Dean Speech at Brown U.


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
I recently attended a Howard Dean speech here at Brown University. It was mostly what you'd expect, and only one bit stuck out for me. I'll summarize..

Dean said he'd refrained from telling this little story in public, but used it quite nicely as a response to a question about pandering to one's base. He'd been at an event with then-Governor George W. Bush. Bush had recently had a spat with Christian Coalition members in Texas, having promised them school board seats but instead giving them to Texas business merchants. Dean, who admittedly liked the charasmatic Bush at the time, approached him and said something to the effect of 'I hear you've been having a hard time with the Christian Coalition." To which the born-again replied: "Yeah, I honestly can't stand those guys."

I'm trying to get a transcript of the speech for verification, but it was a town hall event where it was 80% question and answer. He got blasted a couple times by conservative students, kinda funny watching the vastly-liberal student body hear some articulate dissenters ream the Gov. Anyway I think they're playing it on Brown T.V. if anyone's in the Providence area and cares to tune in to watch the exchange mentioned above. I was pretty shocked to hear that response =P
My half-sister's stepdaughter's best friend's exterminator says that JFK was a pedophile.
musicman said:
My half-sister's stepdaughter's best friend's exterminator says that JFK was a pedophile.

Was the exterminator also a United States governor?
insein said:
wait was that exterminator Joe Smith? Cause i think i know him. He's very reliable that Joe.

I believe he moonlights as a "documents expert" for CBS.
Actually, you're both right. Old Joe is pretty glad he didn't quit his day job at this point, though. His "street cred" is shot to hell!
nakedemperor said:
Dean said he'd refrained from telling this little story in public, but used it quite nicely as a response to a question about pandering to one's base. He'd been at an event with then-Governor George W. Bush. Bush had recently had a spat with Christian Coalition members in Texas, having promised them school board seats but instead giving them to Texas business merchants. Dean, who admittedly liked the charasmatic Bush at the time, approached him and said something to the effect of 'I hear you've been having a hard time with the Christian Coalition." To which the born-again replied: "Yeah, I honestly can't stand those guys."

Sounds like an honest response to me. I'm a Christian, although not much of a church-goer and I can tell you that I have a problems with those I characterize as "bible thumpers". These are folks who attend church and read the Bible in a vain and hypocritical attempt to prove their superiority over others. The worst of the lot can spout chapter and verse while at the same time acting in a hateful or dishonest manner toward others.

Pat Robertson is an example of what I mean. He preaches Christian values but at the same time has no tolerance whatever for the beliefs of others. I lost all respect for him when he went on his idiotic anti-Halloween crusade. I believe he was doing that simply to boost the ratings and donations to his flagging televangelist ministry.

Then there's Oral Roberts - well, let's not even go there.

It just goes to prove that you can be a Christian without being a fan of organized religion in general or the Christian Coalition in particular.
I like the Founding Fathers' view. They all respected Christian heritage and many of its ideals, wholly approved of its salutary effects on a society, even necessary, and certainly sought its practice in America. All were nominally Christian. But I doubt they had much in common with the Christian Coalition folks, especially with regard to certain silliness like the evolution issue. I totally sympathize with white folks who are traditionalists and who seek to get power to resist PC warriors from the East --- but at the same time, I believe in evolution.

Another heckled speaker at Brown:

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