Zone1 Dangerous Illusions


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
Just finished reading the book " Dangerous Illusions " by Vitally Malkin. It is sure to become the definitive book on how religion has lead the human race on this planet to such a dismal place. Religious or not , it's an excellent and informative read.
Written by an avowed atheist. Mixed reviews by Amazon buyers/readers. Likely paints religion with too broad a brush, knowing that most don't know the basic tenets of their own religion, or choose not to follow them. The Christian church is heavily influenced by Satan and his demons via 'tares' at all levels.
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Written by an avowed atheist. Mixed reviews by Amazon buyers/readers. Likely paints religion with too broad a brush, knowing that most don't know the basic tenets of their own religion, or choose not to follow them. The Christian church is heavily influenced by Satan and his demons via 'tares' at all levels.
"The Christian Church?" You do know there are thousands, tens of thousands different denominations. Here's a good article: HOW MANY CHURCHES AND DENOMINATIONS ARE THERE IN AMERICA AND THE WORLD? (continued) - The Complete Pilgrim - Religious Travel Sites

33,000 in America. However, "For true denominations involving multiple churches under common leadership, the number is almost certainly less than two thousand. Major ones, with over a million members, probably less than five hundred."

No doubt Satan is looking to stir and move to the dark side those who have faith in Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean the Churches are influenced by Satan or his demons. They are led by and full of imperfect human beings and will make errors in judgment and administration. But, that doesn't make them demonic in any way. They are all mostly false in their doctrines but that doesn't make the people and the churches evil.

Atheists have pushed so hard that they now are a religion with their own ideology, prophets (Darwin as an example), institutions such as colleges and universities, Priests (Educators at colleges and universities and so on. their moral doctrines change with the wind based on society's ills and elusions.
Written by an avowed atheist. Mixed reviews by Amazon buyers/readers. Likely paints religion with too broad a brush, knowing that most don't know the basic tenets of their own religion, or choose not to follow them. The Christian church is heavily influenced by Satan and his demons via 'tares' at all levels.
A former Christian who searched for the TRUTH about the Creator Entity.
"The Christian Church?" You do know there are thousands, tens of thousands different denominations. Here's a good article: HOW MANY CHURCHES AND DENOMINATIONS ARE THERE IN AMERICA AND THE WORLD? (continued) - The Complete Pilgrim - Religious Travel Sites

33,000 in America. However, "For true denominations involving multiple churches under common leadership, the number is almost certainly less than two thousand. Major ones, with over a million members, probably less than five hundred."

No doubt Satan is looking to stir and move to the dark side those who have faith in Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean the Churches are influenced by Satan or his demons. They are led by and full of imperfect human beings and will make errors in judgment and administration. But, that doesn't make them demonic in any way. They are all mostly false in their doctrines but that doesn't make the people and the churches evil.

Atheists have pushed so hard that they now are a religion with their own ideology, prophets (Darwin as an example), institutions such as colleges and universities, Priests (Educators at colleges and universities and so on. their moral doctrines change with the wind based on society's ills and elusions.
You need look no further than the Christian Bible to see who started judgment of others and disrupted the course of civilization in a negative manner in this world.
You need look no further than the Christian Bible to see who started judgment of others and disrupted the course of civilization in a negative manner in this world.
So, there were no wars of tribes of humans and humanoids before Moses wrote down the words from on high? Racism, slavery, bigotry had been going on long before Moses. Judgment is a product of having a conscience. Starting with judging one's self. And, if you want to just say the New Testament, judgment happened way before Jesus Christ was on the earth.

Let's look at those countries who don't allow Christians to spread the Gospel over time. Russia under the Bulshevic and under Stalin. 30 million were killed off by Stalin. Mao's China. Another 60 million killed off. It seems the atheist countries and their atheist leaders have caused way more contention and deaths that Christians. How many have died at the hands of Muslims as well?

So, I disagree! 👎
No doubt Satan is looking to stir and move to the dark side those who have faith in Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean the Churches are influenced by Satan or his demons. They are led by and full of imperfect human beings and will make errors in judgment and administration. But, that doesn't make them demonic in any way. They are all mostly false in their doctrines but that doesn't make the people and the churches evil.
It is Satan who has sown the tares into the church. Those tares are of the 'wicked one'.

36 "Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels."
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A former Christian who searched for the TRUTH about the Creator Entity.
Did he do a noble search?

Acts 17:11
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
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See post #10.
You have not made your point. Because imperfect people make bad decisions doesn’t mean Satan had anything to do with it. We have a conscience and can do terribly on our own. Satan works harder on those who are good. He doesn’t have to work at all with those who are already bad and evil. All those 33,000 Christian churches, they have lost the authority to baptize and do all saving ordinances because the people apostatized. We can’t use the “devil made me do it” defense at the judgment seat of God. That won’t fly.
You have not made your point. Because imperfect people make bad decisions doesn’t mean Satan had anything to do with it. We have a conscience and can do terribly on our own. Satan works harder on those who are good. He doesn’t have to work at all with those who are already bad and evil. All those 33,000 Christian churches, they have lost the authority to baptize and do all saving ordinances because the people apostatized. We can’t use the “devil made me do it” defense at the judgment seat of God. That won’t fly.
Those tares are busily working to influence the church. They've already destroyed secular society.

In his book does Malkin reveal the true meaning of the serpent in the garden? This would reveal whether or not he's done his homework.
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Those tares are busily working to influence the church. They've already destroyed secular society.

In his book does Malkin reveal the true meaning of the serpent in the garden? This would reveal whether or not he's done his homework.
How has the churches destroyed secular society if they are being influenced by secular beliefs? Seems like secular society destroys itself. Please clarify
How has the churches destroyed secular society if they are being influenced by secular beliefs? Seems like secular society destroys itself. Please clarify
The tares work in and out of the church. Satan wants everything destroyed. Secular society is circling the drain, can the church be far behind? Also, when church lets out most of the 'faithful' go back into the 'the world' and live as if they've heard nothing from the pulpit (and indeed maybe they haven't).
So, there were no wars of tribes of humans and humanoids before Moses wrote down the words from on high? Racism, slavery, bigotry had been going on long before Moses. Judgment is a product of having a conscience. Starting with judging one's self. And, if you want to just say the New Testament, judgment happened way before Jesus Christ was on the earth.

Let's look at those countries who don't allow Christians to spread the Gospel over time. Russia under the Bulshevic and under Stalin. 30 million were killed off by Stalin. Mao's China. Another 60 million killed off. It seems the atheist countries and their atheist leaders have caused way more contention and deaths that Christians. How many have died at the hands of Muslims as well?

So, I disagree! 👎
The Bible codified all those terrible things.
Those tares are busily working to influence the church. They've already destroyed secular society.

In his book does Malkin reveal the true meaning of the serpent in the garden? This would reveal whether or not he's done his homework.
Labeling people is just another way to discriminate against people you don't agree with. He is a human being just like you or I . One worthy of listening to.

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