Debt ceiling fight

Doubtfull. The Republican antics last time downgraded our rating, and that cost. People are sick and tired of the constant Republican brinkmanship here.

It's enlightening to read what polls show in relation to both raising it, who to blame and on spending cuts.

CBS poll?.....LOL.....Got anything from Mother Jones or Huff-N-Puff? :laughing0301:
CBS poll?.....LOL.....Got anything from Mother Jones or Huff-N-Puff? :laughing0301:
Statement he made remains accurate. Republicans set back our fiscal stability every time they are not in the White House because they are a reality show, not a group of leaders.
Sure, just like they do now.

So, why did the GOP not ask for spending cuts with a Repub POTUS?
I don’t answer for the Republican Party , but will say one of my biggest disappointments with both parties is their unwillingness to substantially address the debt.
I don’t answer for the Republican Party , but will say one of my biggest disappointments with both parties is their unwillingness to substantially address the debt.

Which will continue to happen till we stop voting for them.
That question has been asked by multiple members...I don't recall seeing an answer.
Obviously, it is very political. But that does not mean that Repubs are wrong to insist on consessions for an increase in the debt, when they did not do it under Trump.

Trump was doing well for the United States when he was in office and the GOP had control of both Houses. He was serving all of the American people, and putting America first. Picking a debt ceiling fight with him would have been a distraction. The current president believes that making America great again is wrong. He actually uses it as a slur, bleating "MAGA" like a sheep.

He only seems to be interested in serving foreign countries, foreigners who sneak in, and very narrow demographic segments of the U.S. population. Why help him with that? For example if he had wanted to increase the debt to finish the wall on our southern border, instead of increasing the debt to build walls on Jordan's border, I'd be much more willing to support an increase.
Is this how you handle your credit card bills? Make minimum payments and hope your credit limit will be raised?
That is what the U.S. is doing and worse. Dems claim that if we don't raise the debt ceiling, we will default on existing debt. That may well be true and if it is, that means we are borrowing to pay the interest on current debt. That is clearly insolvency, and we need to stop borrowing and spending so much.
The democrats all claim that using the debt ceiling to get cuts in spending shouldnt happen that the bill should be "clean" and that they will discuss cuts after that. That is the biggest con job and lie there is. Without the leverage of the debt ceiling the dems will NEVER cut spending, not ever. The republicans should stick to the threat and force the dems to deal.
Hey fuck you and fuck the Republicans! You raised the debt ceiling 3 times under Trump. Let's face it, the country hates you fuckers!
I disagree with the OP.. First, the Republicans were able to pass a clean bill raising the debt ceiling three times under Trump despite massive increases. What gives?

The debt is to pay our bills already incurred and raising it should never be a point of debate or negotiation. That belongs in the budget process not here.

Their massive wish list is ridiculous, considering they had no issue with increasing our debt under Trump. The only this indicates is that they are pissed Biden managed to pass a major piece of legislation and they can’t repeal it and don’t have enough power to have their way in the normal budget process. So they are holding the nation hostage instead of working within the budgetary process.

None of this explains how you or any of the Democrats can tell Republicans they must vote how you tell them to, and Democrats have never done that in reverse.

Are you offering Republicans can own Democrat votes in reverse? Maybe they should offer that in the discussions. When A, B and C happen, we'll vote how you tell us to. Sure you're going to do that, sure.

Oh, and you're condemning Democrats of the past who negotiated for their debt ceiling vote? I'm guessing you're not ...
Hey fuck you and fuck the Republicans! You raised the debt ceiling 3 times under Trump. Let's face it, the country hates you fuckers!

So what you're saying is I want my way, I want my way, I want my way!!!!!!!!!

Are you holding your breath until you pass out?
Obviously, it is very political. But that does not mean that Repubs are wrong to insist on consessions for an increase in the debt, when they did not do it under Trump.

Trump was doing well for the United States when he was in office and the GOP had control of both Houses. He was serving all of the American people, and putting America first. Picking a debt ceiling fight with him would have been a distraction.

So, what you are saying is that since Trump was "serving all the American people" excess spending and rapidly increasing the deficit did not matter. Those things only matter when you think the POTUS is not serving all the American people
So what you're saying is I want my way, I want my way, I want my way!!!!!!!!!

Are you holding your breath until you pass out?

Isn't this what your beloved party is doing right now with your full support?
You are serious? Wow ...

Yes, I want to know why your beloved party did not try to cut spending when they had a GOP POTUS and had a majority in both the House and the Senate.

Do you have an answer?
So what you're saying is I want my way, I want my way, I want my way!!!!!!!!!

Are you holding your breath until you pass out?
No. I'm saying you are a piece of shit! You are scum! The country hates you fuckers! You don't do shit in office and lie your ass off when you are out of office!

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