Criteria Veers Sharply From That Of Western Civilization


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. OK...maybe it didn't begin in the West:
Early on, the Chinese offered exams to the regular folks to move up on the social scale:
Imperial examination - Wikipedia › wiki › Imperial_examination

Chinese imperial examinations, or keju (lit. "subject recommendation"), were a civil service examination system in Imperial China for selecting candidates ...
Imperial examination · ‎Civil Service of the People's... · ‎Eight-legged essay

But merit was the the path to equality.

2. As the pointed out, the end phase of Western Civilization is clearly in sight. It began earlier, but this was the official start of the end:
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

3. That transformation has advanced apace, from merit and worth, to this:
There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.
Race, Class, and Gender.

“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

“A hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic — and if they looked a certain way, they were inferior. Today, kids again are being taught that the color of their skin defines them — and if they look a certain way, they’re an oppressor.” Tim Scott Text of Sen. Tim Scott's GOP response to Biden speech

4. Not competence, not integrity, not honesty.....none matter.
Only race, gender and class.....which brings us to Kim Gardner....

"St. Louis chief prosecutor Kim Gardner accused of dereliction of duty

Gardner, the first black woman to be elected St. Louis's circuit attorney, campaigned on progressive changes and vowed to go after criminals and hold them accountable. She did flashy interviews on 60 Minutes and Nightline and grabbed even more headlines when she sued the city, its police union, and five others in 2020 for what she called a racist effort to block her reform agenda.

Today, she stands accused by members of the public, her former employees, and a circuit court judge of a dereliction of duty. Her office has been faulted for making egregious errors that led to the dismissal of three murder cases in a week. They've also been accused of turning their backs on the families of victims and have been no-shows to multiple court hearings.

...a St. Louis prosecutor under Gardner's watch had failed to show up to three hearings and did not comply with a court order to produce evidence to Campbell's defense attorney."

5. This is pro forma, coin of the realm in Democrat enclaves. Gardner, leftist, Democrat, pro-criminal, incompetent, Soros supported official in her position based on race, gender, and class.....and nothing else.
That is not the what the criteria should be in the 21st century in Western Civilization.

But if you vote Democrat.......this is what you deem more.....most....important.
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I've mentioned it before, but my local high school, James Madison High School, in Brooklyn, produced Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and former Republican Senator Norm Coleman.
I don't believe any other school in the nation can match that.

The motto over the door of Madison....

"Education is the true foundation of civil liberty."

Yet the party of those three pictured above has changed that to:

"Race, Class, and Gender."

Nothing else matters.
I've mentioned it before, but my local high school, James Madison High School, in Brooklyn, produced Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and former Republican Senator Norm Coleman.
View attachment 517279I don't believe any other school in the nation can match that.

The motto over the door of Madison....
View attachment 517280

"Education is the true foundation of civil liberty."

Yet the party of those three pictured above has changed that to:

"Race, Class, and Gender."

Nothing else matters.
LMAO, get over yourself. Philips Academy produced two presidents, a supreme court justice, six medal of honor winners, and five nobel prize winners. And that is just a start, Chris Hughes of Facebook, oh, and he is from my hometown, Bill Belichick, and I hate the Patriots, and Jack Lemmon. Philips Exeter produced Franklin Pierce, another president, Danial Webster, Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Yang. Tom Steyer, and Gore Vidal. Besides, James Madison is a public school, which you often condemn. You really need to work on the consistency,
LMAO, get over yourself. Philips Academy produced two presidents, a supreme court justice, six medal of honor winners, and five nobel prize winners. And that is just a start, Chris Hughes of Facebook, oh, and he is from my hometown, Bill Belichick, and I hate the Patriots, and Jack Lemmon. Philips Exeter produced Franklin Pierce, another president, Danial Webster, Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Yang. Tom Steyer, and Gore Vidal. Besides, James Madison is a public school, which you often condemn. You really need to work on the consistency,
Why should anyone be surprised that PC often condemns James Madison? Just as Alexander Hamilton’s widow lived in Harlem and established an orphanage, these people lived in exciting, transitioning times, much more interesting than the dogmatic slumber of Philips Academy, scratching at the same patch of territory for eternity.
LMAO, get over yourself. Philips Academy produced two presidents, a supreme court justice, six medal of honor winners, and five nobel prize winners. And that is just a start, Chris Hughes of Facebook, oh, and he is from my hometown, Bill Belichick, and I hate the Patriots, and Jack Lemmon. Philips Exeter produced Franklin Pierce, another president, Danial Webster, Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Yang. Tom Steyer, and Gore Vidal. Besides, James Madison is a public school, which you often condemn. You really need to work on the consistency,

Phillips Academy - Wikipedia › wiki › Phillips_Academy

Phillips Academy Andover is a co-educational university-preparatory school for boarding and ... of Congress, five Nobel laureates and six Medal of Honor recipients.

James Madison High School is a public to all Brooklynites.

There is no comparable public school.

Try again.
Why should anyone be surprised that PC often condemns James Madison? Just as Alexander Hamilton’s widow lived in Harlem and established an orphanage, these people lived in exciting, transitioning times, much more interesting than the dogmatic slumber of Philips Academy, scratching at the same patch of territory for eternity.

I don't believe I condemned James Madison High School.

The OP provides the contradiction between the motto of James Madison, and the neo-Marxist doctrines advanced by those several Democrat graduates.
I don't believe I condemned James Madison High School.

The OP provides the contradiction between the motto of James Madison, and the neo-Marxist dit upoctrines advanced by those several Democrat graduates.
You wouldn't know Marxism if it reared up and bit you in the ass. But it is cute, your school spirit. But no presidents? Come on, always with the attitude, south Brooklyn. Explains a lot. But let me help you out with that Marxism bit. Marxism is about one thing, there comes a time, within a generational framework, where the value of social production comes in conflict with the status quo's valuation, and more importantly, appropriation, of the proceeds of that production.

I mean that should be like, "boy, Howdy". I mean look around you? Who is supporting that status quo, and what, is absolutely happening, the few at the top are taking far more of the value of the people's, the "workers" if you will, generation of that value. The very critical moment when Marxism initiates action. We ain't there yet sister, but you keep towing that Republican party line, and I feel for you girl. Got to be lonely doing that in South Brooklyn. But you keep toeing that party line, you drive us faster to that Marxism tipping point.

Let's put the breaks on it. Break up those "cartels", because make no mistake about it. Those big corporate behemoths that control the market, who form backroom agreements with competitors, carve up markets, and extract "rents". Go after them. Mandate livable, dependable, living wages. Better to do that now, than have a command economy where value is determined by the government and the government divides it up. I mean can you see, that at some point, the workers are going to believe they will come out better under Marxism. Can you not see that the positions of the Republican party has consistently move the needle in the wrong direction. The government should not be in the business of making the rich richer. But that is what they are literally being paid to do. It is insulting to the people.

But you go Brooklyn, carry on. Not surprising, shallow actually. Bless your heart.

Judge tosses Soros-backed Kim Gardner’s bizarre lawsuit that claimed a racist conspiracy

1 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jenna Curren
ST.LOUIS, MO- A federal judge has tossed out a lawsuit that was filed by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.
In it, she alleged that the city, the local police union, and others had a racist conspiracy and were attempting to block her agenda and run her out of office.
In his 19-page opinion, U.S. District Judge John Ross said that Gardner’s 32-page lawsuit:
“Can best be described as a conglomeration of unrelated claims and conclusory statements supported by very few facts, which do not plead any recognizable cause of action.”
He added:
“Gardner presents no specific material facts, circumstantial or otherwise, to show that defendants acted with each other for the purpose of depriving her or anyone else of a constitutional right to equal protection.
Her complaint is nothing more than a compilation of personal slights, none of which rise to a legal cause of action.”

Since the writing of this article there has been a total of 90 prosecutor's that have resigned from the Office controlled by Ms. Gardner.
While, she refuses to prosecute BLM and Antifa terrorists:
But will use every means to:
Kim Gardner and her Progressive Commie ilk have become the false arbiters of the law and Justice...
Her actions cannot be considered incompetence but are the actions of those trained to obfuscate the law and impose terror on the victims and citizens of this country.
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You wouldn't know Marxism if it reared up and bit you in the ass. But it is cute, your school spirit. But no presidents? Come on, always with the attitude, south Brooklyn. Explains a lot. But let me help you out with that Marxism bit. Marxism is about one thing, there comes a time, within a generational framework, where the value of social production comes in conflict with the status quo's valuation, and more importantly, appropriation, of the proceeds of that production.

I mean that should be like, "boy, Howdy". I mean look around you? Who is supporting that status quo, and what, is absolutely happening, the few at the top are taking far more of the value of the people's, the "workers" if you will, generation of that value. The very critical moment when Marxism initiates action. We ain't there yet sister, but you keep towing that Republican party line, and I feel for you girl. Got to be lonely doing that in South Brooklyn. But you keep toeing that party line, you drive us faster to that Marxism tipping point.

Let's put the breaks on it. Break up those "cartels", because make no mistake about it. Those big corporate behemoths that control the market, who form backroom agreements with competitors, carve up markets, and extract "rents". Go after them. Mandate livable, dependable, living wages. Better to do that now, than have a command economy where value is determined by the government and the government divides it up. I mean can you see, that at some point, the workers are going to believe they will come out better under Marxism. Can you not see that the positions of the Republican party has consistently move the needle in the wrong direction. The government should not be in the business of making the rich richer. But that is what they are literally being paid to do. It is insulting to the people.

But you go Brooklyn, carry on. Not surprising, shallow actually. Bless your heart.
The needle has never been stopped by Republicans. It has been a bit slowed down. Just stop taxing people for your ways of living. And that includes Non Prog ways of living.
You wouldn't know Marxism if it reared up and bit you in the ass. But it is cute, your school spirit. But no presidents? Come on, always with the attitude, south Brooklyn. Explains a lot. But let me help you out with that Marxism bit. Marxism is about one thing, there comes a time, within a generational framework, where the value of social production comes in conflict with the status quo's valuation, and more importantly, appropriation, of the proceeds of that production.

I mean that should be like, "boy, Howdy". I mean look around you? Who is supporting that status quo, and what, is absolutely happening, the few at the top are taking far more of the value of the people's, the "workers" if you will, generation of that value. The very critical moment when Marxism initiates action. We ain't there yet sister, but you keep towing that Republican party line, and I feel for you girl. Got to be lonely doing that in South Brooklyn. But you keep toeing that party line, you drive us faster to that Marxism tipping point.

Let's put the breaks on it. Break up those "cartels", because make no mistake about it. Those big corporate behemoths that control the market, who form backroom agreements with competitors, carve up markets, and extract "rents". Go after them. Mandate livable, dependable, living wages. Better to do that now, than have a command economy where value is determined by the government and the government divides it up. I mean can you see, that at some point, the workers are going to believe they will come out better under Marxism. Can you not see that the positions of the Republican party has consistently move the needle in the wrong direction. The government should not be in the business of making the rich richer. But that is what they are literally being paid to do. It is insulting to the people.

But you go Brooklyn, carry on. Not surprising, shallow actually. Bless your heart.

"You wouldn't know Marxism if it reared up and bit you"

I can help.

1. There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.
Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

“A hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic — and if they looked a certain way, they were inferior. Today, kids again are being taught that the color of their skin defines them — and if they look a certain way, they’re an oppressor.” Tim Scott Text of Sen. Tim Scott's GOP response to Biden speech

“We are not carrying out war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. We are not looking for evidence or witnesses to reveal deeds or words against the Soviet power. The first question we ask is—to what class does he belong, what are his origins, upbringing, education or profession? These questions define the fate of the accused. This is the essence of the Red Terror.” —Cheka official during the time of Lenin
You wouldn't know Marxism if it reared up and bit you in the ass. But it is cute, your school spirit. But no presidents? Come on, always with the attitude, south Brooklyn. Explains a lot. But let me help you out with that Marxism bit. Marxism is about one thing, there comes a time, within a generational framework, where the value of social production comes in conflict with the status quo's valuation, and more importantly, appropriation, of the proceeds of that production.

I mean that should be like, "boy, Howdy". I mean look around you? Who is supporting that status quo, and what, is absolutely happening, the few at the top are taking far more of the value of the people's, the "workers" if you will, generation of that value. The very critical moment when Marxism initiates action. We ain't there yet sister, but you keep towing that Republican party line, and I feel for you girl. Got to be lonely doing that in South Brooklyn. But you keep toeing that party line, you drive us faster to that Marxism tipping point.

Let's put the breaks on it. Break up those "cartels", because make no mistake about it. Those big corporate behemoths that control the market, who form backroom agreements with competitors, carve up markets, and extract "rents". Go after them. Mandate livable, dependable, living wages. Better to do that now, than have a command economy where value is determined by the government and the government divides it up. I mean can you see, that at some point, the workers are going to believe they will come out better under Marxism. Can you not see that the positions of the Republican party has consistently move the needle in the wrong direction. The government should not be in the business of making the rich richer. But that is what they are literally being paid to do. It is insulting to the people.

But you go Brooklyn, carry on. Not surprising, shallow actually. Bless your heart.

"You wouldn't know Marxism if it reared up and bit you"

2. And I'll help even more: These will provide the insight you require about the religion you've joined-

And I recommend these.....




Judge tosses Soros-backed Kim Gardner’s bizarre lawsuit that claimed a racist conspiracy

1 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jenna Curren
ST.LOUIS, MO- A federal judge has tossed out a lawsuit that was filed by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.
In it, she alleged that the city, the local police union, and others had a racist conspiracy and were attempting to block her agenda and run her out of office.
In his 19-page opinion, U.S. District Judge John Ross said that Gardner’s 32-page lawsuit:
“Can best be described as a conglomeration of unrelated claims and conclusory statements supported by very few facts, which do not plead any recognizable cause of action.”
He added:
“Gardner presents no specific material facts, circumstantial or otherwise, to show that defendants acted with each other for the purpose of depriving her or anyone else of a constitutional right to equal protection.
Her complaint is nothing more than a compilation of personal slights, none of which rise to a legal cause of action.”

Since the writing of this article there has been a total of 90 prosecutor's that have resigned from the Office controlled by Ms. Gardner.
While, she refuses to prosecute BLM and Antifa terrorists:
But will use every means to:
Kim Gardner and her Progressive Commie ilk have become the false arbiters of the law and Justice...
Her actions cannot be considered incompetence but are the actions of those trained to obfuscate the law and impose terror on the victims and citizens of this country.

No less than anticipated.

The Marxist Democrats control the "legal system"

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper responded: “No, sir.” When Wyden followed up by asking, “It does not?” Clapper said: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect—but not wittingly.” Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
They ALL lie...are you going to imply that republicans don't lie? That's comical. They ALL lie.

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