Death tolls and government action


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Just a quick search shows the following in terms of death tolls annually in the US.

1. Corona virus: 108

2. AIDS: 13,000

3. Flu: 30,000

4. Car wrecks: 40,000

5. Alcoholism: 88,000

From the list above, the government has shut down the economy for only corona virus and taken away our freedom to work and live our lives.

As for government acting on the rest of those issues, I could see the government coming in an demanding we no longer drive, that way people have less freedom to travel. But as far as doing anything about the rest, hell no. The more drug addicted citizens unable to think in complete sentences the better. In fact, they can't die fast enough. Thank God for abortion on demand that total over 600 thousand a year now in the US.
Coronavirus: News and live updates

The latest on the pandemic

The number of coronavirus deaths around the world has surpassed 10,000, with more than 240,000 people infected with the disease.

• In the United States, there are over 13,000 confirmed cases, with more than 176 deaths.

• California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a statewide order for people to stay at home.

• Two Los Angeles Lakers and three Philadelphia 76ers have tested positive for the coronavirus, adding to a growing list of players in the NBA.

• Italy's death toll has surpassed that of China's in a grim milestone of the coronavirus pandemic
Just a quick search shows the following in terms of death tolls annually in the US.

1. Corona virus: 108

2. AIDS: 13,000

3. Flu: 30,000

4. Car wrecks: 40,000

5. Alcoholism: 88,000

From the list above, the government has shut down the economy for only corona virus and taken away our freedom to work and live our lives.

As for government acting on the rest of those issues, I could see the government coming in an demanding we no longer drive, that way people have less freedom to travel. But as far as doing anything about the rest, hell no. The more drug addicted citizens unable to think in complete sentences the better. In fact, they can't die fast enough. Thank God for abortion on demand that total over 600 thousand a year now in the US.
Just a quick search shows the following in terms of death tolls annually in the US.

1. Corona virus: 108

2. AIDS: 13,000

3. Flu: 30,000

4. Car wrecks: 40,000

5. Alcoholism: 88,000

From the list above, the government has shut down the economy for only corona virus and taken away our freedom to work and live our lives.

As for government acting on the rest of those issues, I could see the government coming in an demanding we no longer drive, that way people have less freedom to travel. But as far as doing anything about the rest, hell no. The more drug addicted citizens unable to think in complete sentences the better. In fact, they can't die fast enough. Thank God for abortion on demand that total over 600 thousand a year now in the US.
This is dumb logical reasoning. It’s just as dumb as Bernie bro’s talking about the wealth gap, looking at statistics that are merely a snapshot, not considering that it takes time to build wealth and for most Americans the older you get, the more wealth you have, and 70% of Americans wind up in the top 15%.

These stats in the OP are just a snapshot. This virus has barely scratched the surface in the US. All the shutdowns and the social distancing are only in place to buy time. All of the other diseases you listed are already built into our healthcare system. They make up many of the patients hospitals usually deal with. Hospitals usually operate at 80-90% capacity dealing with the patients sick enough to be there. No one has immunity to the corona virus on earth, unless you have already been infected. To make matters worse it’s diabolically infectious. The young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around for a week before they show any symptoms while still infecting others. It’s transmissible through the air, the only way to shield oneself is wearing a FITTED hospital or industrial grade mask. Long story short, once this broke containment in China, and especially Europe, there is no way to stop this disease. We all will eventually catch it. It spreads exponentially, but it’s a delayed spread which means we’ll always be a week behind containing it. Now it’s not the plague, and the vast majority of people who get it will be fine, followed by maybe 5-10% who need hospitalization, but will recover, and 1-2% who will die. The real problem is when this really hits, it’s going to hit seemingly all at once. And by at once I mean in a matter of a few months. Now 1-2% doesn’t sound like a lot, but at once considering the population is about 3-6million. That’s just the deaths. The 5-10% who need hospitalization is going to be a huge influx of people. Doctors and nurses are going to get this, and have to take off a couple of weeks. So you’re going to have short staffed hospitals, a huge influx of patients in need of care for the virus more than maxing out the hospitals capacities, highly infectious patients mixing with the patients already there who are most at risk from this disease, and the strokes, kidney failures, cancer complications, and heart attacks that are still going to continue to happen. If we let this get out of control, it will be devastating. We are trying to slow the spread that our healthcare system doesn’t get overwhelmed, if that happens A LOT more people are going to die than is necessary.
Just a quick search shows the following in terms of death tolls annually in the US.

1. Corona virus: 108

2. AIDS: 13,000

3. Flu: 30,000

4. Car wrecks: 40,000

5. Alcoholism: 88,000

From the list above, the government has shut down the economy for only corona virus and taken away our freedom to work and live our lives.

As for government acting on the rest of those issues, I could see the government coming in an demanding we no longer drive, that way people have less freedom to travel. But as far as doing anything about the rest, hell no. The more drug addicted citizens unable to think in complete sentences the better. In fact, they can't die fast enough. Thank God for abortion on demand that total over 600 thousand a year now in the US.
Just a quick search shows the following in terms of death tolls annually in the US.

1. Corona virus: 108

2. AIDS: 13,000

3. Flu: 30,000

4. Car wrecks: 40,000

5. Alcoholism: 88,000

From the list above, the government has shut down the economy for only corona virus and taken away our freedom to work and live our lives.

As for government acting on the rest of those issues, I could see the government coming in an demanding we no longer drive, that way people have less freedom to travel. But as far as doing anything about the rest, hell no. The more drug addicted citizens unable to think in complete sentences the better. In fact, they can't die fast enough. Thank God for abortion on demand that total over 600 thousand a year now in the US.
This is dumb logical reasoning. It’s just as dumb as Bernie bro’s talking about the wealth gap, looking at statistics that are merely a snapshot, not considering that it takes time to build wealth and for most Americans the older you get, the more wealth you have, and 70% of Americans wind up in the top 15%.

These stats in the OP are just a snapshot. This virus has barely scratched the surface in the US. All the shutdowns and the social distancing are only in place to buy time. All of the other diseases you listed are already built into our healthcare system. They make up many of the patients hospitals usually deal with. Hospitals usually operate at 80-90% capacity dealing with the patients sick enough to be there. No one has immunity to the corona virus on earth, unless you have already been infected. To make matters worse it’s diabolically infectious. The young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around for a week before they show any symptoms while still infecting others. It’s transmissible through the air, the only way to shield oneself is wearing a FITTED hospital or industrial grade mask. Long story short, once this broke containment in China, and especially Europe, there is no way to stop this disease. We all will eventually catch it. It spreads exponentially, but it’s a delayed spread which means we’ll always be a week behind containing it. Now it’s not the plague, and the vast majority of people who get it will be fine, followed by maybe 5-10% who need hospitalization, but will recover, and 1-2% who will die. The real problem is when this really hits, it’s going to hit seemingly all at once. And by at once I mean in a matter of a few months. Now 1-2% doesn’t sound like a lot, but at once considering the population is about 3-6million. That’s just the deaths. The 5-10% who need hospitalization is going to be a huge influx of people. Doctors and nurses are going to get this, and have to take off a couple of weeks. So you’re going to have short staffed hospitals, a huge influx of patients in need of care for the virus more than maxing out the hospitals capacities, highly infectious patients mixing with the patients already there who are most at risk from this disease, and the strokes, kidney failures, cancer complications, and heart attacks that are still going to continue to happen. If we let this get out of control, it will be devastating. We are trying to slow the spread that our healthcare system doesn’t get overwhelmed, if that happens A LOT more people are going to die than is necessary.

Ok, I'll prove that Dims really don't care about deaths when it comes to them contributing to the panic. They just want to kill free trade and end Trump's Presidency.

As we all know, Dims either want to diminish gun use or ban it altogether. Today, gun deaths range about 15,000 annually.

However, these same people want to legalize drugs and reduce prison sentences for drug related crimes and keep a border open with drugs running across it when about 70,000 die annually from it.

As for the concern about overwhelming hospitals, I get it, but what damage are we doing to an economy by forcing everyone to stop working and then printing trillions of dollars to throw at the problem? Ever think about that Spanky? How many people will suffer or die from this I wonder? Incalculable you say?

The way they spend in DC, in good times and bad, I wonder how people will fair with a government that becomes insolvent.
Just a quick search shows the following in terms of death tolls annually in the US.

1. Corona virus: 108

2. AIDS: 13,000

3. Flu: 30,000

4. Car wrecks: 40,000

5. Alcoholism: 88,000

From the list above, the government has shut down the economy for only corona virus and taken away our freedom to work and live our lives.

As for government acting on the rest of those issues, I could see the government coming in an demanding we no longer drive, that way people have less freedom to travel. But as far as doing anything about the rest, hell no. The more drug addicted citizens unable to think in complete sentences the better. In fact, they can't die fast enough. Thank God for abortion on demand that total over 600 thousand a year now in the US.
Just a quick search shows the following in terms of death tolls annually in the US.

1. Corona virus: 108

2. AIDS: 13,000

3. Flu: 30,000

4. Car wrecks: 40,000

5. Alcoholism: 88,000

From the list above, the government has shut down the economy for only corona virus and taken away our freedom to work and live our lives.

As for government acting on the rest of those issues, I could see the government coming in an demanding we no longer drive, that way people have less freedom to travel. But as far as doing anything about the rest, hell no. The more drug addicted citizens unable to think in complete sentences the better. In fact, they can't die fast enough. Thank God for abortion on demand that total over 600 thousand a year now in the US.
This is dumb logical reasoning. It’s just as dumb as Bernie bro’s talking about the wealth gap, looking at statistics that are merely a snapshot, not considering that it takes time to build wealth and for most Americans the older you get, the more wealth you have, and 70% of Americans wind up in the top 15%.

These stats in the OP are just a snapshot. This virus has barely scratched the surface in the US. All the shutdowns and the social distancing are only in place to buy time. All of the other diseases you listed are already built into our healthcare system. They make up many of the patients hospitals usually deal with. Hospitals usually operate at 80-90% capacity dealing with the patients sick enough to be there. No one has immunity to the corona virus on earth, unless you have already been infected. To make matters worse it’s diabolically infectious. The young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around for a week before they show any symptoms while still infecting others. It’s transmissible through the air, the only way to shield oneself is wearing a FITTED hospital or industrial grade mask. Long story short, once this broke containment in China, and especially Europe, there is no way to stop this disease. We all will eventually catch it. It spreads exponentially, but it’s a delayed spread which means we’ll always be a week behind containing it. Now it’s not the plague, and the vast majority of people who get it will be fine, followed by maybe 5-10% who need hospitalization, but will recover, and 1-2% who will die. The real problem is when this really hits, it’s going to hit seemingly all at once. And by at once I mean in a matter of a few months. Now 1-2% doesn’t sound like a lot, but at once considering the population is about 3-6million. That’s just the deaths. The 5-10% who need hospitalization is going to be a huge influx of people. Doctors and nurses are going to get this, and have to take off a couple of weeks. So you’re going to have short staffed hospitals, a huge influx of patients in need of care for the virus more than maxing out the hospitals capacities, highly infectious patients mixing with the patients already there who are most at risk from this disease, and the strokes, kidney failures, cancer complications, and heart attacks that are still going to continue to happen. If we let this get out of control, it will be devastating. We are trying to slow the spread that our healthcare system doesn’t get overwhelmed, if that happens A LOT more people are going to die than is necessary.

Ok, I'll prove that Dims really don't care about deaths when it comes to them contributing to the panic. They just want to kill free trade and end Trump's Presidency.

As we all know, Dims either want to diminish gun use or ban it altogether. Today, gun deaths range about 15,000 annually.

However, these same people want to legalize drugs and reduce prison sentences for drug related crimes and keep a border open with drugs running across it when about 70,000 die annually from it.

As for the concern about overwhelming hospitals, I get it, but what damage are we doing to an economy by forcing everyone to stop working and then printing trillions of dollars to throw at the problem? Ever think about that Spanky? How many people will suffer or die from this I wonder? Incalculable you say?

The way they spend in DC, in good times and bad, I wonder how people will fair with a government that becomes insolvent.
I do think about that, it’s going to really suck. But trump isn’t getting re-elected if the healthcare system collapses from this, and the left can keep posting the numbers of dead, and say why didn’t trump do more. The travel restrictions to China bought us a month to prepare our hospitals. If the EU had implemented them when we did, not now which is a month too late, we had a shot at containing this to China. Probably would’ve found it’s way over here, but would’ve been a more slow trickle, and we’d have plenty more time to prep. When China was in the throws of this people were fleeing there to Europe en mass, since we placed restrictions on travel. At least 500 infected carriers made it there, which you can’t contain 50 carriers with a disease that contagious.

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