DaTechGuy’s 2nd Law of Democrat/Media Outrage


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The level of Outrage or interest of the media and their allies on the left concerning any insult or prevarication concerning a person or thing will routinely be equal to the inverse of the degree of the political distance between said media / leftists and and the target of said insult or prevarication at the time it is made.

And, as he says this is flawed, he adds the following:

The level of acceptance of the positions and/or actions of any group or organization by the left and media is directly proportional to their current or potential value in electing liberal Democrats.

He (actually a she) then provides some prime example that support the above. It’s well worth reading and just might help you make some sense of what we are bombarded with day in and day out. It’s all @ DaTechGuy’s 2nd Law of Democrat/Media Outrage
That's a lot of words just to say "I'm butthurt that my side is getting reamed for being so openly racist".

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