David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

The Democrat response to the Trumpster would indicate that the libs' feeling on this is exactly opposite of what Mr. Frum is saying.

Why would the libs "warn" the Republicans of this pending disaster? Why not just cruise to victory instead, and take the high road doing so, so that they have a mandate going into 2025?

Doesn't make sense, libs don't have Republicans best interest at heart.

Further, why would they be so anxious to nominate Sleepy Joe if they could put whomever they want as nominee? Why not let Brandon retire, if any Dem candidate is a sure thing? Biden is old and tired, time to let the new generation and such sharp young D's like John Fetterman take their rightful position, no? The only reason to nominate Biden is if they know they'll lose and they don't want to waste their young talent in a losing effort. Biden could be one just to take one for the team.
Fetterman/Rachel Levine Dream Team ticket.

David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

“According to longtime conservative David Frum, the Republican party seems dead-set on handing Donald Trump the 2024 presidential nomination despite all the signs that there is no chance that he can win because independents and swing voters find him repellant.”

However, Frum’s concern might be unwarranted if Georgia and New York prosecutors are successful in convicting trump of the many charges he faces in both states. Despite the trump Nazis’ belief, even if trump some how wins in 2024, since he will have been convicted on state charges, he will be unable to pardon himself and be released from state prison.

Perhaps, if Georgia prosecutors hurry up and get trump tried, convicted, and sentenced, there is a chance the Georgia governor will pardon him. But, if the Mahattan District Attorney wins this prosecutorial race, trump’s fat a$$ will stay parked in a prison cell in Ossining, New York where he can enjoy a view of the Hudson River.

Also, as repugnant as trump already is to independents and swing voters, a conviction, or convictions, will certainly sour even more Republican moderates on trump.

/---/Because Never Trumpers always get it right.
I can imagine he would annoy the fuck out of simpletons who call him 'potatohead'.

What I can't imagine is four more years of Trump, now that would truly be a disaster.

Biden can double the price of everything again, lose 2 more embassies have more long time Allies join Britain and France is telling us to fuck off and you still love him. Why? Because you're a shill
the electorate decides who will get the nomination not political insiders ... the gop is not the dnc ...the dnc picks and skews advantage to their preferred candidate instead of leaving it up to the voters ... the republican voters will decide who the nominee is ! we dont need a snobbish elitist who thinks he or she is qualified to make the decision for us .

The Democrat primaries are fairer than the Republican primaries. Winner take all is used in the Republican primaries while proportional representation is required in the Republican primaries. In 2016, Sanders lost Mississippi by a 81-19 margin to Clinton yet got a few delegates. Trump won SC with 32% of the vote and got all of the delegates.
Telling the truth really hurts. You are too stupid to see this.

If the people are happy with Sleepy Joe's performance, I'm sure the people will vote for him next year.

If they think that Biden is a bumbling fool, I hope they will show him the door. They are damn fools if they turn down peace and prosperity just to spite the Little Trumpsters.
The Democrat primaries are fairer than the Republican primaries. Winner take all is used in the Republican primaries while proportional representation is required in the Republican primaries. In 2016, Sanders lost Mississippi by a 81-19 margin to Clinton yet got a few delegates. Trump won SC with 32% of the vote and got all of the delegates.
the gop establishment was totally against Trump in the primaries when he announced in early 2015 yet he still won because the voters decided the outcome ! nah pal the gop primary system is the fairest ..for example the gop doesnt have super delegates to thwart the will of the voters .
and its the truth ... it says allot about a party where the leaders not the voters pick the nominees and the winner ... ask Bernie Sanders ..

Bernie Sanders lost the race for delegates during the primary season. In addition, Clinton got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 43%. Are you suggesting that getting a majority of the votes cast should not get you the nomination? Trump got less that 50% of the primary votes in 2016.

David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

“According to longtime conservative David Frum, the Republican party seems dead-set on handing Donald Trump the 2024 presidential nomination despite all the signs that there is no chance that he can win because independents and swing voters find him repellant.”

However, Frum’s concern might be unwarranted if Georgia and New York prosecutors are successful in convicting trump of the many charges he faces in both states. Despite the trump Nazis’ belief, even if trump some how wins in 2024, since he will have been convicted on state charges, he will be unable to pardon himself and be released from state prison.

Perhaps, if Georgia prosecutors hurry up and get trump tried, convicted, and sentenced, there is a chance the Georgia governor will pardon him. But, if the Mahattan District Attorney wins this prosecutorial race, trump’s fat a$$ will stay parked in a prison cell in Ossining, New York where he can enjoy a view of the Hudson River.

Also, as repugnant as trump already is to independents and swing voters, a conviction, or convictions, will certainly sour even more Republican moderates on trump.

Funny shit while we watch the destruction of America thanks to Biden and company
the gop establishment was totally against Trump in the primaries when he announced in early 2015 yet he still won because the voters decided the outcome ! nah pal the gop primary system is the fairest ..for example the gop doesnt have super delegates to thwart the will of the voters .

Super delegates have never decided a Democrat nomination. The GOP primaries are unfair because it is often winner take all even if the winner gets well below a majority of voters.
If the people are happy with Sleepy Joe's performance, I'm sure the people will vote for him next year.

If they think that Biden is a bumbling fool, I hope they will show him the door. They are damn fools if they turn down peace and prosperity just to spite the Little Trumpsters.
If we get saddled with Trump and Biden again, my plan is to get so fucking drunk on election day that I won't remember who I voted for. Or if I even did.
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in 18 months theres another election ... and the left has no achievements to tout that made the lives of average Americans better .

What are the Republican achievements? Attacking voting rights. Attacking free speech rights. The Republicans have made life worse for Americans. If a woman gets pregnant, she takes her life into her own hands.
Stupid it wasn't fucked up when Trump was president just a bunch of leftists acting hat shit crazy

Yes it was. Trump put the lives of people at risk during the covid pandemic. Right wing violence shot up when Trump took office.

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