Darrell Issa and his "investigation" shennigans.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Some time ago Darrell Issa called President Obama the most corrupt Presidents in history.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpq3Z4OZZHM]Issa: Dropout Limbaugh made me say Obama 'one of the most corrupt Presidents in modern times' - YouTube[/ame]

First off, he's had plenty of time to investigate the Bush administration which flat out lost 9 billion dollars in Iraq. That's just the beginning. They contracted Halliburton, a company in which Dick Cheney was still recieving compensation from, and have been fined on multiple occassions for outright fraud and abuse. While working with the Bush administration there have been reports of, guess what, fraud and abuse. And it's not just what they were charging..it was shoddy work that caused the deaths of troops. And that's not even the half of it. Cheney held secret meetings with the heads of oil companies to determine energy policy for this country. Erik Prince of Blackwater was actually implicated in murder and tax evasion. It also looks as if Blackwater was a conduit for arming the terrorist group, the PKK. Issa, himself, is no stranger to criminal activity:

Issa dropped out of high school and enlisted for a three-year tour in the Army on his 17th birthday.[3][4] He served as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technician, defusing bombs, after having been shown a movie about soldiers in that specialty during World War II. He would later claim his unit had provided security for President Richard Nixon, sweeping stadiums for bombs prior to games in the 1971 World Series, and that he had always received the highest approval ratings during his service.[5] A 1998 investigation by the San Francisco Examiner found that these claims were not true: Nixon did not attend any of that year's World Series games, and at one point Issa was transferred to a supply depot after receiving an unsatisfactory evaluation. According to Issa, the Examiner reporter had misunderstood an anecdote he had related.[3]
Twice during that year he was arrested. In March, Issa and his brother William were charged with stealing a Maserati from a dealer's showroom in Cleveland. Issa says it was a matter of mistaken identity by the Cleveland Heights police; the case was later dismissed.[3]

Before that had happened, in December 1972, police in Adrian pulled Issa over for going the wrong way on a one-way street and, as he was retrieving his registration, saw in the car's glove compartment what turned out to be a .25-caliber Colt semi-automatic handgun inside an ammunition box, along with a military pouch containing 44 rounds, a tear gas gun and two rounds for that. Issa was charged with carrying a concealed weapon; ultimately he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of possession of an unregistered firearm.
A week before he was discharged, he and his brother were arrested again on theft charges. Near the end of 1979, William Issa, who by then had served federal and state prison time for theft, had sold his brother's 1976 Mercedes-Benz sedan to a San Jose dealership for $16,000, giving the dealer an Ohio license with Issa's name on it. Issa had soon reported the car stolen and told the police he had left the title certificate in the trunk.[3] Issa made conflicting statements to police about whether or not he had obtained a second license and also about his brother, whom he had recently seen at Christmas in Cleveland Heights. With the investigator suspicious that the brothers might have conspired to commit insurance fraud, they were indicted. Issa said he had no knowledge of his brother's intentions; William said Issa had given him power of attorney a few weeks beforehand and had authorized him to sell the car. Issa bought the Mercedes back from the dealership for $17,000 in February; in August, the case was dropped.[3]

In 2011, Issa acknowledged that he had tried to cover his brother's crime, avoiding incriminating him.[3] Both men say that William Issa planned and executed the scheme; William says Issa had "always kept the title stuff in his car".[3] According to Issa, he remained close to his brother in spite of his brother's activities and had ridden, as a boy, with William in cars he knew must have been stolen, saying in 2011 that "I admired my brother even when he was doing wrong.... I was always the kid at his ankles."[3]
The Ohio state fire marshal never determined a cause for the blaze. The initial theory was that it was electrical, but the insurance company came to doubt the theory when a fire analysis report it commissioned outlined evidence that the fire could be arson. It had exhibited two distinct areas of origin, both with "suspicious burn patterns" but without any "accidental source of heating power."[3] Investigators believed that a stack of cardboard boxes, which had burned in a manner inconsistent with an accidental fire, may have had a flammable liquid spread on them. The black smoke and blue flames generated by the fire strongly suggested the use of a hydrocarbon-based accelerant, and the report said the same mix of four distinct hydrocarbons had been found in samples of burned material taken from different locations in the ruins.[3]
Darrell Issa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Astonishing. :eek:
Darrell Issa is gonna' get the Ken Starr treatment from partisan hacks like Swallow who know their "Dear Reader" is in huge trouble.

I'm sure that'll discourage him. :rolleyes:
Darrell Issa is gonna' get the Ken Starr treatment from partisan hacks like Swallow who know their "Dear Reader" is in huge trouble.

I'm sure that'll discourage him. :rolleyes:

No "swallow" for you little quifter.

And if anyone is hoping that this guy is going to be some kind of "white knight", they got another thing coming.

Issa is a partisan hack. He's got many, much more damaging and expensive "crimes" to pursue from the previous administration.

He hasn't done that. In fact he's brushed it under the carpet, queer boy.

And one only has to look into his VERY REAL CRIMINAL past to see he's not an honest broker.
With Issa's record, he couldn't get a job in the financial industry or any other industry that deals with vasts amounts of liquidity or sensitive material.

How the heck is he chairing an investigation? Seriously?
And having Issa chair these investigations is like having the Fox investigate chicken coop crimes.
Obama and Holder have American blood on their hands and the Obama Fluffers think it's funny

You don't seem to care much that Bush and Cheney have MUCH more American blood on their hands.

As well as the blood of innocent Iraqis.

And neither does Issa.

More troops were killed by Halliburton and their incompetence..then were killed by anything the Obama administration has done.
Obama and Holder have American blood on their hands and the Obama Fluffers think it's funny
"Fuck the Law! Fuck the Constitution! Fuck the Economy! Just protect our Dear Reader the Messiah!" :uhoh3:

Ah..so..you were right up front when Bush violated FISA laws, suspended Habeas Corpus, had secret torture prisons set up around the world and committed a war crime in Iraq.

Naw..you weren't...

Why is Issa even in Congress?

He's a freakin criminal.

Oh yeah..republicans don't care when other republicans violate the law. Bush was the only President in the White House with a record prior to taking office.
Obama and Holder have American blood on their hands and the Obama Fluffers think it's funny

You don't seem to care much that Bush and Cheney have MUCH more American blood on their hands.

As well as the blood of innocent Iraqis.

And neither does Issa.

More troops were killed by Halliburton and their incompetence..then were killed by anything the Obama administration has done.
If you were smart, and not a partisan hack, you would WELCOME this investigation. Why? Because "Fast and Furious" started on Bush jr's watch as "Project Gun Runner" you stupid mother fucker!
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you weren't such a partisan, Obama fluffing whore you'd have done a little research and found that out for yourself. But no, you're too busy masturbating to Bill Mahr, Jon Stewart and NPR.

These investigations are the perfect opportunity for you LibTurds to drag Bush into court and voice your concerns but no, saving your Messiah is far more important!
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Obama and Holder have American blood on their hands and the Obama Fluffers think it's funny

You don't seem to care much that Bush and Cheney have MUCH more American blood on their hands.

As well as the blood of innocent Iraqis.

And neither does Issa.

More troops were killed by Halliburton and their incompetence..then were killed by anything the Obama administration has done.

We're in a war in Iraq, while Obama got a US border guard killed.

Stop fluffing, start thinking
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Obama and Holder have American blood on their hands and the Obama Fluffers think it's funny

You don't seem to care much that Bush and Cheney have MUCH more American blood on their hands.

As well as the blood of innocent Iraqis.

And neither does Issa.

More troops were killed by Halliburton and their incompetence..then were killed by anything the Obama administration has done.
If you were smart, and not a partisan hack, you would WELCOME this investigation. Why? Because "Fast and Furious" started on Bush jr's watch as "Project Gun Runner" you stupid mother fucker!
Project Gunrunner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you weren't such a partisan, Obama fluffing whore you'd have done a little research and found that out for yourself. But no, your too busy masturbating to Bill Mahr, Jon Stewart and NPR.

These investigations are the perfect opportunity for you LibTurds to drag Bush into court and voice your concerns but no, saving your Messiah is far more important!

Your gay fantasies aside..you of course will note that no Bushie is made to testify.

Interesting, no?

And I find it more interesting that law enforcement behaviors and projects like:
-Bait Cars.
-Under Cover police.
-No Knock Warrants.
-Operations which use drugs and marked bills.
-Lying to suspects.

And a myriad of other things just get skipped right over. And they've cost more lives and money then "Fast and Furious".

This is partisan hackery at it's finest. It's the same sort of fishing expedition that led to Clinton's impeachment. The second Democratic President in American history that was impeached. No Republicans have ever been impeached.

And it is being "investigated" by a guy with a criminal record.

When the heck has that ever happened before?
'Fast and Furious' guns found in home of Mexican drug cartel boss as Attorney General face pressure to quit over scandal

An arsenal of weapons, lost by the feds in a bungled gun operation, have reportedly turned up in the hands of a reputed drug cartel enforcer.
The guns tied to the gun trafficking operation known as ‘Fast and Furious’ were discovered in April in the home of Jose Antonio Torres Marrufo, in the volatile city of Juarez, Mexico.
Torres Marrufo, known as ‘The Jaguar,’ is a leader within the notorious Sinaloa drug cartel.


Arsenal: A cache of high-powered weapons were found in a secret room in the basement of infamous Mexican drug cartel leader Jose Antonio Torres Marrufo

The weapons, which included an antiaircraft machine gun and a grenade launcher, were found in a secret room in the cartel chief’s basement.
A U.S. government source told the Los Angeles Times: ‘These Fast and Furious guns were going to Sinaloans, and they are killing everyone down there.
'But that's only how many we know came through Texas. Hundreds more had to get through.'
When the weapons were discovered on April 30, Chihuahua state Gov Cesar Duarte said: 'We have seized the most important cache of weapons in the history of Ciudad Juarez.'
However, the lawmaker did not know that many of the weapons came from the Fast and Furious operation


Gunrunners: A document reveals a federal bureau authorised the purchase of guns and then sold them to criminals. This picture shows a cache of seized weapons as part of the operation

Begun in October 2009 as part of Project Gunrunner, which aimed to deprive Mexican drugs cartels of guns, Fast and Furious gave agents the go-ahead to sell firearms to smugglers in a bid to gather intelligence and see where the guns ended up.
In total, U.S. officials allowed the sale of more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa cartel, worth $1.25million.

But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives lost track of about 1,400 of the 2,000 guns.
Some of those weapons have been recovered at crime scenes in Mexico.
Fast and Furious came to light after two assault rifles purchased by a now-indicted small-time buyer under scrutiny in the operation turned up at a shootout in Arizona where Customs and Border Protection agent Brian Terry was killed.

Read more: 'Fast and Furious' guns found in home of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel boss in scandal that may force Attorney General Eric Holder to quit | Mail Online
Obama and Holder have American blood on their hands and the Obama Fluffers think it's funny

You don't seem to care much that Bush and Cheney have MUCH more American blood on their hands.

As well as the blood of innocent Iraqis.

And neither does Issa.

More troops were killed by Halliburton and their incompetence..then were killed by anything the Obama administration has done.

We're in a war in Iraq, while Obama got a US border guard killed.

Stop fluffing, start thinking

How many people have been killed by "Bait Cars"?

Do yourself a favor and follow your own advice, Issa fluffer.
You don't seem to care much that Bush and Cheney have MUCH more American blood on their hands.

As well as the blood of innocent Iraqis.

And neither does Issa.

More troops were killed by Halliburton and their incompetence..then were killed by anything the Obama administration has done.

We're in a war in Iraq, while Obama got a US border guard killed.

Stop fluffing, start thinking

How many people have been killed by "Bait Cars"?

Do yourself a favor and follow your own advice, Issa fluffer.

Bait Cars?

Are we snorting Hope & Change Kool Aid straight out of the can?

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