DDR 2.0 ( former Germany ) is the rubbish bin of the World. Any criminal is welcome


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
DDR 2.0 welcomes anybody who is:

1. Muslim
2. Illiterate
3. Male
4. Youth
5. Criminal
6. Has good knowelage of Quran
7. IQ -50 or lower
8. Africans are preferred
9. Has not desire to work
10. At best mentally ill

Since 2015 insane Merkel and her imbecile commie gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts have imported more as 7m 'refugees most of them fulfill all criteria from above.
Who is amazed citizens leave DDR 2.0 in droves heading to more sane states?

Question: How long the insane DDR 2.0 will exist, the recession is already began, citizens are afraid to drive railway,to go to public places or to say openly their opinion ( either prison or murder by Antifa )

Vote for lefts if you want your country becomes a shithole like DDR 2.0


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