Cute baby bunnies in my yard...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008

There were two, but only this one froze long enough to get a good pic.
I have a family of them in my yard. They come out at this time everynight and they eat the grass. Very cute. There are 2 kittens and a bunch of squirrels. Really great birds too.

It's like a refuge.
He's a lil cutie. Cotton tail?
I have a family of them in my yard. They come out at this time everynight and they eat the grass. Very cute. There are 2 kittens and a bunch of squirrels. Really great birds too.

It's like a refuge.

Here too.

I've got two pairs of cardinals, some bluejays, but no bluebirds yey, a slew of finches, starlings and a few ring-necked and rock doves.

At the moment we are overrun with hull-tail blackbirds and cowbirds.

the big post oak and black walnut trees are home to a passel of grey squirrels, and the cottontail rabbits evidently have multiplied.

Unfortunately, there are some feral cats that roam the neighborhood...

Weighing the options on that as I type this.
I have a little female dog that I rescued from the roadside where she was abandoned. She is the nicest most gentle part spaniel and part God knows what else and she spends her time searching the bushes for rabbit nests. She eats entire nests of baby rabbits and sometimes finds juvenile woodchucks. Great dog.
My brother used to have a Jack Russell Terrier. He lost count of the rabbits it killed.

So in his yard, he put up these tiny crosses marked "Thumper", "Fluffy" "Brer","Cotton Tail", and "Bun-Bun".

Fucking hilarious.

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