Coverage of Capitol protests by mainstream media called out, compared to months of anti-police violence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The media went out of its way in 2020 to paint sometimes-violent protests across the nation as mostly "peaceful," but finally came around on Wednesday to the notion that mayhem and anarchy is always unacceptable – all it took was Trump supporters causing the chaos to spark a swift change of heart.

"It's not hard to find prominent voices on the left who are suddenly finding lawlessness inexcusable, after suggesting it was excusable if it forwarded their agenda. They used words like ‘rebellion’ to glamourize unrest," Media Research Center executive editor Tim Graham told Fox News."

You would think getting called out for such massive hypocrisy would sting like a bitch....but these leftist F*ers just don't care...

"The media went out of its way in 2020 to paint sometimes-violent protests across the nation as mostly "peaceful," but finally came around on Wednesday to the notion that mayhem and anarchy is always unacceptable – all it took was Trump supporters causing the chaos to spark a swift change of heart.

"It's not hard to find prominent voices on the left who are suddenly finding lawlessness inexcusable, after suggesting it was excusable if it forwarded their agenda. They used words like ‘rebellion’ to glamourize unrest," Media Research Center executive editor Tim Graham told Fox News."

You would think getting called out for such massive hypocrisy would sting like a bitch....but these leftist F*ers just don't care...'re shocked that it matters more when Trump supporters try to overthrow the government than a Target getting looted in Rockford Ill?


It follows on the same reports of a Michigan militia that was going to try to kidnap the governor and execute her.

This is what blob supporters do. They crave violence.
"The media went out of its way in 2020 to paint sometimes-violent protests across the nation as mostly "peaceful," but finally came around on Wednesday to the notion that mayhem and anarchy is always unacceptable – all it took was Trump supporters causing the chaos to spark a swift change of heart.

"It's not hard to find prominent voices on the left who are suddenly finding lawlessness inexcusable, after suggesting it was excusable if it forwarded their agenda. They used words like ‘rebellion’ to glamourize unrest," Media Research Center executive editor Tim Graham told Fox News."

You would think getting called out for such massive hypocrisy would sting like a bitch....but these leftist F*ers just don't care...'re shocked that it matters more when Trump supporters try to overthrow the government than a Target getting looted in Rockford Ill?

View attachment 438873

It follows on the same reports of a Michigan militia that was going to try to kidnap the governor and execute her.

This is what blob supporters do. They crave violence.
"The media went out of its way in 2020 to paint sometimes-violent protests across the nation as mostly "peaceful," but finally came around on Wednesday to the notion that mayhem and anarchy is always unacceptable – all it took was Trump supporters causing the chaos to spark a swift change of heart.

"It's not hard to find prominent voices on the left who are suddenly finding lawlessness inexcusable, after suggesting it was excusable if it forwarded their agenda. They used words like ‘rebellion’ to glamourize unrest," Media Research Center executive editor Tim Graham told Fox News."

You would think getting called out for such massive hypocrisy would sting like a bitch....but these leftist F*ers just don't care...'re shocked that it matters more when Trump supporters try to overthrow the government than a Target getting looted in Rockford Ill?

View attachment 438873

It follows on the same reports of a Michigan militia that was going to try to kidnap the governor and execute her.

This is what blob supporters do. They crave violence.
If they came to overthrow the government they would have had guns, not flags.
It isn't so much the "lawless" aspect. If they were merely interested in doing damage, that is one thing

But the intent was to overthrow the government. One insurgent tweeted from inside Nancy's office about the "current revolution"

The outgoing president has attacked the supreme court verbally and told his assembled "Trump Army" that they were illegitmate, which is something that only aspiring despots do.

He gathered his army and commanded them to march upon the legislature and overthrow it. Again, that is only something that despots do.

Levying war: "The assembling of a body of men for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable object; and all who perform any part however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are leagued in the general conspiracy, are considered as engaged in levying war, within the meaning of the constitution."

It isn't so much the "lawless" aspect. If they were merely interested in doing damage, that is one thing

But the intent was to overthrow the government. One insurgent tweeted from inside Nancy's office about the "current revolution"

The outgoing president has attacked the supreme court verbally and told his assembled "Trump Army" that they were illegitimate, which is something that only aspiring despots do.

He gathered his army and commanded them to march upon the legislature and overthrow it. Again, that is only something that despots do.

Levying war: "The assembling of a body of men for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable object; and all who perform any part however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are leagued in the general conspiracy, are considered as engaged in levying war, within the meaning of the constitution."


OMG, the DC protesters carried US flags, not guns. They were protesting the "fake election" of Joe Biden.
How can you have an "army" with no guns???
The democrats rioted all summer, and no democrat criticized them. Remember this:
– democrats spent four years calling Trump a “traitor” and a “Russian agent”
– They called him “illegitimate
– They said he stole the 2016 election with Russian help.
– They impeached him for Biden’s extortion Burisma in Ukraine
– democrats denied the violence of Antifa and BLM
– For nine months that violence raged
– Nadler said antifa was a “myth”
– Hoyer denied Antifa was violent
– They said Antifa doesn’t exist
– Antifa raided and burned the Federal building in Portland while people were inside. No democrat even blinked an eye
– Antifa vandalized Federal property in Philadelphia
– During the violence in Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was asking for help bailing out the rioters
– Antifa/BLM burned the nation’s Capitol, including a Church, democrats weren’t especially bothered.

Remember this from Kenosha?

30 people have died in that mythical violence, among them David Dorn and Patrick Underwood.
– As Minneapolis burned in the background, Ali Velshi kept telling us it was “not unruly”

– Those mythical riots caused between $1-2 billion in damages
– 700 cops were injured
– Ayanna Pressley called for “unrest in the streets”
– democrat governors and the left are destroying the economy with lockdowns that are never going to end
Violence is wrong, you say? Let’s hark back to Chris Cuomo

You still wonder why there was pent up voter rage? This has been brewing for a long time. Yesterday Capitol cops murdered an unarmed 14 year woman vet because she climbed into a window. Unlike during the BLM/Antifa riots, no cops were shot. Outside of her murder it’s hard for me to get too exercised about this when no one on the left got exercised about antifa/BLM. In fact, they asked for violence, repeatedly, and justified it?!

I do not accept a “double standard”, rioting is ALWAYS WRONG, no matter who riots, and so is "fake news", period.

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