Day of Terror Attacks Marks Beginning Of Biden Visit To Israel


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"An American tourist was stabbed to death in one of three bloody terror attacks that rocked Israel Tuesday, just as Vice President Biden arrived in Tel Aviv to meet with leaders in an effort to stem Palestinian violence and mend frayed relations with the Jewish state.

Palestinian attackers shot and stabbed a dozen policemen and civilians in separate assaults around Israel, continuing near-daily incidents that began in October and have left more than 200 Israelis and Palestinians dead. Two Israeli police officers and 10 civilians were wounded in the attacks and three Palestinian attackers were shot and killed.

Part of Biden's mission is to smooth over the latest bump in relations between the Obama White House and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a public falling out over the Iran nuclear deal last year."

'Falling Out Over the Iran Nuclear Deal'? That would be reference to the deal brokered by Obama while Iran's leader called for America's death, vowed to nuke Israel, and while Iran's military practiced bombing mock US aircraft carriers, the deal whose conditions Iran violated during negotiations, and the deal Iran JUST violated again by test-firing a missile. Obama swore he would protect Israel yet Obama has done just about everything for Iran except give them a nuke.

"As if to underscore the continuing problem of Palestinian violence, which has surged since the so-called "knife intifada" began in Jerusalem last fall, a Palestinian opened fire at police near Jerusalem's Old City an hour before his plane touched down. One police officer was reportedly shot in the head in the attack, and another hurt as the assailant was chased down and killed.

Then, after Biden arrived in Tel Aviv, 10 Israelis were stabbed in the city's Jaffa port section, Reuters reported. Five were severely wounded, according to The Jerusalem Post. A BBC reporter tweeted that Biden was a few hundred meters from the attack."

I wonder how the Obama administration is going to spin the violence and make it seem the Palestinians are the victims.

American tourist reportedly killed in 1 of 3 terror attacks in Israel during Biden visit | Fox News

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