Creepy Joe

Biden, bla bla bla, BOOK CLAIMS..

“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

A Biden spokeswoman would not address the claims on the record. A spokesperson for the Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself
In the midst of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, many in the media are condemning others in Hollywood, Washington, and all over the country who have acted inappropriately towards women. One of their biggest targets has been President Trump. Somehow, a Democrat donor who allegedly raped women led them to point fingers at Trump for his past womanizing comments. Jimmy Kimmel was probably the biggest finger pointer.

But what about former Vice President Joe Biden? It's probably the most open secret in Washington that he was handsy. Grabbing cabinet secretaries' wives, placing his hands near these women's breasts, touching their faces.... Pretty gross!
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself

What a pathetic "preemptive" strike against Biden.......LOL

Yes it is pretty pathetic that Biden was our VP! The same sensitive person that said..
I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." (Watch Biden's comments and Obama's reaction
Biden also was very sensitive when he said:
"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

Top 10 Joe Biden Gaffes - TIME

In short, you and your ilk are afraid of Biden who may make a run in 2020?..LOL

BTW, you're relying on Kessler's upcoming book....the same Kessler who was even too much of a lying idiot to be discarded by the ultra right wing Newsmax.

I repeat, PATHETIC........

Have you slept through Biden's previous "runs", Nat? Uncle Joe isn't a bright man. He had to cheat to get through law school. He's prone to speaking gaffes that border on farce. I would LOVE to see Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in the next election!
I'd even contribute to his election campaign! That's how much I'd like to see him in the race!
Have you slept through Biden's previous "runs", Nat? Uncle Joe isn't a bright man. He had to cheat to get through law school. He's prone to speaking gaffes that border on farce. I would LOVE to see Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in the next election!

So, what is YOUR ilk' reason to come up with negative allegations on Biden who is NO LONGER in any office????

Come on, give me ONE..........LOL
Only in the world of the truly partisan would the actions of one person justify the actions of another.

The “well he did worse things” defense is missing both morals and intelligence.

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Female reporters go into male locker rooms all the time
It is part of their job

Same goes for Secret Service
Aren't Secret Service agents trained to, and expected to, take a bullet for the VP, if necessary?

Shouldn't they be able to cope with the sight of an antique organ?

Nurses somehow manage. lol
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

A Biden spokeswoman would not address the claims on the record. A spokesperson for the Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself
In the midst of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, many in the media are condemning others in Hollywood, Washington, and all over the country who have acted inappropriately towards women. One of their biggest targets has been President Trump. Somehow, a Democrat donor who allegedly raped women led them to point fingers at Trump for his past womanizing comments. Jimmy Kimmel was probably the biggest finger pointer.

But what about former Vice President Joe Biden? It's probably the most open secret in Washington that he was handsy. Grabbing cabinet secretaries' wives, placing his hands near these women's breasts, touching their faces.... Pretty gross!
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself

What a pathetic "preemptive" strike against Biden.......LOL

Yes it is pretty pathetic that Biden was our VP! The same sensitive person that said..
I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." (Watch Biden's comments and Obama's reaction
Biden also was very sensitive when he said:
"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

Top 10 Joe Biden Gaffes - TIME

In short, you and your ilk are afraid of Biden who may make a run in 2020?..LOL

BTW, you're relying on Kessler's upcoming book....the same Kessler who was even too much of a lying idiot to be discarded by the ultra right wing Newsmax.

I repeat, PATHETIC........

Have you slept through Biden's previous "runs", Nat? Uncle Joe isn't a bright man. He had to cheat to get through law school. He's prone to speaking gaffes that border on farce. I would LOVE to see Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in the next election!

Joe Biden has the best words.......believe me
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

A Biden spokeswoman would not address the claims on the record. A spokesperson for the Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself
In the midst of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, many in the media are condemning others in Hollywood, Washington, and all over the country who have acted inappropriately towards women. One of their biggest targets has been President Trump. Somehow, a Democrat donor who allegedly raped women led them to point fingers at Trump for his past womanizing comments. Jimmy Kimmel was probably the biggest finger pointer.

But what about former Vice President Joe Biden? It's probably the most open secret in Washington that he was handsy. Grabbing cabinet secretaries' wives, placing his hands near these women's breasts, touching their faces.... Pretty gross!
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself
Omg, breaking news.
Too much time sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

A Biden spokeswoman would not address the claims on the record. A spokesperson for the Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself
In the midst of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, many in the media are condemning others in Hollywood, Washington, and all over the country who have acted inappropriately towards women. One of their biggest targets has been President Trump. Somehow, a Democrat donor who allegedly raped women led them to point fingers at Trump for his past womanizing comments. Jimmy Kimmel was probably the biggest finger pointer.

But what about former Vice President Joe Biden? It's probably the most open secret in Washington that he was handsy. Grabbing cabinet secretaries' wives, placing his hands near these women's breasts, touching their faces.... Pretty gross!
A Reminder That Joe Biden Is Pretty Handsy Himself

you know that article is totally inarticulate, right?

it's barely English.

no surprises from "PJ Media".
you know that article is totally inarticulate, right?

it's barely English.

Sleazy Kessler is trying to sell his book.....The same guy that even Newsmax kicked out for his constant right wing bullshit....LOL

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