COVID 19 Population Implosion

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
Aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic could contribute to a population implosion, particularly in developed nations. The number of babies born in the U.S. in 2018 fell to the lowest level in 32 years. That is even lower than during the Great Depression, when economic hardship discouraged having extra mouths to feed. The U.S., most of Europe, China and Japan, already with low birth rates, will face even lower rates as people forego children because of economic uncertainly caused by the COVID-19 Depression.

If you are not already in a relationship, strict social distancing makes dating extremely difficult, which should result in delayed marriages and even more delayed childbearing. Furthermore, a Chinese study has found the disease may lead to male sterility, although that possibility has not been fully explored. Perhaps we are due for a surprise: More males than expected have the virus and have become sterile.
From RT:

Today, the problems of infertility, especially male infertility, associated with Covid-19 are revealing themselves on a grander scale,” Elena Uvarova, the Russian Health Ministry’s chief gynecologist for children and youths, told journalists at a press conference in Moscow. The information gathered by Russian medics has shown a “38 percent reduction in quality of sperm” in men who recovered from the coronavirus, she said. It was a worrying discovery, as the overall quality of the sperm in Russian men already wasn’t perfect, the doctor added.

Covid-19 may make men STERILE, Russia’s Health Ministry warns

Given that RT is the media puppet of Putin, it seems a bit unusual for it to post a story that may alarm Russians and shake their confidence in the Putin regime. Despite Putin’s macho posturing on the world stage, Russian men are losing their true measure of manliness.

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