Excluding Japan, most industrial nations have cut their corporate tax rates to be more competitive.
The big story though is Ireland.
Into the 1990's, Ireland was known as "the sick man of Europe" mostly because its workers had to leave Ireland to find work commensurate with workers' work skills.
In the early 90's, it drastically reduced its corporate tax rate, till reaching a low rate of 12 1/2% compared to our present 35%.
Major corporations poured into Ireland--jobs have soared ever since. Ireland is now more prosperous than all the major industrial nations of Europe.
A rate of 25%, in the U.S. would be a good start to be matched by removal of any loophole (no matter what you call it--credit, allowance, subsidy etc.) so that normal business expenses, are the only deductions.
Although Ireland has had this dramatic turnaround in increased jobs, increased revenues and a huge increase in living standards, most class warfare merchants on the Left--which is just about the entire left--ignore these highly desirable results.
The Left makes petty arguments about unrelated matters.
Attacking anything in any way relating to profit, seems to make them proud and certain that they just shared their wisdom with us--though hatred would often be a more accurate description.
As long as the nanny-state crowd, shows disdain for the single biggest entity of heroes in the country---those who create jobs, those who give us a choice of employment, so we don't have to be farmers or engage in some other unrewarding form of drudgery, as was the case before the Industrial Revolution started spreading wealth among the general population---that crowd feels certain that its reckless, unrelated comments are jewels of widsom.
Most of the Mainstream Media is in this group.
Hardly any members of the Mainstream Media, have ever risked a penny in their lives, yet they believe the government--which has no money of its own--is the basic solution to everything no matter how huge the cost.
The big story though is Ireland.
Into the 1990's, Ireland was known as "the sick man of Europe" mostly because its workers had to leave Ireland to find work commensurate with workers' work skills.
In the early 90's, it drastically reduced its corporate tax rate, till reaching a low rate of 12 1/2% compared to our present 35%.
Major corporations poured into Ireland--jobs have soared ever since. Ireland is now more prosperous than all the major industrial nations of Europe.
A rate of 25%, in the U.S. would be a good start to be matched by removal of any loophole (no matter what you call it--credit, allowance, subsidy etc.) so that normal business expenses, are the only deductions.
Although Ireland has had this dramatic turnaround in increased jobs, increased revenues and a huge increase in living standards, most class warfare merchants on the Left--which is just about the entire left--ignore these highly desirable results.
The Left makes petty arguments about unrelated matters.
Attacking anything in any way relating to profit, seems to make them proud and certain that they just shared their wisdom with us--though hatred would often be a more accurate description.
As long as the nanny-state crowd, shows disdain for the single biggest entity of heroes in the country---those who create jobs, those who give us a choice of employment, so we don't have to be farmers or engage in some other unrewarding form of drudgery, as was the case before the Industrial Revolution started spreading wealth among the general population---that crowd feels certain that its reckless, unrelated comments are jewels of widsom.
Most of the Mainstream Media is in this group.
Hardly any members of the Mainstream Media, have ever risked a penny in their lives, yet they believe the government--which has no money of its own--is the basic solution to everything no matter how huge the cost.