Cyntoia Brown can be released after serving 51 years in prison, Tennessee Supreme Court decides


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Tennessee Supreme Court said Thursday that Cyntoia Brown, a Nashville woman serving a life sentence in prison for a murder she committed at 16, could be eligible for release after she serves 51 years in prison.

The statement gave pivotal context to Brown’s fight to convince a federal appeals court to overturn her sentence.

Brown, now 30, has been locked up since 2004, when she was convicted of shooting 43-year-old Nashville real estate agent Johnny Allen.

Her legal team launched a challenge to her life sentence in the federal court system, pointing to a 2012 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court saying that giving juveniles life sentences without parole was cruel and unusual in most cases.
Cyntoia Brown can be released after serving 51 years in prison, Tennessee Supreme Court decides

She had a miserable beginning and is going to have a miserable end.
The Tennessee Supreme Court said Thursday that Cyntoia Brown, a Nashville woman serving a life sentence in prison for a murder she committed at 16, could be eligible for release after she serves 51 years in prison.

The statement gave pivotal context to Brown’s fight to convince a federal appeals court to overturn her sentence.

Brown, now 30, has been locked up since 2004, when she was convicted of shooting 43-year-old Nashville real estate agent Johnny Allen.

Her legal team launched a challenge to her life sentence in the federal court system, pointing to a 2012 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court saying that giving juveniles life sentences without parole was cruel and unusual in most cases.
Cyntoia Brown can be released after serving 51 years in prison, Tennessee Supreme Court decides

She had a miserable beginning and is going to have a miserable end.

She doesn't know anything but murder and prison. Why not just hang people convicted of murder like that?
Did you hear her mom rattle off her mental health diagnosis?
No prison sentence should exceed 20 years. If 20 years in prison isn't sufficient; the death penalty should be imposed. Life in prison is too costly on the tax payer.
No prison sentence should exceed 20 years. If 20 years in prison isn't sufficient; the death penalty should be imposed. Life in prison is too costly on the tax payer.

Did you read about her crime? She should already be hanged.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment
#MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Cyntoia Brown.png

"CHILD ABUSE VICTIM Cyntoia Brown must serve five decades before she’s eligible for release"

Cyntoia Brown has celebrity supporters, but she wasn't a victim in killing of Johnny Allen: prosecutors

11 Awful Details About Cyntoia Brown, The 16-Year-Old Sex Trafficking Victim Serving A Life Sentence For Killing The Man Who 'Bought' Her

The Complex Life, and murder case, of Cyntoia Brown (videos) - TALK REAL SOLUTIONS

Wiki: "Cyntoia Brown (born 1988), the subject of the documentary, had been given up for adoption by her biological mother, Georgina Mitchell, when she was two years old.[3] When Georgina became pregnant with Cyntoia she continued consuming alcohol which may have resulted in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.[2] Georgina began using crack cocaine when Cyntoia was eight months old, and Cyntoia was given up to Ellenette Brown.[3] The film suggests that although Ellenette Brown provided a generally stable home, Cyntoia had not had sufficient stability in her life for proper emotional development, and by 2004 had become a runaway."

talkrealsolutions,com reports: Gina (Georgina) Mitchell, pictured attached, gave birth to Cyntonia when she was 16 years old, in which during her pregnancy, she drank for 8 months and began using crack in her last month of pregnancy. After her birth, Cyntonia’s biological birth mother, Gina, asked her best friends mother to take her daughter, and she herself began prostituting herself for her crack addiction. The sex abuse in Cyntonia’s biological birth family, goes back three generations.

yourtango,com reports: Documentary producer Birman told Fox 17 News in Nashville, “This is a young girl who's at the tail end of three generations of violence against women.' Cyntoia, her grandmother, and mother were all raped. 'She had no chance.'"
Hello. Can anyone confirm this Chicago woman's assertions that large numbers of CHILD NEGLECTING MOMS are FAILING to protect our Nation's most precious and cherished from sexual predators?

This ADULT LANGUAGE, EXTREMELY NSFW video is filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN.

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Black Sisters Destroyed!" ~Chyna Fox

Why wasn't Childhood Trauma' (ACEs) victim Cyntoia Brown's bio-mom, Georgina Mitchell, arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for CHILD ABUSE, NEGLECT & MALTREATMENT!

In my opinion Cyntoia's MOTHER should be residing in the prison cell right along side Cyntoia, the child she alone created and FAILED to provide with a reasonably stable, HEALTHY childhood upbringing!
On Sunday, March 11, 2018, during a 60 Minutes segment titled "Treating Trauma", when 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey asks Domestic Abuse victim-survivor Belinda Pittman-McGee if she believes the cycle of Poverty, Joblessness, Homelessness and Incarceration can be solved without first addressing the issue of 'Childhood Trauma'...Mrs. Pittman-McGee immediately replies, "No."

_Belinda Pittman-McGee Oprah Winfrey_02.jpg

When is liberal-minded, female coddling American society going to hold accountable dysfunctional, selfish, immature, apathetic, CRIMINAL MOTHERS failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well-being of the perfectly healthy newborns they CHOOSE to birth!?

Cyntoia Brown Georgina Mitchell.png
Criminal CHILD ABUSING Gina (Georgina) Mitchell
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment
#MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

"CHILD ABUSE VICTIM Cyntoia Brown must serve five decades before she’s eligible for release"

Cyntoia Brown has celebrity supporters, but she wasn't a victim in killing of Johnny Allen: prosecutors

11 Awful Details About Cyntoia Brown, The 16-Year-Old Sex Trafficking Victim Serving A Life Sentence For Killing The Man Who 'Bought' Her

The Complex Life, and murder case, of Cyntoia Brown (videos) - TALK REAL SOLUTIONS

Wiki: "Cyntoia Brown (born 1988), the subject of the documentary, had been given up for adoption by her biological mother, Georgina Mitchell, when she was two years old.[3] When Georgina became pregnant with Cyntoia she continued consuming alcohol which may have resulted in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.[2] Georgina began using crack cocaine when Cyntoia was eight months old, and Cyntoia was given up to Ellenette Brown.[3] The film suggests that although Ellenette Brown provided a generally stable home, Cyntoia had not had sufficient stability in her life for proper emotional development, and by 2004 had become a runaway."

talkrealsolutions,com reports: Gina (Georgina) Mitchell, pictured attached, gave birth to Cyntonia when she was 16 years old, in which during her pregnancy, she drank for 8 months and began using crack in her last month of pregnancy. After her birth, Cyntonia’s biological birth mother, Gina, asked her best friends mother to take her daughter, and she herself began prostituting herself for her crack addiction. The sex abuse in Cyntonia’s biological birth family, goes back three generations.

yourtango,com reports: Documentary producer Birman told Fox 17 News in Nashville, “This is a young girl who's at the tail end of three generations of violence against women.' Cyntoia, her grandmother, and mother were all raped. 'She had no chance.'"
Hello. Can anyone confirm this Chicago woman's assertions that large numbers of CHILD NEGLECTING MOMS are FAILING to protect our Nation's most precious and cherished from sexual predators?

This ADULT LANGUAGE, EXTREMELY NSFW video is filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN.

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Black Sisters Destroyed!" ~Chyna Fox

Why wasn't Childhood Trauma' (ACEs) victim Cyntoia Brown's bio-mom, Georgina Mitchell, arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for CHILD ABUSE, NEGLECT & MALTREATMENT!

In my opinion Cyntoia's MOTHER should be residing in the prison cell right along side Cyntoia, the child she alone created and FAILED to provide with a reasonably stable, HEALTHY childhood upbringing!
On Sunday, March 11, 2018, during a 60 Minutes segment titled "Treating Trauma", when 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey asks Domestic Abuse victim-survivor Belinda Pittman-McGee if she believes the cycle of Poverty, Joblessness, Homelessness and Incarceration can be solved without first addressing the issue of 'Childhood Trauma'...Mrs. Pittman-McGee immediately replies, "No."

When is liberal-minded, female coddling American society going to hold accountable dysfunctional, selfish, immature, apathetic, CRIMINAL MOTHERS failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well-being of the perfectly healthy newborns they CHOOSE to birth!?

View attachment 233846
Criminal CHILD ABUSING Gina (Georgina) Mitchell
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Lots of people have shitty childhoods. They don’t all go on to become murderers...
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Lots of people have shitty childhoods. They don’t all go on to become murderers...

Hello, Vastator. The way I see it many folks experiencing a life threatening medical disease known a cancer survive and thrive, while some do not.

Same for people experiencing a potentially life scarring medical disease known as 'Childhood Trauma' aka 'Adverse Childhood Experiences' (#ACEs), or as you characterized it, a 'Shitty Childhood'.

Some folks survive a 'shitty childhood' upbringing, some do not.

My question is "WHO are the primary child caregivers creating or introducing our Nation's most precious assets to an easily preventable 'shitty childhood upbringing'?"



American *(Children)* Lives Matter;
Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect;
Did you hear her mom rattle off her mental health diagnosis?

Zero fucks given. She needs to hang.

Ya, 'cept her mom doesn't get to hang.

Nobody caught the bad parenting, I guess.

That girl needs to hang high and be made an example of.

I'm not arguing that she did not commit a crime or should walk away from it. That said, I'm not sure who she gets to be made an example of to. I don't see other 16 year olds forced into prostitution saying, "Damn.......better think twice."

This is repetitive. Mom has significant mental health issues and abuses substances while pregnant impacting the developmental health of the baby. The baby moves from place to place impacting attachment.

They were in jail at the same time as mom got popped for drug trafficking. The shit never changes. it's ludicrous.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment
#MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

"CHILD ABUSE VICTIM Cyntoia Brown must serve five decades before she’s eligible for release"

Cyntoia Brown has celebrity supporters, but she wasn't a victim in killing of Johnny Allen: prosecutors

11 Awful Details About Cyntoia Brown, The 16-Year-Old Sex Trafficking Victim Serving A Life Sentence For Killing The Man Who 'Bought' Her

The Complex Life, and murder case, of Cyntoia Brown (videos) - TALK REAL SOLUTIONS

Wiki: "Cyntoia Brown (born 1988), the subject of the documentary, had been given up for adoption by her biological mother, Georgina Mitchell, when she was two years old.[3] When Georgina became pregnant with Cyntoia she continued consuming alcohol which may have resulted in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.[2] Georgina began using crack cocaine when Cyntoia was eight months old, and Cyntoia was given up to Ellenette Brown.[3] The film suggests that although Ellenette Brown provided a generally stable home, Cyntoia had not had sufficient stability in her life for proper emotional development, and by 2004 had become a runaway."

talkrealsolutions,com reports: Gina (Georgina) Mitchell, pictured attached, gave birth to Cyntonia when she was 16 years old, in which during her pregnancy, she drank for 8 months and began using crack in her last month of pregnancy. After her birth, Cyntonia’s biological birth mother, Gina, asked her best friends mother to take her daughter, and she herself began prostituting herself for her crack addiction. The sex abuse in Cyntonia’s biological birth family, goes back three generations.

yourtango,com reports: Documentary producer Birman told Fox 17 News in Nashville, “This is a young girl who's at the tail end of three generations of violence against women.' Cyntoia, her grandmother, and mother were all raped. 'She had no chance.'"
Hello. Can anyone confirm this Chicago woman's assertions that large numbers of CHILD NEGLECTING MOMS are FAILING to protect our Nation's most precious and cherished from sexual predators?

This ADULT LANGUAGE, EXTREMELY NSFW video is filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN.

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Black Sisters Destroyed!" ~Chyna Fox

Why wasn't Childhood Trauma' (ACEs) victim Cyntoia Brown's bio-mom, Georgina Mitchell, arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for CHILD ABUSE, NEGLECT & MALTREATMENT!

In my opinion Cyntoia's MOTHER should be residing in the prison cell right along side Cyntoia, the child she alone created and FAILED to provide with a reasonably stable, HEALTHY childhood upbringing!
On Sunday, March 11, 2018, during a 60 Minutes segment titled "Treating Trauma", when 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey asks Domestic Abuse victim-survivor Belinda Pittman-McGee if she believes the cycle of Poverty, Joblessness, Homelessness and Incarceration can be solved without first addressing the issue of 'Childhood Trauma'...Mrs. Pittman-McGee immediately replies, "No."

When is liberal-minded, female coddling American society going to hold accountable dysfunctional, selfish, immature, apathetic, CRIMINAL MOTHERS failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well-being of the perfectly healthy newborns they CHOOSE to birth!?

View attachment 233846
Criminal CHILD ABUSING Gina (Georgina) Mitchell
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Hang her and end the cycle of abuse, because she cold-blooded murdered a man.
Did you hear her mom rattle off her mental health diagnosis?

Zero fucks given. She needs to hang.

Ya, 'cept her mom doesn't get to hang.

Nobody caught the bad parenting, I guess.

That girl needs to hang high and be made an example of.

I'm not arguing that she did not commit a crime or should walk away from it. That said, I'm not sure who she gets to be made an example of to. I don't see other 16 year olds forced into prostitution saying, "Damn.......better think twice."

This is repetitive. Mom has significant mental health issues and abuses substances while pregnant impacting the developmental health of the baby. The baby moves from place to place impacting attachment.

They were in jail at the same time as mom got popped for drug trafficking. The shit never changes. it's ludicrous.

Making people know they will pay for their crimes seems like a good start to me.
The Tennessee Supreme Court said Thursday that Cyntoia Brown, a Nashville woman serving a life sentence in prison for a murder she committed at 16, could be eligible for release after she serves 51 years in prison.

The statement gave pivotal context to Brown’s fight to convince a federal appeals court to overturn her sentence.

Brown, now 30, has been locked up since 2004, when she was convicted of shooting 43-year-old Nashville real estate agent Johnny Allen.

Her legal team launched a challenge to her life sentence in the federal court system, pointing to a 2012 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court saying that giving juveniles life sentences without parole was cruel and unusual in most cases.
Cyntoia Brown can be released after serving 51 years in prison, Tennessee Supreme Court decides

She had a miserable beginning and is going to have a miserable end.

Well, she probably won't be a danger to other people at that point.
Did you hear her mom rattle off her mental health diagnosis?

Zero fucks given. She needs to hang.

Ya, 'cept her mom doesn't get to hang.

Nobody caught the bad parenting, I guess.

That girl needs to hang high and be made an example of.

I'm not arguing that she did not commit a crime or should walk away from it. That said, I'm not sure who she gets to be made an example of to. I don't see other 16 year olds forced into prostitution saying, "Damn.......better think twice."

This is repetitive. Mom has significant mental health issues and abuses substances while pregnant impacting the developmental health of the baby. The baby moves from place to place impacting attachment.

They were in jail at the same time as mom got popped for drug trafficking. The shit never changes. it's ludicrous.

You wouldn't see people choosing not to commit murder. Because, y'know . . . they don't do anything to see.

Bottom line: Did she know that her actions would cause death? Did she know it was wrong to kill people? Did she do it anyway?

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