Death Penalty Blues


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."


It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."

I agree. With out the penalty being carried out, in a public spectacle; the news of an execution becomes little more than anecdotal, and as such has little to no deterrent value. Nor does it satiate the publics blood lust for the offenders transgression against them. And yes. The public does deserve to see it. For it is the public as a whole, who are the ones left to carry on with the outcome of the perpetrators actions.

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."

I agree. With out the penalty being carried out, in a public spectacle; the news of an execution becomes little more than anecdotal, and as such has little to no deterrent value. Nor does it satiate the publics blood lust for the offenders transgression against them. And yes. The public does deserve to see it. For it is the public as a whole, who are the ones left to carry on with the outcome of the perpetrators actions.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. I don't need to watch any such thing. Ever.

Both you scumbuckets are advocating the creation of a death cult. Even more than the one we already have. In other words y'all are just rubbing fucking salt into an open wound.

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."

I agree. With out the penalty being carried out, in a public spectacle; the news of an execution becomes little more than anecdotal, and as such has little to no deterrent value. Nor does it satiate the publics blood lust for the offenders transgression against them. And yes. The public does deserve to see it. For it is the public as a whole, who are the ones left to carry on with the outcome of the perpetrators actions.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. I don't need to watch any such thing. Ever.

Both you scumbuckets are advocating the creation of a death cult. Even more than the one we already have. In other words y'all are just rubbing fucking salt into an open wound.
No one would be forced to watch, however that is a debate all its own...
Public executions should be done. Hangings in particular. And firing squad.
While I agree... I find nothing either particularly cruel, nor unusual about executing murderers in the same fashion as they ended their victims lives. Hangings, and firing squads would be fine for capitol crimes against the state.
Public executions should be done. Hangings in particular. And firing squad.
While I agree... I find nothing either particularly cruel, nor unusual about executing murderers in the same fashion as they ended their victims lives. Hangings, and firing squads would be fine for capitol crimes against the state.
Some murders actions should not be repeated. Hanging and shooting can cover it. Let the victims family decide.
Public executions should be done. Hangings in particular. And firing squad.
While I agree... I find nothing either particularly cruel, nor unusual about executing murderers in the same fashion as they ended their victims lives. Hangings, and firing squads would be fine for capitol crimes against the state. to draw the line somewhere...hanging, drawing and quartering--just a bit much...and some of the ways people are killed...if viewed..would have the unintended effect of garnering sympathy for the condemned.

Public hanging..quick and easy.
All y'all do with this death cult shit posted from the comfort of one's barcalounger is create a society where life means nothing and killing becomes literally a sport. At that point you open Pandora's Box for infinitely MORE murders etc. Because it becomes the stuff of celebrity.

That's exactly how we got mass shooters.

Fucking sicko necrophiliac freaks.
Buncha too bad above.

The death cult's influence in America is waning.

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."

yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."
yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

--- and those kids would grow up with the same perverted death worship the OP and his sycophants dumped here, and the killing would continue. Just as kids who grew up being abused pass that on to theirs.

Yeah there's a good plan.

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."
yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

--- and those kids would grow up with the same perverted death worship the OP and his sycophants dumped here, and the killing would continue. Just as kids who grew up being abused pass that on to theirs.

Yeah there's a good plan.
and your links to prove this?

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."
yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

--- and those kids would grow up with the same perverted death worship the OP and his sycophants dumped here, and the killing would continue. Just as kids who grew up being abused pass that on to theirs.

Yeah there's a good plan.

Death Penalty worship, eh? My sycophants? You must mean that same bunch who dump on me when they don't like my stance.

Your simplistic view of the ethical universe is noted..and laughed at. The far as i can see..continues regardless..and has through time. We have had years without a death penalty in some States..has the murder rate gone down? has not. We live in culture of violence where killing..especially, "justified" killing is praised in the media..and almost every American male harbors situations where he would kill. Some limit it to self defense..some expand it to "If you touch my daughter/son--especially sexually". I'd execute them as well. The law is the law.

It is the State's duty to render justice..or the rule of law will break down.

Your can not assure us that justice will be served..instead you want to make excuses about how society failed the perpetrator..and how he/she is a human being too--and State killing is still killing..and is wrong. Your way..has not worked. I don't give a shit about the poor inner-city youth who never had a chance..he/she chose to kill...he/she should die.

All the mealy-mouthed exhortations by people who don't have a clue...have not saved one life..well..except those on Death Row.

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."
yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

--- and those kids would grow up with the same perverted death worship the OP and his sycophants dumped here, and the killing would continue. Just as kids who grew up being abused pass that on to theirs.

Yeah there's a good plan.

Death Penalty worship, eh? My sycophants? You must mean that same bunch who dump on me when they don't like my stance.

Your simplistic view of the ethical universe is noted..and laughed at. The far as i can see..continues regardless..and has through time. We have had years without a death penalty in some States..has the murder rate gone down? has not. We live in culture of violence where killing..especially, "justified" killing is praised in the media..and almost every American male harbors situations where he would kill. Some limit it to self defense..some expand it to "If you touch my daughter/son--especially sexually". I'd execute them as well. The law is the law.

It is the State's duty to render justice..or the rule of law will break down.

Your can not assure us that justice will be served..instead you want to make excuses about how society failed the perpetrator..and how he/she is a human being too--and State killing is still killing..and is wrong. Your way..has not worked. I don't give a shit about the poor inner-city youth who never had a chance..he/she chose to kill...he/she should die.

All the mealy-mouthed exhortations by people who don't have a clue...have not saved one life..well..except those on Death Row.

And your problem is you walk on your knuckles. Damn right we live in a culture of violence, and juvenile shit like this is exactly what keeps it going. Nice job, shitstain.

It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."
yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

--- and those kids would grow up with the same perverted death worship the OP and his sycophants dumped here, and the killing would continue. Just as kids who grew up being abused pass that on to theirs.

Yeah there's a good plan.

Death Penalty worship, eh? My sycophants? You must mean that same bunch who dump on me when they don't like my stance.

Your simplistic view of the ethical universe is noted..and laughed at. The far as i can see..continues regardless..and has through time. We have had years without a death penalty in some States..has the murder rate gone down? has not. We live in culture of violence where killing..especially, "justified" killing is praised in the media..and almost every American male harbors situations where he would kill. Some limit it to self defense..some expand it to "If you touch my daughter/son--especially sexually". I'd execute them as well. The law is the law.

It is the State's duty to render justice..or the rule of law will break down.

Your can not assure us that justice will be served..instead you want to make excuses about how society failed the perpetrator..and how he/she is a human being too--and State killing is still killing..and is wrong. Your way..has not worked. I don't give a shit about the poor inner-city youth who never had a chance..he/she chose to kill...he/she should die.

All the mealy-mouthed exhortations by people who don't have a clue...have not saved one life..well..except those on Death Row.

And your problem is you walk on your knuckles. Damn right we live in a culture of violence, and juvenile shit like this is exactly what keeps it going. Nice job, shitstain.
Why, thank you, Pogo...I guess you feel that substituting juvenile insult for rational argument somehow makes your point?

No cogent argument? Nothing? In truth..who looks the fool here? Not I..I'm willing to have my mind changed..just bring me some facts and figures that how your way will cut violence..will save lives. You can't, of course.

I could argue your point..state that in order for capital punishment to work..we would need to revamp the criminal justice away with the adversarial elements..go for seeking the truth in all cases. I might point out that the unfair application of the death penalty is really the only valid argument against it.
But why would be far above your head anyway.

When someone resorts to insult instead of argument, it says I won. So thank you.

You may now take that stick out of your ass and Pogo out of here.


It seems the Millennials don't have the stomach for the Death Penalty--I always thought that the only way it makes sense is public fact, pipe it in to the schools, starting at age 10--then it might have some effect.

States to try new ways of executing prisoners. Their latest idea? Opioids.

"The synthetic painkiller fentanyl has been the driving force behind the nation’s opioid epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans last year in overdoses. Now two states want to use the drug’s powerful properties for a new purpose: to execute prisoners on death row.

As Nevada and Nebraska push for the country’s first fentanyl-assisted executions, doctors and death penalty opponents are fighting those plans. They have warned that such an untested use of fentanyl could lead to painful, botched executions, comparing the use of it and other new drugs proposed for lethal injection to human experimentation.

States are increasingly pressed for ways to carry out the death penalty because of problems obtaining the drugs they long have used, primarily because pharmaceutical companies are refusing to supply their drugs for executions.

The situation has led states such as Florida, Ohio and Oklahoma to turn to novel drug combinations for executions. Mississippi legalized nitrogen gas this spring as a backup method — something no state or country has tried. Officials have yet to say whether it would be delivered in a gas chamber or through a gas mask.

Other states have passed laws authorizing a return to older methods, such as the firing squad and the electric chair."
yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

--- and those kids would grow up with the same perverted death worship the OP and his sycophants dumped here, and the killing would continue. Just as kids who grew up being abused pass that on to theirs.

Yeah there's a good plan.

Death Penalty worship, eh? My sycophants? You must mean that same bunch who dump on me when they don't like my stance.

Your simplistic view of the ethical universe is noted..and laughed at. The far as i can see..continues regardless..and has through time. We have had years without a death penalty in some States..has the murder rate gone down? has not. We live in culture of violence where killing..especially, "justified" killing is praised in the media..and almost every American male harbors situations where he would kill. Some limit it to self defense..some expand it to "If you touch my daughter/son--especially sexually". I'd execute them as well. The law is the law.

It is the State's duty to render justice..or the rule of law will break down.

Your can not assure us that justice will be served..instead you want to make excuses about how society failed the perpetrator..and how he/she is a human being too--and State killing is still killing..and is wrong. Your way..has not worked. I don't give a shit about the poor inner-city youth who never had a chance..he/she chose to kill...he/she should die.

All the mealy-mouthed exhortations by people who don't have a clue...have not saved one life..well..except those on Death Row.

And your problem is you walk on your knuckles. Damn right we live in a culture of violence, and juvenile shit like this is exactly what keeps it going. Nice job, shitstain.
Why, thank you, Pogo...I guess you feel that substituting juvenile insult for rational argument somehow makes your point?

No cogent argument? Nothing? In truth..who looks the fool here? Not I..I'm willing to have my mind changed..just bring me some facts and figures that how your way will cut violence..will save lives. You can't, of course.

I could argue your point..state that in order for capital punishment to work..we would need to revamp the criminal justice away with the adversarial elements..go for seeking the truth in all cases. I might point out that the unfair application of the death penalty is really the only valid argument against it.
But why would be far above your head anyway.

When someone resorts to insult instead of argument, it says I won. So thank you.

You may now take that stick out of your ass and Pogo out of here.


I don't traffic in cherrypicked statistics to make a fake point. Go wash your knuckles, Flintstone.
yes, in the old days they would take the kids to the hangings to show them what happens if you committed a serious crime

--- and those kids would grow up with the same perverted death worship the OP and his sycophants dumped here, and the killing would continue. Just as kids who grew up being abused pass that on to theirs.

Yeah there's a good plan.

Death Penalty worship, eh? My sycophants? You must mean that same bunch who dump on me when they don't like my stance.

Your simplistic view of the ethical universe is noted..and laughed at. The far as i can see..continues regardless..and has through time. We have had years without a death penalty in some States..has the murder rate gone down? has not. We live in culture of violence where killing..especially, "justified" killing is praised in the media..and almost every American male harbors situations where he would kill. Some limit it to self defense..some expand it to "If you touch my daughter/son--especially sexually". I'd execute them as well. The law is the law.

It is the State's duty to render justice..or the rule of law will break down.

Your can not assure us that justice will be served..instead you want to make excuses about how society failed the perpetrator..and how he/she is a human being too--and State killing is still killing..and is wrong. Your way..has not worked. I don't give a shit about the poor inner-city youth who never had a chance..he/she chose to kill...he/she should die.

All the mealy-mouthed exhortations by people who don't have a clue...have not saved one life..well..except those on Death Row.

And your problem is you walk on your knuckles. Damn right we live in a culture of violence, and juvenile shit like this is exactly what keeps it going. Nice job, shitstain.
Why, thank you, Pogo...I guess you feel that substituting juvenile insult for rational argument somehow makes your point?

No cogent argument? Nothing? In truth..who looks the fool here? Not I..I'm willing to have my mind changed..just bring me some facts and figures that how your way will cut violence..will save lives. You can't, of course.

I could argue your point..state that in order for capital punishment to work..we would need to revamp the criminal justice away with the adversarial elements..go for seeking the truth in all cases. I might point out that the unfair application of the death penalty is really the only valid argument against it.
But why would be far above your head anyway.

When someone resorts to insult instead of argument, it says I won. So thank you.

You may now take that stick out of your ass and Pogo out of here.


I don't traffic in cherrypicked statistics to make a fake point. Go wash your knuckles, Flintstone. got nothing. Apparently, you don't traffic in reason or logic or really..anything but lame invective.

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