“Deep State Dan” Crenshaw (Texas Congressman) Cancels Appearance at Texas Young Republicans Event After Alex Bruesewitz Threatened to Ask a Question


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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You'd think that, for being the smartest people in any room, they'd notice the pattern where nearly every person who turned on Trump in 2020 has been shown the door or is facing a movement to accomplish it ASAP.
The only way to expose the Deep State is to corner their shills and ask them the tough questions. If they're honest, they'll reveal things the American people don't want to hear. If they lie, then they're liars. Either way, they're exposed.

What a crock of crap. What was the question? Are we supposed to be stupid enough to accept that a question ran him off without even seeing the question. If such a damning question, are we supposed to believe this Crenshaw guy will never show in public again for fear he will be asked a question? What kind of trumped up fake news BS is this.
I liked the thing in the middle of the page and thought it hilarious they won't post foot fungus ads or soft porn ads like other conservative news outlets, but would support the my pillow guy and give you a support code to use at checkout. Hell, I'd rather see the soft porn than that Un-American my pillow nut bag any day. I was hoping he'd disappear after the trump appointed judge threw his election lawsuit out of court as frivolous and groundless. I'll take the soft porn over that guy, any day.
You'd think that, for being the smartest people in any room, they'd notice the pattern where nearly every person who turned on Trump in 2020 has been shown the door or is facing a movement to accomplish it ASAP.
Do you think that's a good thing?
I think it is a good thing. I am hoping for EyePatch McCain Crenshaw to get his butt kicked to the curb next time. American people are PISSED.
I think it is a good thing. I am hoping for EyePatch McCain Crenshaw to get his butt kicked to the curb next time. American people are PISSED.
Looks like more of them were more pissed at Trump last election. Kind of doubt trying to overthrow the election helped.
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