Dear Mr. Boehner: MAN UP


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Ohioans rally for jobs, rights, Boehner locks them out » peoplesworld

Hundreds of workers and their allies at events throughout Ohio rallied this week for jobs and to restore union and voting rights under siege by right-wing extremism.

In Cleveland some 30 protesters picketed the Federal Building on Thursday before going to Sen. Rob Portman's office. to demand action on the growing jobs crisis. The event, part of a national "Jobs Not Cuts" day of action called by MoveOn was one of hundreds at congressional offices throughout the country. Portman, one of the six Republicans appointed to the deficit super-committee, opposes tax increases but has indicated willingness to close tax loopholes and invest in renewable energy.

On Monday the West Chester office of House Majority Leader John Boehner was picketed by 125 workers from throughout his district, loudly chanting, "Where are the jobs?" Boehner's staff locked the doors and refused to meet with a delegation.

"I don't think the congressman should be afraid of his own constituents," said Gabe Kramer, an organizer with the Service Employees International Union, according to a report in the Cincinnati Enquirer. The protesters became further enraged, the paper said, when they learned that Boehner was at a golf outing at a nearby country club. The office also locked out representatives from MoveOn on Thursday.

You can't run away, sir. You don't talk now, you won't win later. There is no way you can continue to pull this shit, and remain in office. No way.
Sorry bout that,

1. Maybe give him a call first before picketing his office?
2. He had no obligation to meet with a pissed off crowd of people.:eusa_hand:
3. He wasn't even there, how is it you want him to meet with this angry crowd, when you know he was golfing???

good grief, you'd think these IDIOTS would be PROTESTING outside the white house...but nooooooooooooooooooooo, it just CAN'T BE the Obama who was promising them all jobs since he took office. And now the UNIONS are under siege by right wing bout that one folks. I guess all them folks who VOTED last week AGAINST the Unions.............are all right wing extremist. I wonder how they feel about being called that.. :eusa_whistle:

And doesn't a site called, peoplesworld sound a little communist.
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