the government...the Sequester...


Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress the first two years. He got two huge stimulus through. Total waste, total payback to unions, and cronies. NO shovel ready jobs.
Trump. like his lowsy business deals, is spending our hard earned tax payer money like its his own. The man has no ceiling on how much to spend, could give a fuck about the deficit and has yet to show one improvement overall for all the waste and wreckless spending he is doing...and if this was a fuckin democrat, the GOP and rednecks would be losing their fuckin already empty minds. I am sick to fuckin death of the double standard white people seem to get when democrats are in office, I'm sick of it
So that's for, what, two years? Three?

i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

I have no problem with that.
NASA doesnt do anything anymore.

Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

Obama had Quantitative Easing from the Fed, and couldn't manage even half decent GDP growth. Trump has had the Fed raise rates FOUR TIMES since he's been in office and the economy is still growing and doing well.

People are largely clueless about economics, finance, and business.

Coulda been all that resistance from Republicans.

Ya know...keeping the Stimulus as low as possible...shutting down the government...the Sequester...


Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress the first two years. He got two huge stimulus through. Total waste, total payback to unions, and cronies. NO shovel ready jobs.

Trump had a Repub controlled Congress the first two years....what did he get through?
Funny how Barry Hussein's spending was never called "Nation busting" even though we got nothing for it but stagnation in eight dismal years
Dismal fuckin years???? What fuckin planet have you morons been living on. The man inherited the worst economy ever since the great depression. He was handed a fucked up deficit and had to work with the most hostile congress and senate in US history and still the BLACK MAN managed to not only put this country back on the right track, he also managed to regain our standings around the world. Compare that to this clown, this nightmare, this white lump of shit Trump and then you'll get your fuckin dismal years, you dumb white fuck head.
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!







You weren't concerned when O was blowing out the debt. Your little croc tears dry up before they hit the ground. Lol. Waaa waaa.

why do you people keep posting this lie about him? is this really all you have?

Yes. It is really all they have. We simply need to ignore stupid partisan bastards like this. They add absolutely nothing to the conversation.
Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?
Don't worry. Trump is on track to bust Obama's record wide open.

And you tards didn't wait for Obama to bust Bush's record before you started in on him. You began on day one of his presidency.

But here you are, sitting like good little cucks and not making a peep about Trump's record spending.

All you dipshits can do in the face of Trump's massive failures is whine the same old bullshit. "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama/Hillary/Democrats!"

Funny how Barry Hussein's spending was never called "Nation busting" even though we got nothing for it but stagnation in eight dismal years
Obama was saving an economy the GOP had just obliterated. AND his spending was heading way down by the end as the economy recovered. Trump, meanwhile, man you think his Obama eclipsing spending is sexy. I think you hope for more.

The GOP did not 'obliterate' the economy. Obama did not 'save' the economy. Trump is doing nothing to 'save' the economy. It's insane how often these talking points are tossed out. That said, our country doesn't have $5 to spend, let alone $5 trillion.
The facts are simple..... Republicans are much better at controlling spending than are dimocraps.
Nope,all of the evidence available for decades shows that's false . You're delusional.
Yeah we just saw what happens to spending with full repub control. Not good.

We saw what happens with republican control for 6 long years of the bush boy years.

The spend like drunken sailors. They deregulate everything they possibly can and give huge tax cuts to filthy rich people and corporations.

They are the most fiscally irresponsible people in our nation and lie about it while they're doing it.
Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?
Don't worry. Trump is on track to bust Obama's record wide open.

And you tards didn't wait for Obama to bust Bush's record before you started in on him. You began on day one of his presidency.

But here you are, sitting like good little cucks and not making a peep about Trump's record spending.

All you dipshits can do in the face of Trump's massive failures is whine the same old bullshit. "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama/Hillary/Democrats!"


You were a Gender and Minority Studies Major, huh?
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

I have no problem with that.
NASA doesnt do anything anymore.

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

Obama had Quantitative Easing from the Fed, and couldn't manage even half decent GDP growth. Trump has had the Fed raise rates FOUR TIMES since he's been in office and the economy is still growing and doing well.

People are largely clueless about economics, finance, and business.

Coulda been all that resistance from Republicans.

Ya know...keeping the Stimulus as low as possible...shutting down the government...the Sequester...


Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress the first two years. He got two huge stimulus through. Total waste, total payback to unions, and cronies. NO shovel ready jobs.

Trump had a Repub controlled Congress the first two years....what did he get through?
Remember them red white and vomit Tea Party bastards all stressing over the fuckin deficit and Ted Cruz shutting down the government because Obama and the dem's had to pay for shit before they'd pass anything??? Yet these fake mf's today...silent like the bitches they are.
i find it odder that women vote for men who treat women poorly but hey if the pussy grabber fits....go for it
Good Christ, do any of you ever take a fucking break from your fucking hypocrisy?

Holy shit I fucking hate all of you.

I have no problem with that.
NASA doesnt do anything anymore.

Obama ran up more debt than any previous President COMBINED, but that was OK, right?

Well, that is not really true.

Going by first FY budget to the end of the last FY budget

Obama added 74% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
Reagan added 186% to the national debt (but that is ok with you because he was a Repub)
The all time winner of course is FDR who added 1,048% to the national debt.

What about Quantitative Easing? QEI, QEII and QE III? Think that was free stuff??

What about TARP?

What about the BILLIONS on phony bailouts like Solyndra? Remember them? Remember all the shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and never materialized?

You people are clueless.

And really stupid

Obama had Quantitative Easing from the Fed, and couldn't manage even half decent GDP growth. Trump has had the Fed raise rates FOUR TIMES since he's been in office and the economy is still growing and doing well.

People are largely clueless about economics, finance, and business.

Coulda been all that resistance from Republicans.

Ya know...keeping the Stimulus as low as possible...shutting down the government...the Sequester...


Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress the first two years. He got two huge stimulus through. Total waste, total payback to unions, and cronies. NO shovel ready jobs.

Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress the first two years. He got two huge stimulus through. Total waste, total payback to unions, and cronies. NO shovel ready jobs....and then you got out of prison and saw that Fox news had been lying to you for all them first 2 years, right?

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