D-Day Anniversary, and the Lessons World War Two Should Teach Us In 2022


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
D-Day Anniversary, and the Lessons World War Two Should Teach Us In 2022
6 Jun 2022 ~~

June 6, 2022 will mark the 78th anniversary of the (western) Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy, in German-occupied France. There are very few people alive today who remember that day in the crux of World War Two, but history now shows us that June 6, 1944 was the beginning of the end of Hitler’s dream of creating an empire that rejected democracy, equality, freedom, and basic human rights. What was a dream for Hitler turned into a waking nightmare for the rest of the world. Bombed-out cities, ethnic cleansing and genocide are the legacies of Hitler’s nightmare dream.
In contrast, the continental United States, while fearing enemy attacks along the coasts, never had to deal with being bombed. Food and fuel were rationed, and there was a lack of consumer goods as the economy geared up for war, and, of course, families on the homefront dealt with separation, and heartache as casualty lists grew. Everyone sacrificed for the greater good, and for the eventual triumph of democracy over dictatorship and of good over evil. And, let us not forget, in very practical terms, the belief that losing or surrendering to the Axis Powers was counter to national survival.
What does this recital of sacrifice from World War Two, from a conflict over eight decades past, have to do with the world of 2022? The world today is facing shortages, some due to supply-chain issues related to COVID, some related to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. The world is feeling the effects of Europe’s largest and most significant conflict since World War Two. Many nations are voluntarily abstaining from buying Russian oil and natural gas, while food crops normally supplied by both Ukraine and Russia will not go to market this year, possibly causing food shortages in parts of the world, and rising food prices and inflation almost everywhere.
Like Hitler, Putin wishes to recreate a lost empire, regardless of how many cities he bombs or how many people he kills. The response of the world, and aof America is the proper one. Support those fighting aggression. Prevent the aggressor from succeeding. Yes, this will lead to sacrifices in the democracies of the world, but those sacrifices, higher prices on goods, in this case, pale in comparison to what the “greatest generation" endured . By whining and calling for an end to aid for Ukraine, which we start to hear from some of America’s talking heads, some of whom are clearly por-Putin, we ignore and dishonor the much greater sacrifice of our forefathers who assaulted the beaches of Normandy 78 years ago.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana
It is quite obvious that neither our 46th president nor those that advise him are aware of history, or if they have read about it have come away with the wrong notions of the consequences.
The deliberate actions of Joseph Robinette Biden and his Maoist Democrat Commie advisors are solely responsible for what is happening today.
In less than 18 months this group has taken America and the world into high inflation, food shortages and war.
Who has their finger on the nuclear button?
Does anyone trust those in power within the government today?
This reminds me of the last scene of "Planet of the Ape", 1968 where, — with astronaut Colonel Taylor (Charlton Heston) slamming his fists into the sand, shrieking, "You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Goddamn you all to hell!"—is its hopelessness.
Indeed, it was an epic ending. If you saw it originally, not knowing the ending, it blew people out of their seats.... people walked out of theater hushed and shell shocked. Chilling in that period of the Cold War and Vietnam...
Is this what we are looking forward to under the leadership our 46th president and his power hungry Maoist Democrats.
It's obvious that Joey Xi Bai Dung is showing disrespect to those that fought and died to keep our nation secure.
He is too young to remember WWII, and he surely dodged the draft during his younger years.
but history now shows us that June 6, 1944 was the beginning of the end of Hitler’s dream of creating an empire
Nah, Russia done it.

The retreat from Stalingrad was the beginning of the end.
D-Day Anniversary, and the Lessons World War Two Should Teach Us In 2022
6 Jun 2022 ~~

June 6, 2022 will mark the 78th anniversary of the (western) Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy, in German-occupied France. There are very few people alive today who remember that day in the crux of World War Two, but history now shows us that June 6, 1944 was the beginning of the end of Hitler’s dream of creating an empire that rejected democracy, equality, freedom, and basic human rights. What was a dream for Hitler turned into a waking nightmare for the rest of the world. Bombed-out cities, ethnic cleansing and genocide are the legacies of Hitler’s nightmare dream.
In contrast, the continental United States, while fearing enemy attacks along the coasts, never had to deal with being bombed. Food and fuel were rationed, and there was a lack of consumer goods as the economy geared up for war, and, of course, families on the homefront dealt with separation, and heartache as casualty lists grew. Everyone sacrificed for the greater good, and for the eventual triumph of democracy over dictatorship and of good over evil. And, let us not forget, in very practical terms, the belief that losing or surrendering to the Axis Powers was counter to national survival.
What does this recital of sacrifice from World War Two, from a conflict over eight decades past, have to do with the world of 2022? The world today is facing shortages, some due to supply-chain issues related to COVID, some related to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. The world is feeling the effects of Europe’s largest and most significant conflict since World War Two. Many nations are voluntarily abstaining from buying Russian oil and natural gas, while food crops normally supplied by both Ukraine and Russia will not go to market this year, possibly causing food shortages in parts of the world, and rising food prices and inflation almost everywhere.
Like Hitler, Putin wishes to recreate a lost empire, regardless of how many cities he bombs or how many people he kills. The response of the world, and aof America is the proper one. Support those fighting aggression. Prevent the aggressor from succeeding. Yes, this will lead to sacrifices in the democracies of the world, but those sacrifices, higher prices on goods, in this case, pale in comparison to what the “greatest generation" endured . By whining and calling for an end to aid for Ukraine, which we start to hear from some of America’s talking heads, some of whom are clearly por-Putin, we ignore and dishonor the much greater sacrifice of our forefathers who assaulted the beaches of Normandy 78 years ago.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana
It is quite obvious that neither our 46th president nor those that advise him are aware of history, or if they have read about it have come away with the wrong notions of the consequences.
The deliberate actions of Joseph Robinette Biden and his Maoist Democrat Commie advisors are solely responsible for what is happening today.
In less than 18 months this group has taken America and the world into high inflation, food shortages and war.
Who has their finger on the nuclear button?
Does anyone trust those in power within the government today?
This reminds me of the last scene of "Planet of the Ape", 1968 where, — with astronaut Colonel Taylor (Charlton Heston) slamming his fists into the sand, shrieking, "You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Goddamn you all to hell!"—is its hopelessness.
Indeed, it was an epic ending. If you saw it originally, not knowing the ending, it blew people out of their seats.... people walked out of theater hushed and shell shocked. Chilling in that period of the Cold War and Vietnam...
Is this what we are looking forward to under the leadership our 46th president and his power hungry Maoist Democrats.

The US became what Hitler was in WW2.

It was the invader (Iraq, Afghanistan) and many more countries had US military forced used against them, leaders deposed all for ideology and then for oil.

The US will never learn anything from WW2.
IIRC, the more correct term is;
Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat such.

Or something to that effect.

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