Creating Happiness


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Most of us would like to be happier, but how do we do this amid the daily barrage of political mudslinging, traffic jam's, unpleasant workplace and family situations, unexpected bills, and other "little treasures" that make up our daily lives. I've never been a naturally happy person, and don't claim to have all the answers, but here are 2 things that have helped me a lot:

1. Turn off (or minimize) the daily news: Be it FOX News or MSNBC, there is not much good news out there. Aside from their daily dose of political garbage, news organizations also spoon feed us other stories such of a depressing nature, such as as wildfires, riots, shootings, crime statistics, fiscal deficits, and the never ending tensions in the middle east. Scan the headlines if you must, but keep it to a minimum.

2. Find joy in small victories: i.e. The gentle euphoria you feel after exercise and a shower, refinishing a small piece of furniture, grinding out a hard fought win in a chess game against a stronger opponent, cleaning out a reorganizing a closet, keeping your personal files and finances in good order, so you can find a key document quickly if needs be, tying some good quality fly's for your next fishing trip, and the list goes on...

Life is not all sunshine and roses, but with a few minor changes we can create some happiness in our lives that we would normally have missed out on---
Most of us would like to be happier, but how do we do this amid the daily barrage of political mudslinging, traffic jam's, unpleasant workplace and family situations, unexpected bills, and other "little treasures" that make up our daily lives. I've never been a naturally happy person, and don't claim to have all the answers, but here are 2 things that have helped me a lot:

1. Turn off (or minimize) the daily news: Be it FOX News or MSNBC, there is not much good news out there. Aside from their daily dose of political garbage, news organizations also spoon feed us other stories such of a depressing nature, such as as wildfires, riots, shootings, crime statistics, fiscal deficits, and the never ending tensions in the middle east. Scan the headlines if you must, but keep it to a minimum.

2. Find joy in small victories: i.e. The gentle euphoria you feel after exercise and a shower, refinishing a small piece of furniture, grinding out a hard fought win in a chess game against a stronger opponent, cleaning out a reorganizing a closet, keeping your personal files and finances in good order, so you can find a key document quickly if needs be, tying some good quality fly's for your next fishing trip, and the list goes on...

Life is not all sunshine and roses, but with a few minor changes we can create some happiness in our lives that we would normally have missed out on---
Without misery how would we know what happiness is? Those of us here on this site are just trying to deepen our misery so that when the pendulum swings the other direction we will experience a higher level of happy. As soon as I see a name no longer popping up on this site I know they have moved towards the light and I wish them the best. :)
:clap2: When I was a little girl, my Dad woke me up for school. I must have been a bit grumpy. So he told me that I have the ability to have a happy day or a grumpy day, that the decision was my choice to make, so choose happy. And I did.
Part of a happy day includes exactly what you have outlined. Turning off and finding joy works.
They crawl through 120 degree heat in the desert to get here today. About a million men died in the prime of their lives to guarantee the freedom you enjoy in the greatest Country in the world and you whine about periods of unhappiness. Get some perspective, get over it or find some therapy..
They crawl through 120 degree heat in the desert to get here today. About a million men died in the prime of their lives to guarantee the freedom you enjoy in the greatest Country in the world and you whine about periods of unhappiness. Get some perspective, get over it or find some therapy..
Easy bro… you’re too tense. Go get a massage or something
Is that the way you were taught to respond to an opinion about the greatest Country in the world? No wonder we are in such deep shit today?
I don’t get taught my responses I just respond honestly. My response had nothing to do with your opinion about the greatest country in the world, it had to do with how you responded to the OPs thread which was about happiness.
“We scientists have found that doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being of any exercise we have tested.” – Martin Seligman, PhD, in his book Flourish

When you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind. - Weekly Precept given by the teacher in the movie, Wonder

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