Dear Cory Booker: How's that 'Camden Rising' thing working out?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
George Norcross and his brother Donald are heavy-hitters in New Jersey politics. George endorsed you in your Senate campaign. As reported by in 2013, he called you “a Democrat that’s fiscally conservative yet socially progressive.” Did his endorsement have something to do with your promotion of school privatization? Or with why you haven’t taken a clear stand on single-payer healthcare? Or with why you have opposed repealing the Patriot Act?

It must have been embarrassing when the Republican National Committee organized a petition supporting you after you defended Bain Capital on “Meet The Press” against criticisms made by President Obama. This was when you were still mayor of Newark and supported Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race against Mitt Romney.

Getting back to the concert, its official name was Camden Rising. Was that intended as some kind of sick joke? Camden most certainly is not rising, not by any stretch of the imagination. It is one of the poorest cities in the United States.

Isn’t Camden County Jail around the corner from the BB&T Pavilion? I wonder what the inmates and county employees there think of the notion “Camden Rising.” Or has that facility already changed hands due to budgetary problems? As made clear in an undated Camden County memo, privatization is an option on the table for the jail. I wonder how you square that with the recent Justice Department report that’s critical of private prisons. Or is prison privatization on the agenda of “Camden Rising”?

Then came shocking news that a water main break left half of Camden without clean water for several days (, July 31). The mishap took place while Camden Rising was in progress on the waterfront. Did you rush off the stage mid-way into your introduction of Lady Gaga to get to the bottom of the matter? Why wasn’t it screaming front page news across the country? After all drinking water for Camden’s residents is already controlled by a public-private partnership. I guess the privatization of public utilities is part of “Camden rising.”

Dear Cory Booker: How's that 'Camden Rising' thing working out?

It is about damn time.
Ya know, he's not the mayor of Camden . Or the gov of jersey .

Shouldn't you be bitching at Chris Christy ?
George Norcross and his brother Donald are heavy-hitters in New Jersey politics. George endorsed you in your Senate campaign. As reported by in 2013, he called you “a Democrat that’s fiscally conservative yet socially progressive.” Did his endorsement have something to do with your promotion of school privatization? Or with why you haven’t taken a clear stand on single-payer healthcare? Or with why you have opposed repealing the Patriot Act?

It must have been embarrassing when the Republican National Committee organized a petition supporting you after you defended Bain Capital on “Meet The Press” against criticisms made by President Obama. This was when you were still mayor of Newark and supported Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race against Mitt Romney.

Getting back to the concert, its official name was Camden Rising. Was that intended as some kind of sick joke? Camden most certainly is not rising, not by any stretch of the imagination. It is one of the poorest cities in the United States.

Isn’t Camden County Jail around the corner from the BB&T Pavilion? I wonder what the inmates and county employees there think of the notion “Camden Rising.” Or has that facility already changed hands due to budgetary problems? As made clear in an undated Camden County memo, privatization is an option on the table for the jail. I wonder how you square that with the recent Justice Department report that’s critical of private prisons. Or is prison privatization on the agenda of “Camden Rising”?

Then came shocking news that a water main break left half of Camden without clean water for several days (, July 31). The mishap took place while Camden Rising was in progress on the waterfront. Did you rush off the stage mid-way into your introduction of Lady Gaga to get to the bottom of the matter? Why wasn’t it screaming front page news across the country? After all drinking water for Camden’s residents is already controlled by a public-private partnership. I guess the privatization of public utilities is part of “Camden rising.”

Dear Cory Booker: How's that 'Camden Rising' thing working out?

It is about damn time.

Don't wreck my confidence in Cory Booker. He's one of the very few Dems that I consider truthful, trustworthy and not afraid of the DNC. Which is why HE isn't running for Prez. Because he doesn't suck up or cover up for "the party". He's a problem solver and an independent thinker.

You mess him up and I'll have a hard time pointing out ANY Dems that I respect.


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