Covid-19: German doctor sued for manufacturing and vaccinating his own vaccine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
To 97% efefctive, no mRNA technology, no side effects, but the doctor is being persecuted by 'police'. His 'crime' he making deadly and expensive jabs of Gates obsolet.

In order to immunize the world against Covid-19, Winfried Stöcker has taken the lead. The German doctor and entrepreneur developed his own vaccine against the virus and injected it in March 2020. He then shared it with around 60 volunteers. The man is persecuted by justice today.

The Lübeck Anti-Covid-19 Vaccine
is based on a banal recombinant antigen that can be easily and cheaply produced in large quantities in a retort for use as a vaccine. It produces high levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies in 97% of vaccinees and has produced no relevant side effects in the first hundred patients.
Externally supplied recombinant antigens, such as those used here, have long been proven effective for vaccination against hepatitis A and B, for example, and vaccination is virtually risk-free. Vaccination is carried out with an already synthesized peptide; there is no risk of infection as with microencapsulated RNA, attenuated or killed viruses or vector viruses. Since the vaccine antigen is produced outside the body, there is no need to fear the uncontrolled spread of genetic information introduced into the human organism.
The Lübeck Anti-Covid-19 vaccine hardly causes any allergic reactions, certainly not to polyethylene glycol, which is used by the Biontech company to microencapsulate the mRNA, and in contrast to the vaccines already approved in Germany, none of the more than one hundred vaccinated persons reported sick, but continued to work without interruption. Any physician can legally administer the vaccine in his or her practice.
Three times 15 micrograms of recombinant RBD (receptor-binding domain, Arg319-Phe541) of the spike protein S1 subunit are vaccinated per person. Alhydrogel from InvivoGen serves as the adiuvant. The vaccine can be easily produced in large quantities. Excellent for mass vaccination. A single 2000-liter reactor can produce 35 g of antigen per day, which would be enough for 1 million people. A high-density culture system can produce five times that amount. Within a quarter of a year, vaccine for 80% of the population of Germany could be produced in a medium-sized laboratory.
The vaccine is shipped in a freeze-dried state at room temperature and stored in a refrigerator at 4°C in the doctor's office. Unlike m-RNA-based vaccines, the Luebeck antigen does not require continuous freezing.
We hope to soon find a manufacturer who will offer the antigen to the public - after all, it is not yet a vaccine that he would have to approve. Because approval would take too much time, certainly years in Germany. But in the current catastrophic situation, there is no need for lengthy double-blind trials to pinpoint differences in efficacy. One inoculates the first thousand test persons (best with the Lübeck method), and makes them immune immediately. If that goes well, ten thousand people get it, and then the rest.

Figure: The antigen construct used, enriched with four important new mutants.

..I would not trust a German with a vaccine or their '''showers'''

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