Crimea After Five Years of Muscovite Occupation


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
very interesting facts, when Muscovy occupation hordes will leave Ukraine ?

"Crimea After Five Years of Muscovite Occupation"

In the five years since its invasion and attempted annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, Russia has continued violating the norms and standards of the international order in Ukraine’s Donbas and the Sea of Azov. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Ukrainian Embassy and the Atlantic Council for a discussion on the illegal Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea. A distinguished set of panelists will go beyond the current nonrecognition policies and delve into scenarios that could create the conditions necessary to reunify the Crimean Peninsula, deter further Russian aggression and move past the dangers of the status quo. For more information, or to RSVP, visit:
The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Italy's Interior Minister and deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini :

Q. You said that Russia had a right to annex Crimea?

A. There was a referendum.

Q. It was a fake referendum.

A. [That is your] point of view. . . . There was a referendum, and 90 percent of the people voted for the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Q. What kind of referendum was it with Russian soldiers there?

A. Compare it to the fake revolution in Ukraine, which was a pseudo-revolution funded by foreign powers — similar to the Arab Spring revolutions. There are some historically Russian zones with Russian culture and traditions which legitimately belong to the Russian Federation.

After Crimea voted with over 90% for comeback to Russia Ukrainian officials cut Crimea off water, gas and electricity supplies, train transportation and so on and on. They did not treat Crimeans like "hostages of aggressive Russia" (as they proclaimed from the day 1 up to now), it was just a revenge for their volunteerly re-uniting with Mother Russia.

Meanwhile Russia has restored Crimea after Ukrainian occupation: has built lots of new roads, highways, hospitals, a beautiful bridge (the longest in Europe) which Ukrainians started immediately calling to blow up.
Crimean Bridge - Wikipedia

Crimeans' life standards, salaries and retirement payment are several times higher in Russia now that while belonging to Ukraine. While in Ukraine utilities are higher than most of retirement payments and all Ukraine is now sunk in chaos, misery, corruption, massive decreasing brainwashing the population.
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Due to lying Media not too many Americans (and even not enough Ukrainians!) do know why Crimea did not want to anything with post-Maidan Nazi Ukraine.

Stanislav Byshok, Polish analyst:
At the dawn of Maidan protests, the media portrayed regions loyal to president Yanukovych, notably South-East and Crimea, as depressed, reliant on Kiev subsidies, economically unviable, and populated by Soviet-minded, primitive people disloyal to Ukraine. I remember standing in front of Ukraine’s map with a group of creative class folks in Kiev who would tell me pointing at Crimea, “They’re not real Ukrainians.

They don’t want to speak our language and they don’t share our aspirations. It would be better if you Russians took them back.” But then, in March 2014, as Russia did exactly what they wanted – took Crimea back, the whole narrative bifurcated.

In March 2014, there was a referendum in Crimea whereas 95% of the voters favored Crimea seceding from Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. Russia recognized the results of the referendum, and Crimea became part of Russia. (The peninsula had been part of Russia proper before 1954.) The Russians and Crimeans call this event the reunification, in Ukraine and the West they call it the annexation. I’ve been to Crimea several times, including when it was part of Ukraine. Crimean people spoke Russian, loved Russia and associated themselves with Moscow, not with Kiev.

By the time president Yanukovych was forced to flee the country, new terms such as “separatists”, “terrorists”, and “trash” had came into common use by the Ukrainian media. According to that, the only ones to be blamed for the unrest in the country were “pro-Russian agents” and “Putin’s tourists.” Euromaidan activists, including radical nationalists and right-wing football hooligans who actually fought with police and caused the whole unrest, were beyond criticism. Opponents of the new government, on the contrary, were demonized and dehumanized.
very interesting facts, when Muscovy occupation hordes will leave Ukraine ?

"Crimea After Five Years of Muscovite Occupation"

In the five years since its invasion and attempted annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, Russia has continued violating the norms and standards of the international order in Ukraine’s Donbas and the Sea of Azov. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Ukrainian Embassy and the Atlantic Council for a discussion on the illegal Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea. A distinguished set of panelists will go beyond the current nonrecognition policies and delve into scenarios that could create the conditions necessary to reunify the Crimean Peninsula, deter further Russian aggression and move past the dangers of the status quo. For more information, or to RSVP, visit:

Russia’s “occupation” isn’t any more illegal than the new government in Kiev. Ukraine threw out its constitution in order to get a new President. That means you lost all rights to lands you don’t control or don’t wish to join your new government. You know, that whole “democracy” thing.

If you don’t like the Russians there, kick their asses out. Until then stop your whinging.
very interesting facts, when Muscovy occupation hordes will leave Ukraine ?

"Crimea After Five Years of Muscovite Occupation"

In the five years since its invasion and attempted annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, Russia has continued violating the norms and standards of the international order in Ukraine’s Donbas and the Sea of Azov. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Ukrainian Embassy and the Atlantic Council for a discussion on the illegal Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea. A distinguished set of panelists will go beyond the current nonrecognition policies and delve into scenarios that could create the conditions necessary to reunify the Crimean Peninsula, deter further Russian aggression and move past the dangers of the status quo. For more information, or to RSVP, visit:

Russia’s “occupation” isn’t any more illegal than the new government in Kiev. Ukraine threw out its constitution in order to get a new President. That means you lost all rights to lands you don’t control or don’t wish to join your new government. You know, that whole “democracy” thing.

If you don’t like the Russians there, kick their asses out. Until then stop your whinging.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?
Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Putin has saved Crimea:Ukrainian Nazis were yelling about "sinking Crimea in blood" after the coup and the situation there would have been a lot worse than is now in Donbass.
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very interesting facts, when Muscovy occupation hordes will leave Ukraine ?

"Crimea After Five Years of Muscovite Occupation"

In the five years since its invasion and attempted annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, Russia has continued violating the norms and standards of the international order in Ukraine’s Donbas and the Sea of Azov. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Ukrainian Embassy and the Atlantic Council for a discussion on the illegal Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea. A distinguished set of panelists will go beyond the current nonrecognition policies and delve into scenarios that could create the conditions necessary to reunify the Crimean Peninsula, deter further Russian aggression and move past the dangers of the status quo. For more information, or to RSVP, visit:

As always your 'thread' belongs there:

Building that beautiful bridge for Crimean people to be able to travel (after Ukraine stopped train transportation to Crimea) this Ukrainian troll calls "occupation"!


Our Eastern Ukraine has been waiting for Putin to occupy us same way he "occupied" Crimea. So far under the current Soros&Co occupation only crooks and Nazis feel good in Ukraine.
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The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

Italy's Interior Minister and deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini :

Q. You said that Russia had a right to annex Crimea?

A. There was a referendum.

Q. It was a fake referendum.

A. [That is your] point of view. . . . There was a referendum, and 90 percent of the people voted for the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Q. What kind of referendum was it with Russian soldiers there?

A. Compare it to the fake revolution in Ukraine, which was a pseudo-revolution funded by foreign powers — similar to the Arab Spring revolutions. There are some historically Russian zones with Russian culture and traditions which legitimately belong to the Russian Federation.

After Crimea voted with over 90% for comeback to Russia Ukrainian officials cut Crimea off water, gas and electricity supplies, train transportation and so on and on. They did not treat Crimeans like "hostages of aggressive Russia" (as they proclaimed from the day 1 up to now), it was just a revenge for their volunteerly re-uniting with Mother Russia.

Meanwhile Russia has restored Crimea after Ukrainian occupation: has built lots of new roads, highways, hospitals, a beautiful bridge (the longest in Europe) which Ukrainians started immediately calling to blow up.
Crimean Bridge - Wikipedia

Crimeans' life standards, salaries and retirement payment are several times higher in Russia now that while belonging to Ukraine. While in Ukraine utilities are higher than most of retirement payments and all Ukraine is now sunk in chaos, misery, corruption, massive decreasing brainwashing the population.

Italian fascist supporting Putler, no surprise there.

Why didn't you mention the cost of living is much higher in Putler's Crimea than in free Ukraine?
very interesting facts, when Muscovy occupation hordes will leave Ukraine ?

"Crimea After Five Years of Muscovite Occupation"

In the five years since its invasion and attempted annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, Russia has continued violating the norms and standards of the international order in Ukraine’s Donbas and the Sea of Azov. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Ukrainian Embassy and the Atlantic Council for a discussion on the illegal Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea. A distinguished set of panelists will go beyond the current nonrecognition policies and delve into scenarios that could create the conditions necessary to reunify the Crimean Peninsula, deter further Russian aggression and move past the dangers of the status quo. For more information, or to RSVP, visit:

Russia’s “occupation” isn’t any more illegal than the new government in Kiev. Ukraine threw out its constitution in order to get a new President. That means you lost all rights to lands you don’t control or don’t wish to join your new government. You know, that whole “democracy” thing.

If you don’t like the Russians there, kick their asses out. Until then stop your whinging.

You stop your whinging you Yankee Putler butt licker.
very interesting facts, when Muscovy occupation hordes will leave Ukraine ?

"Crimea After Five Years of Muscovite Occupation"

In the five years since its invasion and attempted annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, Russia has continued violating the norms and standards of the international order in Ukraine’s Donbas and the Sea of Azov. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Ukrainian Embassy and the Atlantic Council for a discussion on the illegal Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea. A distinguished set of panelists will go beyond the current nonrecognition policies and delve into scenarios that could create the conditions necessary to reunify the Crimean Peninsula, deter further Russian aggression and move past the dangers of the status quo. For more information, or to RSVP, visit:

Russia’s “occupation” isn’t any more illegal than the new government in Kiev. Ukraine threw out its constitution in order to get a new President. That means you lost all rights to lands you don’t control or don’t wish to join your new government. You know, that whole “democracy” thing.

If you don’t like the Russians there, kick their asses out. Until then stop your whinging.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?
Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

Putin has saved Crimea:Ukrainian Nazis were yelling about "sinking Crimea in blood" after the coup and the situation there would have been a lot worse than is now in Donbass.

Ukraine didn't break free from Russia in 1991, it seperated from the collapsed USSR along with 14 other republics.

Stop making excuses for Putler's fascist regime.

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