Genre: Crime / Drama / Mystery / Thriller (more)
Tagline: The nation's gonna cheer for the bad guy. (more)
Plot Outline: Years afterthe assassination of President George W. Bush in Chicago, an investigative documentary examines that as-yet-unsolved crime. (view trailer)
What do you think of this? Personally I the hell out of this movie! And I speak many people when I say there will be a lot of pissed of people.
Tagline: The nation's gonna cheer for the bad guy. (more)
Plot Outline: Years afterthe assassination of President George W. Bush in Chicago, an investigative documentary examines that as-yet-unsolved crime. (view trailer)
What do you think of this? Personally I the hell out of this movie! And I speak many people when I say there will be a lot of pissed of people.