Craft brewing fad


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is
I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is

In North Carolina quite a few craft beers have become mainstream. So I am not 100% sure what you mean with your prediction. The unpopular stuff (97%+ of it) will of course disappear but this craft brew fad has given a great opportunity for the great stuff to get noticed.

I think you are probably right though. Our local craft beer store has drastically minimized their selection. All they have left is the overpriced or poor quality junk. All of the good stuff that I discovered is now sold in all the local grocery stores.

Even if it was temporary, it was an useful fad.
I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is

In North Carolina quite a few craft beers have become mainstream. So I am not 100% sure what you mean with your prediction. The unpopular stuff (97%+ of it) will of course disappear but this craft brew fad has given a great opportunity for the great stuff to get noticed.

I think you are probably right though. Our local craft beer store has drastically minimized their selection. All they have left is the overpriced or poor quality junk. All of the good stuff that I discovered is now sold in all the local grocery stores.

Even if it was temporary, it was an useful fad.
Tastes like they put more thought into their labeling than their brewing.
I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is

Well your way off the mark.
This "fad" has been brewing for over 10 years now (pun intended)
Craft beer topped 10% of total U.S. sales last year. And in craft beer "states" it surpassed 10% long ago.
Craft beer is here to stay. For one reason. It is better. Way better.
Macro lagers, often referred to as "BMC" beers (Bud Miller Coors) are all made using corn and rice as a significant portion of the grain bill. Why?? because it has very little flavor, and is vastly cheaper than barley malt.
BMC beers only "taste" good when they are ICE COLD. For a simple reason. Because you can't taste it. The cold numbs your tongue. Go ahead and drink a room temperature corporate beer. That's right. You already know better. You don't want to taste it.

Bud, Miller, Coors - brewing water that pretends to be beer since 1970, or is it beer pretending to be water?
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I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is
Seems every neckbeard just has to be an IPA snob....Tried Surly Furious and it's OK....Certainly nothing I'd go out of my way to drink.

I'll stick to Nordeast and Leinie's, thankyouverymuch.
And BTW - I have been brewing beer for nearly 20 years.
Homebrewing is also no fad. It has been increasing sales every year for also 10 years.
So much so, that AmBev (who owns all three Bud, Miller and Coors) has invested millions into homebrew sales. Including purchasing hop farms throughout South America (none supply macro brewers)
I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is
Seems every neckbeard just has to be an IPA snob....Tried Surly Furious and it's OK....Certainly nothing I'd go out of my way to drink.

I'll stick to Nordeast and Leinie's, thankyouverymuch.

IPA is an acquired taste for sure. Unfortunately people will try it, don't like it, and then think that all craft beer taste like that. Which is of course completely untrue.
Oh - and Leinie Red was one of my favorite beers years ago.
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I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is
Seems every neckbeard just has to be an IPA snob....Tried Surly Furious and it's OK....Certainly nothing I'd go out of my way to drink.

I'll stick to Nordeast and Leinie's, thankyouverymuch.

IPA is an acquired taste for sure. Unfortunately people will try it, don't like it, and then think that all craft beer taste like that. Which is of course completely untrue.
I get that...Was just saying that the grossly overrated IPA is everywhere, to the point that it has been pushing out good lagers and pilsners -like Nordeast- at the local pubs.

That said, most "craft brews" that I've tasted end up being green as hell...I'll now only try ones from breweries that have been around - i.e. New Belgium and New Glarus.
I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is
Seems every neckbeard just has to be an IPA snob....Tried Surly Furious and it's OK....Certainly nothing I'd go out of my way to drink.

I'll stick to Nordeast and Leinie's, thankyouverymuch.

IPA is an acquired taste for sure. Unfortunately people will try it, don't like it, and then think that all craft beer taste like that. Which is of course completely untrue.
I get that...Was just saying that the grossly overrated IPA is everywhere, to the point that it has been pushing out good lagers and pilsners -like Nordeast- at the local pubs.

That said, most "craft brews" that I've tasted end up being green as hell...I'll now only try ones from breweries that have been around - i.e. New Belgium and New Glarus.
Won't argue with that.
Small miniBrew Pubs are notorious for tapping beers too soon. Others will over carbonate at the same time to hide the "green" off flavor. High-hop beers mask bad brewing to an extent. But seasoned drinkers can tell right off the bat. I have complained many-many times to brew pub owners about this very thing. I have a significant following on Yelp!... I use that tool well in those cases.
I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is

Well your way off the mark.
This "fad" has been brewing for over 10 years now (pun intended)
Craft beer topped 10% of total U.S. sales last year. And in craft beer "states" it surpassed 10% long ago.
Craft beer is here to stay. For one reason. It is better. Way better.
Macro lagers, often referred to as "BMC" beers (Bud Miller Coors) are all made using corn and rice as a significant portion of the grain bill. Why?? because it has very little flavor, and is vastly cheaper than barley malt.
BMC beers only "taste" good when they are ICE COLD. For a simple reason. Because you can't taste it. The cold numbs your tongue. Go ahead and drink a room temperature corporate beer. That's right. You already know better. You don't want to taste it.

Bud, Miller, Coors - brewing water that pretends to be beer since 1970, or is it beer pretending to be water?
Yeah that's nice but have they cut into bigs market or just increased the market size. Don't care what ya say ..have yet to taste one I'd buy on a even a semi regular basis. Not just the IPA that is crap either . Who drinks warm beer anyway?
Craft beer is a cool as hell niche industry. Local bars are working with local brewers and have local customers, and the commerce that develops as a result is "local"-centric.

Win, win, win.

Plus, its alcohol.

I give it 5 to ten yrs before it downsizes in a big way. Everyone wants to be the next big thing but its just not going to happen. Went to another of many of these tasting events. Couple dozen vendors. Not one beer I would buy if it was in the store. Been that way since the beginning of this craze. That's how it is here in MN, any different where yous is

Well your way off the mark.
This "fad" has been brewing for over 10 years now (pun intended)
Craft beer topped 10% of total U.S. sales last year. And in craft beer "states" it surpassed 10% long ago.
Craft beer is here to stay. For one reason. It is better. Way better.
Macro lagers, often referred to as "BMC" beers (Bud Miller Coors) are all made using corn and rice as a significant portion of the grain bill. Why?? because it has very little flavor, and is vastly cheaper than barley malt.
BMC beers only "taste" good when they are ICE COLD. For a simple reason. Because you can't taste it. The cold numbs your tongue. Go ahead and drink a room temperature corporate beer. That's right. You already know better. You don't want to taste it.

Bud, Miller, Coors - brewing water that pretends to be beer since 1970, or is it beer pretending to be water?
Yeah that's nice but have they cut into bigs market or just increased the market size. Don't care what ya say ..have yet to taste one I'd buy on a even a semi regular basis. Not just the IPA that is crap either . Who drinks warm beer anyway?
I think the benefit the bigs have ...and will keep is that its cost-prohibitive to provide craft beer for a large party youre having ~ and craft, its also an acquired taste so it doesnt translate across several groups of folks who may attend your party.

My wife and I entertain quite a bit...but Ive never had craft beers on the menu. Their 6-packs can cost as much as an 18-pack from the Bigs. So thats 1 advantage of the Bigs, plus the advertising, plus the poorer people that wanna drink.
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It is certainly is not a fad. Craft beer started to gain market shares b/c people got tired of drinking bland ass beers from the usual suspects. The one craze I don’t understand is this Claws and Truly bullshit. Gross.
It is certainly is not a fad. Craft beer started to gain market shares b/c people got tired of drinking bland ass beers from the usual suspects. The one craze I don’t understand is this Claws and Truly bullshit. Gross.
Truly's are fucked up, too..they give a weird headache like an hour after you start drinking them, to both me and my wife
Craft beer is a cool as hell niche industry. Local bars are working with local brewers and have local customers, and the commerce that develops as a result is "local"-centric.

Win, win, win.

Plus, its alcohol.

Yep.... I forget the exact number...but this is close... Craft Beer Brewers employ 70% of all brew jobs in the United States. While, at the time, only supplying 7% of the market.
Imagine if just 10% more people switched away from corporate beer, and how many jobs that would create!
Good paying, full time jobs I might add.
It is certainly is not a fad. Craft beer started to gain market shares b/c people got tired of drinking bland ass beers from the usual suspects. The one craze I don’t understand is this Claws and Truly bullshit. Gross.
Truly's are fucked up, too..they give a weird headache like an hour after you start drinking them, to both me and my wife

I had a shot of moonshine while camping (pure hellfire gross) and grabbed my sister’s as a chaser. Never again on both.
It is certainly is not a fad. Craft beer started to gain market shares b/c people got tired of drinking bland ass beers from the usual suspects. The one craze I don’t understand is this Claws and Truly bullshit. Gross.
Truly's are fucked up, too..they give a weird headache like an hour after you start drinking them, to both me and my wife

I had a shot of moonshine while camping (pure hellfire gross) and grabbed my sister’s as a chaser. Never again on both.
Moonshine is for when your wife left ya, the field isnt growing any crops, your son died from a harsh winter, your best cow isnt producing any milk and your own cousins started a gang and robbed your barn of all of its 1965 chevy parts.

You just shoot it up your asshole with a straw, hunch over in a dirty wife beater and let your drool and snots make an awesome puddle on the kitchen table as your eyes asianize
It is certainly is not a fad. Craft beer started to gain market shares b/c people got tired of drinking bland ass beers from the usual suspects. The one craze I don’t understand is this Claws and Truly bullshit. Gross.
Truly's are fucked up, too..they give a weird headache like an hour after you start drinking them, to both me and my wife

I had a shot of moonshine while camping (pure hellfire gross) and grabbed my sister’s as a chaser. Never again on both.
Moonshine is for when your wife left ya, the field isnt growing any crops, your son died from a harsh winter, your best cow isnt producing any milk and your own cousins started a gang and robbed your barn of all of its 1965 chevy parts.

You just shoot it up your asshole with a straw, hunch over in a dirty wife beater and let your drool and snots make an awesome puddle on the kitchen table as your eyes asianize

That. Or you’re ‘hill people’ like my kin. :lol:

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