David Duke Banned From 26 European Countries

Dave is the perfect Republican.

The man holds very very socialist views! Much like the Nazis, he believe in all encompassing government, aka just like the Nazis, his views stand on the LEFT!

You're nuts. He is an extreme religious righter and very racist.

First, I don't care about his religious beliefs. If he is very religious that does not make him a Republicans. Republicans or Conservatives are characterized by smaller government, less government intervention, free markets, private property and personal freedom. The National Social People's Worker party were socialist. Yes there was private enterprise in Nazi Germany, but the NAZIs nationalized a LARGE chunk of private enterprises, property and took over entire industries and grew the government to such enormous size that any good Democratic liberal would gush over.

Likewise Duke believes in killing the Banksters, growing the government to control the people and nationalizing all keep elements of the economy to protect it from those evil JJJJOOOOSSSS!

Best Lie Ever Told: Was one that NAZIs were right wingers, when their big government, socialist viewers are typical of the left wing. Runner up is that the NAZIs were Christian based. They used Christians, but they weren't Christians. Like Stalinism and Maoism, NAZISM was their "religion," just like both of the aforementioned movements, NAZISM was closest to an atheist movement!
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you google david duke forum and stormfront pops right up

i would be surprised if duke doesnt have his finger in most of that.....he only runs for president to get the matching funds...he is no fool...he uses racism for personal gain and the man has had plastic surgery up the nose and chin....
If you are really interested (and what free thinker isn't interested in discovering the facts on their own?) David Duke has his own website and welcomes all who are interested in his beliefs (not the false beliefs the media prints and the sheep believe) to check it out. Is at The Official Website of Dr. David Duke PhD.

An excerpt from his website:
Allegations against Dr David Duke are “Crazy” Lies Perpetrated by Ultimate Racists
December 12, 2013 at 12:01 am

The recent slanderous allegations against Dr. David Duke about his intentions in Europe are nothing but “crazy lies” told by the ultimate racists on earth, the Zionist Supremacists who just use emotional language without providing any sort of proof for their claims.

Speaking on his daily radio show, Dr. Duke said that the recent attacks upon him in Europe were the result of mere “emotional associations” which Zionist Supremacists use to vilify anyone who exposes their racism.

“They love to defame people by calling them names rather than arguing the facts,” Dr Duke said. “They call [their opponents] ‘Nazis’ even though they don’t speak for Nazism, they just call [their] critics anything they want.

“I read some reports this week that yours truly was ‘trying to set up an organization to ‘exterminate all blacks and Jews’.

“My God, folks, it hurts me to even use those words but I gotta laugh, it’s so crazy,” Dr. Duke continued.

“Anybody who listens to my [radio] program everyday knows that I preach the exact opposite of that.

“If I am trying to create a movement to do that type of thing, boy I am sure am doing pretty poorly when I talk about treating people with love and respect; that violence of any kind is wrong and that any sort of discrimination or harm to any people is wrong,” he said.

Dr. Duke said his true position was “obvious” and that he has written and spoken “millions of words” to this effect.

The “tens of millions” of people who have seen his videos—now redistributed by over 12,000 people on the Internet—can confirm that in none of his speeches, lectures or interviews, is there any sort of encouragement of violence.

“In fact it is the very opposite,” he said, “In all of my public appearances I condemn any sort of violence and always try to respect the rights of all people.”

Referring to the blanket Jewish Supremacist media coverage which described him as a “KKK leader”, Dr. Duke said he had left the Klan 38 years ago. “But if you believe the news reports, you would think I was doing that just this week in Europe.
continued at Allegations against Dr David Duke are ?Crazy? Lies Perpetrated by Ultimate Racists - David Duke.com | David Duke.com
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If you are really interested (and what free thinker isn't interested in discovering the facts on their own?) David Duke has his own website and welcomes all who are interested in his beliefs (not the false beliefs the media prints and the sheep believe) to check it out. Is at The Official Website of Dr. David Duke PhD.

An excerpt from his website:
Allegations against Dr David Duke are “Crazy” Lies Perpetrated by Ultimate Racists
December 12, 2013 at 12:01 am

The recent slanderous allegations against Dr. David Duke about his intentions in Europe are nothing but “crazy lies” told by the ultimate racists on earth, the Zionist Supremacists who just use emotional language without providing any sort of proof for their claims.

Speaking on his daily radio show, Dr. Duke said that the recent attacks upon him in Europe were the result of mere “emotional associations” which Zionist Supremacists use to vilify anyone who exposes their racism.

“They love to defame people by calling them names rather than arguing the facts,” Dr Duke said. “They call [their opponents] ‘Nazis’ even though they don’t speak for Nazism, they just call [their] critics anything they want.

“I read some reports this week that yours truly was ‘trying to set up an organization to ‘exterminate all blacks and Jews’.

“My God, folks, it hurts me to even use those words but I gotta laugh, it’s so crazy,” Dr. Duke continued.

“Anybody who listens to my [radio] program everyday knows that I preach the exact opposite of that.

“If I am trying to create a movement to do that type of thing, boy I am sure am doing pretty poorly when I talk about treating people with love and respect; that violence of any kind is wrong and that any sort of discrimination or harm to any people is wrong,” he said.

Dr. Duke said his true position was “obvious” and that he has written and spoken “millions of words” to this effect.

The “tens of millions” of people who have seen his videos—now redistributed by over 12,000 people on the Internet—can confirm that in none of his speeches, lectures or interviews, is there any sort of encouragement of violence.

“In fact it is the very opposite,” he said, “In all of my public appearances I condemn any sort of violence and always try to respect the rights of all people.”

Referring to the blanket Jewish Supremacist media coverage which described him as a “KKK leader”, Dr. Duke said he had left the Klan 38 years ago. “But if you believe the news reports, you would think I was doing that just this week in Europe.
continued at Allegations against Dr David Duke are ?Crazy? Lies Perpetrated by Ultimate Racists - David Duke.com | David Duke.com

First off the Zionist don't give a shit about small fry David Duke. He is meaningless and ant without power. They are not going to go through the time and expense to get him banned in Europe.

Funny how he says he is not a Nazi but jumps right into his typical Nazi Jews control everything propaganda.

You got banned from Europe, because they read your garbage online. You are not discreet not a smart bigot. So go fuck yourself.

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