Deep State ... What Be It ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Short of a brochure or 5 minute commercial by maybe a
spokesman known for Integrity.
Like a Paul Harvey.Or Rush Limbaugh.Or now Mark levin.
Not a Hugh Hewitt.He caves faster than a fly on the wall in
some basement as winter makes it's first appearance.
Plus he has a really bad habit of introducing guests to his
first of the day Salem RAdio broadcast by uttering ..." How R Ya "
I mean,talk about a male cheerleader for
someone like LeBron James { definatley No academic }.
The Hewitt lives to talk smart.Seem smart.Plus admits just a day or two
ago that he does not want to See Joe Biden Indicted in any way.
Could explain his Washington Post paycheck each week or month.
Could explain why both Rush Limbaugh AND Mark Levin never
mentioned the Warren,O. { Harvard Grad } Mush.Plus being an
admitted Bad spelled { Because he's an Ohioan }.
No ... Try Weenie Boy.
The Deep State are people,typically influential members of
government involved { now no longer disputed but Believed }
INVOLVED in control { try manipulating } U.S. Government
and Policy.

The Deep State does exist and is growing large fangs and hair
places not meant for most males.Like The Hewitt would dare
leave home w/o a shave.Again ... Weenie anyone.
All his infernal Relied Factor won't help Hugh Hewitt once he
gets to flap'n his controlled Salem Radio yapper.
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Dear 'Deep State'…
Out of all due respect,

I do not respect you; I cannot, and I will not show you any deference or respect — respect you have not earned, nor deserve.

I do not respect your storied and venerable academic institutions,
I do not respect your accredited “experts” or their credentials,
I do not respect your peer reviewed studies, your double blind polls and surveys,

I do not respect your community standards, because there is no community, there are no real standards,
I don’t respect your billionaire owned corporate news channels with their rogues galleries of talking heads, empty suits, spooks and covert operatives you call authoritative,

I do not respect your politics, your political parties or your ‘peoples representatives’,
I do not respect your hallowed halls, your lushly bedecked conference rooms and congressional houses,

I do not respect your legal rationales and bought off jurisprudence,
I do not respect your judges,
magistrates and high men and women of ersatz honor, objectivity and respectability,

I do not respect your badges, medals, awards or your rank,
I don’t respect your scientific opinions, I do not respect your research or the means by which it was funded or the ends to which it is applied — it all is for corporate profits, government surveillance, raping Earth’s ecological resources and strengthening the war machine,

I do not respect your inclusivity or your concern for the health of the populace, as you take our taxes and send them to weapons manufacturers that kill countless people, rip up families and destroy their homes, their lives and livelihoods,
As you surgically mangle and sterilize our children, getting them addicted to drugs they never needed and teaching them to distrust their bodies,

As you take our tax money and hand it over to bloat the obscene profits of Big Pharma and Big Oil,

Out of all due respect,
I am out of due respect for all of you and everything you have come to be.
I say this out of respect for what I thought many of you once were, but now clearly are not…

Some of you were once honorable people with respectable values and hard earned credentials,
But you are now lackeys, lapdogs, lickspittles, sycophants, gravy train supplicants, big money whores, presstitutes, agents of oligarchy, technocracy, a digital panopticon and the phasing out of natural humanity to be replaced by some sort of bio-digital insectoid hive species.

You are sell-outs, fakers, money addicts, cowards, chicken shits, predators of children, killers of husbands, the bane of the infirm, peddlers of poison and twisters of humans beings.
You locked up our elders and put them behind plastic walls, and shoved tubes down their throats. You tore up the truth and hid it from view, you ensured sexual predators could prey again and again… you classified, whitewashed, redacted and withheld information for the span of lifetimes just so that justice could not and would not be served.

You rigged entire democracies, demonizing anyone who complained, calling them right winger, or white supremacists for wanting transparency and more proof than your empty reassurances and ridiculous indignation affords.

You call yourselves the adults in the room but you are moral infants and ethical toddlers with soiled nappies. Your practical solutions have decimated our planet, and caught us in a vicious cycle of never ending war, colonization and plunder.

You don’t need or care about my respect, that is clear.
But you will not get my politeness nor any acknowledgement of your importance or position. Nothing is holy now, nothing is sacred to you or about you.

All your wealth, all your lustrous furniture, million dollar suits and vaunted titles aren’t worth any more than the rancid excrement that your souls have become.
Turns out the "DEEP STATE" was always:

The problem isn't the Deep State.

The problem is that our system encountered someone who was completely unfit for the Presidency (Trump) and we really didn't have a way to get rid of him other than voting him out.

The mechanisms are there, of course, either impeachment or the 25th Amendment. But that would require a Republican Party that isn't full of cowards.
Deep State, RINO, "the Establishment"

are phrases used by cowards too chicken to call a spade a spade

ZIONIST FASCISM is what it is, and we were warned...

Oh, please. We support Israel because the vast majority of Americans have bought into their propaganda.

You do realize your boy Trump was the biggest supporter of Israel there was.
You do realize your boy Trump was the biggest supporter of Israel there was.

Part of the reason why Zionist Fascism went after Trump is because Trump pulled out of Syria, and Zionist Fascism did not like that at all. Zionist Fascism wants US troops in the Middle East fighting for Israel. Bolton lost it on that issue.

But that requires intelligence and truth to notice, and you have neither...

There is no Deep State.

There are merely the professionals that keep government running. Period.

Now shush, the grownups are talking.

The Deep State follows established rules and regulations.
If they don’t they get fired.

Trump was outraged that they would not break the law at his direction
Trump would rant that he can’t get things done because of the Deep State

What he meant was a Federal Government built on years of rules and regulations.
He could not just order them to do what he demanded
Trump tried.

October 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”

By early afternoon, Trump was letting loose his frustrations in an all-caps missive that seemed aimed at nobody in particular.
I worked for the Federal Government for 40 years. From Jimmy Carter up through Trump.
For the most part it was business as usual and the President did not matter. we had a job to do and a framework of rules and regulations to accomplish it in.

There was no Deep State
The Deep State is hiding under your bed. Tonite they are going to jump out and get you.

Pleasant Dreams...
Pardom Me Moi.I done doggone furgit to mention our
New and Improved State Media.The ones who lapdog virtually
every cockeyed notion Pops Biden makes mention of.
Like Our Kids.They are our latest national treasure.
So join in with Pops and consider our Kids Your Kids,
as they are Biden's Kids.
Kinda explains to a tee our Public School Teachers Unions.
Out to push kids { force } into a democrat worldview.Like
Al Gore and Greta with their indoctrinating Climate Change
Now the new State Media model is being appled right this second
By Meathead Joe Scarborough on MSNBC.Using the word " Lie "
more times in a minute than a gaggle of journalist.That word
used exclusively applying to Trump.
Like we ain't used to that kind of in our face propaganda
on an hourly basis.
But We the People have been Lied to so many times by
F-heads at MSNBC it no longer matters.They are " Toast ".
Like CNN. It's only a matter how long before Leftists and
the DEEP STATE and STATE Media complex rearrange the word
" Lie " as they did with " Misinformation ".
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I worked for the Federal Government for 40 years. From Jimmy Carter up through Trump.
For the most part it was business as usual and the President did not matter. we had a job to do and a framework of rules and regulations to accomplish it in.

There was no Deep State
No too much under President Reagan,because you had guys like
Mark levin and even Hugh Hewitt there as safeguards.
Plus a strong moral person like Attorney general Ed Meese.
However Robert F. Kennedy jr. has much still to say about the CIA
in the 60's. Remember the mystery about " Deep Throat ".
Who and what it meant.
Trump tried.

October 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”

By early afternoon, Trump was letting loose his frustrations in an all-caps missive that seemed aimed at nobody in particular.
So was Trump right { Spot-on }.?
No matter the venue he chose.I mean,it don't matter what kind of
little dutch boy hat and suspenders are worn.To plug that dyke from
leaking and save the town.
Plus Trump don't cotton hats,except when golfing.
Or at one his rallies wear Trump ball caps are everywhere.
The Deep State follows established rules and regulations.
If they don’t they get fired.

Trump was outraged that they would not break the law at his direction
Donald Trump needed authority to Fire FBI " holdovers ".
Not an Attorney general because those are Presidential
Surely you must understand that dilemna.
Donald Trump needed authority to Fire FBI " holdovers ".
Not an Attorney general because those are Presidential
Surely you must understand that dilemna.
Donald Trump used AG Sessions to draft a complaint
leading to the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey.
Oh, please. We support Israel because the vast majority of Americans have bought into their propaganda.

You do realize your boy Trump was the biggest supporter of Israel there was.
Rightly so.Unless you don't like the fact that Israel is far and
away THE Best and Biggest ALLY we have in the Middle East.
So was Trump right { Spot-on }.?
Trump pardoned most of his cult, and wants to, if elected pardon the traitors who tried to take over the US government.
No matter the venue he chose.I mean,it don't matter what kind of
little dutch boy hat and suspenders are worn.To plug that dyke from
leaking and save the town.
Jack Smith is doing exactly that.
Plus Trump don't cotton hats,except when golfing.
Or at one his rallies wear Trump ball caps are everywhere.
Of course they $27 a pop Trump REALLY loves his gullible cult.

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