Crimson Handoff: DC Dominions [WikiLeaks]?


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Sep 22, 2013
Pro-globalization politics/consciousness in this new age of media (e.g., WikiLeaks, Al Jazeera, Facebook, eTrade, etc.) illuminate humanity's new interests in 'networking-oriented diarism' (e.g., World Bank).

Will our media-centric 'TrumpUSA' be considered a 'tower' for new age globalization-dogma intrigue?

What do you think?


"A fantastic NASCAR driver named Racer-X who was secretly working for the NSA (National Security Agency) decided to settle down and marry and live in Washington. However, he had to be sure that all the necessary procedures were coordinated so that the right people would take over his reins and continue his mission to use modern traffic landscapes/labyrinths to strengthen American intelligence in new age pro-globalization political initiatives profitable for TrumpUSA. Racer-X decided this would be a great 'crimson guard handoff' enabling himself to peacefully retire in DC."


"Racer-X intended to open/manage a series of homeschooling groups in DC and used his talents/training in the field of education and social work to have the U.S. government endorse/fund various homeschool-group programs and policies. This would be Racer-X's way of integrating himself into the world of civilian life after an honorable life lived serving the needs/requirements of government intelligence work (e.g., WikiLeaks). Racer-X was excited to turn a 'new leaf' in his life and wanted his wife Shelbye to manage various educational boons in DC with him."


"Meanwhile the 'crimson guard handoff' Racer-X contemplated involved a new generation/league of political/intelligence warriors who enjoyed reading/hyping American patriotism comics (i.e., G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Captain America). This new elite army would be responsible for coordinating the U.S. government's new alignments in the dominion of pro-globalization politics basing (in areas such as the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Eastern Asia). The plan was to ensure that U.S. intelligence and civilian-consciousness oriented democracy-intrigue (e.g., WikiLeaks) would facilitate the new world's transition from knight-centric geo-governance (e.g., Racer-X patriotism) to anti-terrorism strikers (e.g., ISIS-infiltrators)!"


"Racer-X worked closely with the CIA/NSA so the new legion of intelligence officers/soldiers would be skilled/educated in the areas of tech-weaponry, espionage-networking, and propaganda-management. Racer-X had experience in areas such as Iran, Australia, Hong Kong, and Argentina and wanted the new 'soldiers' to be appreciative of the sensitive materials/info that comprised new era globalization politics intelligence (e.g., World Bank diplomacy). This 'crimson guard handoff' between Racer-X and the new legion of intelligence officers/soldiers represented America's focus on being the world's democratic Big Brother(!)."


"Racer-X advised the CIA to use the DC Comics super-villain/terrorist Black Manta (a mad scientist wielding underwater vehicles/weaponry designed for Earth destruction!) in various pro-democratic media campaigning programs intended to disseminate anti-terrorism rhetoric to American society. The CIA was to use Black Manta as a pop-culture jargon-marketing 'mascot' so youngsters were 'indoctrinated' into the U.S. government's new perspective on anti-terrorism literature. This would be not unlike the federally-supported American quiz-shows of the 1950s --- media programs designed to promote general social patriotism towards American ethos/ideology. The new legion of American intelligence officers/soldiers would come to respect the ways in which Black Manta created pro-democratic stands on 'American diarism'."


"The shift in culture/politics caused by technology and networking impacted the way humanity conceived of social mobilization. WikiLeaks journalism had replaced anti-Orwellian/McCarthyist paranoia(!). This was the Age of Facebook, and all levels of American society participated in this pro-globalization 'Dianetics bazaar.' If you didn't appreciate media-imagination (e.g., EWTN, Al Jazeera), you didn't understand modern thinking (e.g., NASDAQ, CNN). This was a time of dialogic creativity, and it was very complex (to America and the world!)."


"Racer-X wondered if the new 'legion' of American intelligence officers/soldiers had the necessary imagination to lead this new world into a consciousness of globalization and pro-networking peace. There would still be Israel-Palestine intrigue as well as OPEC controversy. America would need to play the symbolic/iconic role of 'Big Brother' by enforcing its positions in pro-democratic capitalism on the other side of the globe, and historians/writers would have to appreciate the development of globalization-politics from the time of Teddy Roosevelt through the times of Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton. There would be customs angst."


"America's youngsters in this new generation were exposed to various forms of competitive-thinking through media images of sports and capitalism bravado (e.g., American Ninja-Warrior, Celebrity Apprentice, etc., etc.). The advantage of media made Americans sensitive to the notion of image-driven success (e.g., Facebook etiquette/customs!). Everyone was curious about network-oriented couture (e.g., The Social Network). This 'media-mentalism' made WikiLeaks journalism relevant to American youth-diarism."


"As Americans enjoyed spring and summer training spotlights/programs for various NFL and NCAAF teams on television, people took notice of how capitalism was shaping societal views on teamwork, competition, sportsmanship, and negotiation. Since marketing was linked to human intellect, sports-marketing themes films such as Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) and Any Given Sunday (Al Pacino) illuminated 'social daydreams'. There would be much bazaar-patriotism, which is why Racer-X wanted American football cheerleaders to serve as 'society muses' for pro-propaganda television."


TRUMP: I wonder if Racer-X has trained the new guard!
CARTER: Racer-X is a shrewd tactician, Mr. President...
TRUMP: America has to be the vanguard for democracy.
CARTER: Yes, we must secure the Middle East and Europe.
TRUMP: There has to be quick-thinking for global petroleum.
CARTER: We don't want multiple Gulf Wars, do we, sir?
TRUMP: No; we want pro-globalization intelligence...
CARTER: The new legion of intelligence officers/soldiers are idealists!
TRUMP: Idealism is necessary for networking-oriented diplomacy.
CARTER: America needs to secure areas such as Saudi Arabia.
TRUMP: The new world is all about grids and goods...
CARTER: Maybe Racer-X was like Prometheus!
TRUMP: Yes, he showed us the value of terrorism-paranoia.
CARTER: Perhaps diplomacy for commerce is akin to design.
TRUMP: Hail to the Age of Facebook!




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