David Duke On Presidential Bid: "Yes, I Am Considering It"

I live in an interracial neighborhood of working and middle class. Our kids and grand kids went to school together, we go to church together, we run this town together, we do business together.

Where are you living? In a barrel?
I live in Los Angeles, you?

I have a beach house in Carlsbad, but spend most of the time in the South.

So you live in a barrel in LA and are goofy on race.

New York City, seven years.
Washington, D.C., four years.
Philadelphia, two years.

People, races don't live together. They work together because the law says they must. As soon as they get the chance, they get away from each other.

Multiracialism is a fucking failure. NObody actually does it, they just say they do. The live all-white lives, but point to the one black dude in their frat -- who ALL the others invited to their wedding and made sure to get in the pictures -- as "proof" of how integrated they are.

It's the biggest "Emperor's New Clothes" going!
Multiculturalism is a marvelous wonder. The great majority of Americans under thirty-five believe the racialist thing is the stupidest thing in the world. You really need to catch up or stay left out.
Hmmm.... not so sure about your police work there, Lou. There's a lot of blame to go around, but most of the big bankers are Jews, not whites, and the current economy was triggered by the "minority mortgage meltdown", i.e., careless mortgages to blacks and Hispanics -- some illegal. Bush didn't help matters by pushing so hard for all that, and yes, he's a white politician, but no kind white folks need right now.

Duke just might fit the ticket, though!
Oh. Jews aren't white people? Interesting how it always comes back to the Jews with you people.

Duke doesn't have a chance in hell of winning his own state, much less the country. And, we both know that, but keep deluding yourself.
Yeah, David Duke LOVES the whites, unless they are Joooooooooooooooooooooos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your head is a 1984 wasteland, William. Afraid of Jews and other minorities. What a dork of an attitude.
Yeah. The fact that a black person is 50 times more likely to commit murder than a white person is no reason to think any differently of them.
Yep, that's what I mean. Trot out a valid source and cite that can be checked. Otherwise, we are dealing with another Joyceism.
hortysir, trot out valid stats, please. Make sure you make the stats in a historical sense as well, from before the end of slavery until today. I know that context is important to you. Factor is as well that blacks to white inverse are about 8:1 to 7:1 in ratio as well. Let's get some context.
Stats in a vacuum aren't particularly helpful. Yes, the rate of violent crime committed by blacks is higher than the rate of violent crime committed by whites. However, blacks tend to victimize other blacks, and whites tend to victimize other whites. Whites outnumber blacks 72% to 12%. It's statistically easier for a black person to commit a crime against a white person, there are a lot more of us.

But, generally speaking, blacks murder blacks, and whites murder whites. There is no epidemic of blacks murdering whites, or vice versa, whereas there is an epidemic, IMO, of blacks murdering each other. People tend to stick to their own kind, even when killing.
One of the main problems with black crime is that WHITES HAVE TO PAY FOR IT, even if they're not direct victims. They pay for police, jails, courts, etc.

I say "free us from that burden."

Whites should not bother with crime when it's black-on-black. Just ignore it. No police response. Blacks can set up their own police and pay for it THEMFUCKINGSELVES.

And then they won't be able to claim "racist police"! Or courts! Brilliant!

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