Deer In Yard Today, Under Wild Apple Tree


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
well, obviously it was white tail deer....

we have 7 wild apple trees and 1 more in the meadow across the we draw a lot of deer this time of the year because the apples are ripe now....

the deer first eat from the two, yellow apple trees....they are sweet apples, then they move on to the red apples, then the green apple tree....

but by far, they prefer the yellow apples....

Yesterday at dusk, there were 4 deer under the tree in front near the way....2 very big adult female deer and two spotted fawn.... no pics though, I did not have my camera near with it's pic memory card in it, so today I was armed and ready with my camera...:)
cool. proves we still have some environment left.
our deer are well manage here in Maine....back in 2008 and 2009 due to very harsh winters, we lost 30% of the herds from the cold, so they limited hunting permits for a a few years, but we are back up to normal or near normal again....I think on average we have about 220,000 or so in the State....

And we have on average, about 76000 Moose....

And the Lord only knows how many Black Bear.....of which we had one this year in our yard trying to open the shed, and two years ago, we had TWO in our yard that tore down the bird feeder and just sat down on the ground like it was their yard, eating sunflower seeds from the bird feeder....

This year, after the visit, we bought bear spray, 4 containers of it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
don't poke the bear! :eusa_eh:
oh, i am not going to hurt the bear....he was the cutest bear ever! Honest to goodness, with Matt as my witness, he smiled at us when he turned around and saw us coming out on the back deck....we were not more than 10 to 15 feet from him/her...he was trying to figure out how to get the shed door opened, and YES we had our sunflower seeds stored in there at the time, (we now keep them in the house), but he just turned and gave this cute "oops" look, like "Oops, you caught me!", then he smiled, then he ran off.... as Matt yelled at him to get out of here! It was such a sweet and innocent type look....I will NEVER forget it, for the rest of my life....

It was such a rude was eye contact, in a very friendly was just something that burned in to my very soul, that this was God's creature....I would never kill one or harm one, unless my actual life was truly in danger...
Wow! I wish you had the pictures of that bear too.
I KNOW!!!!

Every day Matt and I say the same thing to each other, ''I wish we had a picture of that scooby doo look that bear gave us!''

Bears can be cute provided they do not decide to eat you :)
black bears are not AS vicious as brown bear and grizzly....unless surprised, or a mama with cubs....!!!!

The first encounter was a huge black bear, with a smaller bear....not tiny like a baby cub, but a bears take care of their young for 1.5 years, first year they birth them in their winter den, 2nd year they keep their same litter in the den with her, then the year after they separate and the mother is pregnant with a new litter....

We THINK this bear that came back, is the yearling from 2 years ago, that is all grown up now....
don't poke the bear! :eusa_eh:
oh, i am not going to hurt the bear....he was the cutest bear ever! Honest to goodness, with Matt as my witness, he smiled at us when he turned around and saw us coming out on the back deck....we were not more than 10 to 15 feet from him/her...he was trying to figure out how to get the shed door opened, and YES we had our sunflower seeds stored in there at the time, (we now keep them in the house), but he just turned and gave this cute "oops" look, like "Oops, you caught me!", then he smiled, then he ran off.... as Matt yelled at him to get out of here! It was such a sweet and innocent type look....I will NEVER forget it, for the rest of my life....

It was such a rude was eye contact, in a very friendly was just something that burned in to my very soul, that this was God's creature....I would never kill one or harm one, unless my actual life was truly in danger...

that was a bruins joke, but i hear ya! :D

well, obviously it was white tail deer....

we have 7 wild apple trees and 1 more in the meadow across the we draw a lot of deer this time of the year because the apples are ripe now....

the deer first eat from the two, yellow apple trees....they are sweet apples, then they move on to the red apples, then the green apple tree....

but by far, they prefer the yellow apples....

Yesterday at dusk, there were 4 deer under the tree in front near the way....2 very big adult female deer and two spotted fawn.... no pics though, I did not have my camera near with it's pic memory card in it, so today I was armed and ready with my camera...:)

apples and acorns are like candy to the deer
cool. proves we still have some environment left.
our deer are well manage here in Maine....back in 2008 and 2009 due to very harsh winters, we lost 30% of the herds from the cold, so they limited hunting permits for a a few years, but we are back up to normal or near normal again....I think on average we have about 220,000 or so in the State....

And we have on average, about 76000 Moose....

And the Lord only knows how many Black Bear.....of which we had one this year in our yard trying to open the shed, and two years ago, we had TWO in our yard that tore down the bird feeder and just sat down on the ground like it was their yard, eating sunflower seeds from the bird feeder....

This year, after the visit, we bought bear spray, 4 containers of it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

the rut is about to set in

pretty soon you should be seeing bucks wondering through the candy store

looking for a hook up
Wow! I wish you had the pictures of that bear too.
I KNOW!!!!

Every day Matt and I say the same thing to each other, ''I wish we had a picture of that scooby doo look that bear gave us!''

Bears can be cute provided they do not decide to eat you :)
black bears are not AS vicious as brown bear and grizzly....unless surprised, or a mama with cubs....!!!!

The first encounter was a huge black bear, with a smaller bear....not tiny like a baby cub, but a bears take care of their young for 1.5 years, first year they birth them in their winter den, 2nd year they keep their same litter in the den with her, then the year after they separate and the mother is pregnant with a new litter....

We THINK this bear that came back, is the yearling from 2 years ago, that is all grown up now....

just do not get between a momma and her cub

the niceness will disappear quickly

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