Cruz Cheating Scandal Started by GOP Elites


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This seems to be the “hot story” on the net this morning. Almost every news/political site I come to has something about this – most of them running the naked pix of Melania Trump. In general, Cruz people are blaming Trump for the “lies” with the so-called mistresses standing up for Cruz. The Donald swears he has nothing to do with it, in spite of his belief that Cruz people were the one who tried to belittle his wife by showing her modeling photos.

So, this is just one of the dozens upon dozens of story about the “scandal”

PROOF=> Ted Cruz Cheating Scandal Not Linked to Trump Campaign – Was Started by GOP Elites @ PROOF=> Ted Cruz Cheating Scandal Not Linked to Trump Campaign - Was Started by GOP Elites - The Gateway Pundit

And there are simply too many more to cite.

And yet, I've found some stories about what a “neat, caring, and humble” woman Heidi Cruz is and how she went house to house campaigning with volunteers, shunning photogs and reporters.

To me, the bottom line is that BOTH women are supporting their husbands and anyone who buys into the media crap about them needs a long dose of Shrink Therapy.
First Rubio and now the GOP elites all retaliating over melania pics. Amazing that they all care about her so much that Trump doesn't have to do a thing.
Who Started the Trump/Cruz Confrontation?

Familiar? Should be. This is the same hacker who threatened Cruz if he didn't get out of the race. The same slimeball who released Trump's social security and private phone number. This being the case, how can The Donald be the one behind the Enquirer piece? I, for one, believe Trump when he said,

I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin' Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz."

Read the full story with links @ Anonymous Threatens To Expose Ted Cruz Prostitution Scandal | Zero Hedge
Rubio Spreading the Smears Against Cruz

And, according to this, it's been going on for six months or so. This article contains a whole lot of guesses and conjecture so it can't be trusted. But, it certainly is interesting. Read more @ Ted Cruz Mistress Crisis – Apparently There’s Video…

And this claims Cruz caught lying on Fox News Sunday with video @ It also claims there's a story on 90 random Cruz assertions of which only 6% were true @ Ted Cruz's file | PolitiFact Texas

And then, you're all gonna love THIS one – it claims – hold on here – that Carly Fiorina is behind the whole mess!!! Story with links @ Uncovered Mailing Address Reveals Shocking Person Linked to Nude Melania Trump Ad

And yet more – REVEALED. Is A Ted Cruz Front Organization @ REVEALED. Is A Ted Cruz Front Organization | RedState

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