Craigslist Solicitation of Rioters At Trump Rally


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is fairly plain.


But Snopes considers the matter still unproven.

Trump Protesters Recruited on Craigslist?

Standard libtard stupidity afoot.

ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS Admit Answering Craigslist Ad and Getting Paid to Protest Trump
All expenses paid plus $15/hour. Employer: Donald Trump. (cheaper than advertising how looney the left is!).
All expenses paid plus $15/hour. Employer: Donald Trump. (cheaper than advertising how looney the left is!).
All you gotta do is prove it, dude.

Oh, and you will also have to assplain why the libtards find it so funny and are calling for more of it.
All expenses paid plus $15/hour. Employer: Donald Trump. (cheaper than advertising how looney the left is!).
All you gotta do is prove it, dude.

Oh, and you will also have to assplain why the libtards find it so funny and are calling for more of it.
Because silly. They WANT Trump to seal the nomination. Der! That's a fast-track for Hillary as POTUS. Trump wants them. They want Trump. It's the perfect symbiotic situation. Don't think that long ago the dem strategists didn't size up Trump's personality issues and celebrate his run for POTUS this year. Beating him and his wild, escalating and offending tantrums is like shooting fish in a barrel. Honestly. Go take a basic course in sociology to see how this game was set up looooonnnng ago...
All expenses paid plus $15/hour. Employer: Donald Trump. (cheaper than advertising how looney the left is!).
All you gotta do is prove it, dude.

Oh, and you will also have to assplain why the libtards find it so funny and are calling for more of it.
Because silly. They WANT Trump to seal the nomination. Der! That's a fast-track for Hillary as POTUS. Trump wants them. They want Trump. It's the perfect symbiotic situation. Don't think that long ago the dem strategists didn't size up Trump's personality issues and celebrate his run for POTUS this year. Beating him and his wild, escalating and offending tantrums is like shooting fish in a barrel. Honestly. Go take a basic course in sociology to see how this game was set up looooonnnng ago...
If Hillary is the competition, Trump will bury here in November.


1. Americans dont like dynasties.

2. America doesnt like bitchy women.

3. America doesnt like corrupt politicians that posture as critics of other people (hypocrisy factor)

4. America does not like evil snotty little people that talk shit about law enforcement.

5. America does not like rich brats that pretend to be poor.

6. America does not like reflexive liars.

7. America does not like the professional Political Class.

8. America does not like politicians who are part of the corporate crony network.

9. America does not like feminazism

10. America does not like people that talk to them in condescending tones

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